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Everything posted by Garufa

  1. But it gets even better. The Republicans are trying to stop the taxation of the bonuses. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090320/ap_on_bi_ge/aig_bonuses
  2. Do they sell a kit to help you spread the word?
  3. There are alot of mil-surp owners (like me) who have no problem whatsoever regularly firing 60+ year old guns. There are still hundreds of thousands if not more (each) of 1911's, Garands, M1 Carbines, Springfields, Mausers, Enfields, Mosins etc. that are in constant use. Go shoot the thing. Don't turn it into a range gun or blast thousands of rounds through it. Run a box of shells through it then put it away. It is worth a considerable sum and overuse will decrease that value, if resale value is of importance. BTW, WHERE ARE THE PICTURES!!!
  4. +1 Ya know, that brass is gonna tarnish if you keep dumping out all your bullets and playin' in 'em!
  5. This should help "justify" your deal. http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/AMM223-5.html
  6. Do I get to say Oh, Snap! This is the Internet after all.
  7. Garufa

    How much longer.

    What action have you taken, sir? What are your suggestions? I'm not trying to slam you but people have been bitching about the government long before any of us were born. The usual reaction is to cling to one of two parties, both of which are abyssimal failures as they are more concerned with their "own" or imposing personal moral values on the populace as opposed to doing what is their sworn duty. So, is putting the Republicans back in charge in '10 going to set things right. No. Until there is a fundamental change in the moral and ethical character OF ALL PEOPLE IN THIS GREAT NATION. Nothing will change. Only when elected officials once again become servants of the people will we see a change.
  8. Garufa

    New GLOCK

    And....Why GF, not WIFE?
  9. Slap a big UT on the side of that and come up for a Saturday in the Fall. Looks great! Did you leave any pictures out?
  10. So I'm not the only delusional one! Yippee!!
  11. Somebody down there is gonna need to go to the store and buy a copy of the paper . One today and one Sunday. Then start making a list.
  12. Can someone explain just what that means?
  13. Garufa

    No .45's

    Actually, that is the theory behind full metal jacket ammunition in general. Don't forget that the 9mm Parabellum was developed before the .45 acp and, I'm gonna go out a limb here, but has probably been more effective throughout the years than any other caliber. Europeans are unequalled in killing throughout the 20th century. They weren't doing it with what we consider "proper" calibers. There are thousands of Americans in graveyards over there that can attest to that. Like it or not 9mm is the international handgun caliber. It's effective. The NATO load (European style) is quite a bit hotter than BB or WWB 115 grainers that we take to the range. I think Berretta is not the choice for the USA but it's a done deal. There are better designs.
  14. I want a pistol with a Sling!
  15. Good job. Where were you? I heard'em chopping some BBQ in the background!
  16. Apparently he peddles all kinds of stabbing weapons: http://www.thebladeshop.com/
  17. RIP. That man was a true character and a testament to individualism. The Mason Jar was cracked for a wee sip in his honor (of his very own elixer).
  18. So are they going to quit sending us Mexicans? What about Aguila ammo? That's good stuff.
  19. That's such an obscure caliber I don't know that there is a "local" price.
  20. Said domain registered under a name in California. Could be a registration thing or could be....?
  21. Do what Matchguy says and thoroughly clean and lube that thing inside & out. The HXP is great ammo so I'd be real surprised if that is the problem. Apply grease to all the areas shown in this diagram: http://www.nicolausassociates.com/PDF/M1GarandRifleGreasePoints.pdf Light oil everywhere else, except where the operating rod goes inside the gas tube. Leave that dry. The left knob is elevation, right knob windage.
  22. What kind of ammo are you using? Are the indents on dud primers as deep as on the ones that did go boom? I would think if you had a firing pin problem none would go off. I'm no expert but either 1) The ammo is bad, 2) hammer spring may need replacement, or 3) firing pin is worn down. Most likely ammo issue cause I doubt 2 & 3 are the culprits. Gonna leave headpspace out of the discussion for now, but it's always a possibility. Btw, there is no firing pin spring, it free-float. Were are you trying to work oil in? Garands must be greased in critical areas (anywhere something slides). The best resource there is can be found here: http://www.odcmp.org/new_forum/
  23. I'm thinking a sponser would be great! Wouldn't TGO like to sell some hats & T-shirts up here on the East Side?
  24. Good to see you again too. There were alot of M1 carbines in the house. There was the one guy who is always there with his display of refurbs (put back into WWII configuration). Very nice stuff. There was the lady, who on her table had an Enfield M1 Carbine! Big sign hanging off of it and everything. She could not be convinced that Enfield did not make that IBM Carbine but I really didn't try to hard. There was a table with two Rock-Ola carbines. One for $500 the other $550. I kid you not. Rock-Ola receivers and barrels. One had a Rock-Ola recoil plate. They were rough looking. One was a Blue Sky import and had that clearly engraved on the barrel. So that ruins one. The other may have been an import with markings under the wood. I just don't know. The $550 one had better finish but was still rough with M2 slide and stock. As rare as those are I walked. Just did not have a good feeling about them. With these things sometimes the parts are worth more than the whole but me, I don't want to fool around with worrying about B.S. imports ,which are reputed to have problems or worthless barrrels, welded receivers, etc. I may be a fool, but the Holy Grail of carbines does not jump out at a boy like me for that price nor are I inclined to buy the thing just for the receiver. They were there all day.


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