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Everything posted by Garufa

  1. You may not want to shoot it at all. I am by no means an expert but have heard my entire life to not ever shoot one. Primarily due to the old technology used to produce the barrels, they were designed for black powder and modern shell pressures could blow them up. Seems like there was a thread here recently about this. You might want to search and maybe Google it for awhile.
  2. If your worried about it don't drive around with loaded mags. If you must load them at home before going to the range stick'em in the glove compartment and lock it or get some kinda range bag that you can put a lock on. Technically, the same could be said for boxed ammo. Oh, and don't get pulled over. It's gonna be up to the popo on scene what's right or wrong.
  3. Do you mean your Great Grandfather's shotty? When you say twist do you mean damascus or a "twist" steel barrel? You may not want a firing pin if so!
  4. Mexican gun laws are severe. While Wiki is by no means authoritative, this might give you a good idea of what average citizens may legally do south of the border: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_politics_in_Mexico Many of the guns are coming from the US, except for the RPG's, fully's and other "ordinance". Enough that gun dealers near the border are being prosecuted for knowingly selling fireams to these people.
  5. New article posted this afternoon on the Knoxville New-Sentinal's site. Complete with link to database. http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2009/mar/01/memphis-newspaper-under-fire-posting-handgun-permi/
  6. If you feel that you're not getting satisfactory service ask for the manager, owner or whatever. Ask the guy who's neglecting you to go find him. Same thing goes for when they say "we don't do deals" or anything to that effect. Regardless of the over-hyped and inflated "situation" we're in regarding firearms, sh**** customer service doesn't go far. Nor do absurd pricing policies and unwilliness to deal. Gun stores come and go. The ones with fair prices and attention to the educated consumer are the ones that survive.
  7. Thanks for the report. Now that I'm cross-eyed may I make a few suggestions? Two spaces after periods. Paragraphs help too!
  8. Originally had some technical difficulties. Now those are straightened out. I'm not a big country fan (at least what they call country now) but that's some good old fashion music the way it was meant to be!
  9. Do the colors seem brighter? More dynamic? Mabye Moving? Your screen shots look just like they should. Unless you're thinking about the forum from like 6 or 8 months ago.
  10. If you do carry please let me know when you go to Wal-Mart. I want to come watch.
  11. I'm gonna need some nerve pills if I keep reading the CA. Today's latest outrage: http://www.commercialappeal.com/news/2009/feb/27/editorials-gun-advocates-taking-aim/
  12. Here we go again.
  13. Did you have any problems with the HXP crimped primer? I'm beginning to amass quite a collection of it and will start reloading it at some point. Just wondering if you had to remove any of it or if new primers went in ok.
  14. Welcome from a "displaced" Memphian. Have one on me.
  15. You do understand that everything you seach for on Google is tracked and recorded. No this is not . It's well documented. Just last year the CDC (Center for Disease Control) began using Google records of those who were sick and searched for "flu". From that they are able to ascertain where patterns are developing or outbreaks may be occuring. Point being, you can take Google records of Internet activities and somewhat gauge the feeling of the nation, etc.
  16. Do you have some evidence or is this just Lou Dobbs talk?
  17. I would expect good. Technically he may be a "Democrat" but he sure is no "Republican" either. He's turning down some Obama money. Straightened out TennCare (as far as you can). Was elected by Repubs. I really hate to see him go. He's the best guvner this state has had in years.
  18. Actually, there is some truth to this. The state did not have access to the NCIS sytem or something to that effect for over a year. Permits were issued that should not have been. Then again, there have been permits revoked since the CA posted and updated "the outrage". Guess what, those people are still shown as having permits. The state has straightened out the background check system, but the CA with it's snapshot in time database still represents a skewed view of the facts.
  19. he who smelt it, dealt it.
  20. Yeh, just get the thing out of your sight and send it over this way!
  21. Pictures? Yes! Good Deal. Does it have "a couple tiny scratches above the trigger guard that will touch up nicely." Sorry, but I had to Google.
  22. I'm trying hard to keep my mouth shut but I can't. This is 'ery at its finest and the exact thing we don't need to hear. Here are some simple suggestions and thoughts: 1) This guy I knew said that...And HE'S in the military. BS. 2) Quit believing everything politically based you read on the internet (especially from gun forums) 3) Don't worry about the "foreign" communities. Remember Oklahoma City? 4) The 2nd A. was adopted in 1791. It was put there for a purpose. Republicans and Democrats both have crapped on it like everything else. The latest decision is not gonna change all that much. I really could go on at length but damn, I've got a life to live.
  23. Maybe magazine problem? Tried a new mag. or spring for it? That slight edge may be lead build-up. Soak that area well in some Hoppe's for a few minutes and try brushing off. Just an idea.
  24. Street corner. Downtown Atlanta. Very good discounts my friend.
  25. Guess it depends on what WM you go to. In West Knoxville, one always has 9mm but nothing else. Go 5 miles to another, they always have .40 but no 9. Did I read somewhere that each store does it's own ammo ordering? Or am I just creating a new situation.


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