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Everything posted by Garufa

  1. I'm gonna have that damn song in my head all day. And I didn't even listen to it...yet.
  2. Glad you found us! Welcome.
  3. Fulmer was the best coach we had in the '90's. Was the winniest active coach in college history for a while. Don't know what his record is now. Way better than Majors. He got fat and happy and quit coaching. Got comfortable with his game and did not keep up with everyone else's. That's why he is now working for a developer in Knoxville (there is no development going on either, anywhere). His story is sad.
  4. I'm really disappointed. Lane has the youth to breathe some fire into the team, but our QB this year was too retarted to take advantage of it and the Fulmer years have left us with a mediocre QB staff. He can only work with what he's got. The defense this year was the best I've seen in years. I hate losing Lane because he called the plays...I hate losing Monte even more...we had some D again.
  5. He'll still have a kid name "Knox".
  6. So how much is the next coach gonna cost us? Young Lane was paid might well, IMHO. He even named his son Knox after getting the job here!
  7. I've heard more intelligent everyday ramblings from an 8 yr. old
  8. As long as you checked the Kommifornia-damnyankee ways at the door then Welcome!
  9. Me love guns
  10. Nothing. I just want one with all the original shellac on it. BTW, NBF...you did a great job on that stock! I, unfortunately, had to redo the stock on my M44. The shellac was really flaking off. Stripped with denatured alchyhol, then put 2 coats of garnet shellac on, stained with Feibing's Dark Brown, little more shellac, little more stain. Basically, I finished it in shellac, which is correct, but in a way that the wood itself is not stained. Turned out a really nice Commie Red.
  11. Easy there...it's not an SKS.
  12. If anyone goes to refinishing an M44 talk to me first. I might want your stock if there is nothing wrong with it.
  13. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/newsworthy-reports/32170-here-comes-gestapo-complete-immunity.html
  14. Have you used the Oxpho Blue? Just wondering how it turns out. I have it in mind for something.
  15. 10000? Freak!
  16. Green and blue streaking are normal with gun cleaning solvents. It's the chemicals working on the copper deposits (and brass cleaning rod). Rust would look a lot different. Green & blue is not rust. If you have weak primer strikes on a Yugo SKS that's an indication the bolt is full of cosmoline. Most likely packed full of it if "unissued". You need to get ALL of it out as it is a free-floating firing pin and the grease will cause all kinds of problems including slam-fires.
  17. I can keep up with you Mosin shootin' for the next two "seasons"...Then I'm out.
  18. Funny you mention that. Came home this afternoon to a case of Czech 7.62x54r. The sweetest smoke there is, ammo-wise.
  19. You post a sighting of ammo in the "AMMO REPORTS" thread after you've bought your limit at Wal Mart.
  20. They have been to the past couple of Knoxville shows and seemed to have fair prices. However, I don't recall any tail being sold. LOL
  21. Old school. Actually. I have no advice but if mine broke there would be some panic in the house. Primarily from me.
  22. Garufa

    M&P .45

    A .45 should be steel...get a 1911...but that's just me talking.
  23. Garufa


    The price is irrelevant. I'm confused because the clip is not shaped like a banana.
  24. Garufa


    Cabelas "Spring Master Catalog" has a great listing for all you 10/22 owners who need one of those things you put the bullets in to make the gun run...
  25. Guess that's where the Heat comes from.


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