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Everything posted by Garufa

  1. Coming soon to a country near you... Anyone know where they got the money to do this?
  2. I personally do not think a "custom" gun today could be made to match the quality of craftsmanship produced by 100% American made, mass-produced revolers of the past. Even S&W, the last true manufacturer, has realized that and introduced the "Classic" series of revolvers (which they never should have stopped making to begin with), but with those darn locks. The cost would be prohibitive and ridiculous. There would be no collector's value and there are zillions of the real thing out there. I'm old school and want high-quality, reasonably priced guns.
  3. Yes, and S&W still makes quality revolvers. If you don't like new ones, there is an endless supply of older, even higher quality ones on the market.
  4. I'm pretty sure Guvments and Commanders use the same mag. It's the Officer's size that is shorter.
  5. I would think they'd work. Send them back and get some Chip McCormick Shooting Stars. They are only $2 more and are OEM for SA, at least for my 20 year old 1911-A1 they are.
  6. Alright, enough talk, it's picture time!
  7. We have a winner! Truer words were never spoken.
  8. Then he'd buy up all the ammo and there'd be havoc in the house.
  9. I fart in his general direction.
  10. I could give a .
  11. And shot it out behind the pushers'?
  12. Growing up in Memphis was great for getting addicted to music. We would listen to WHBQ (AM 56) in the car, when I was very young, this discovered FM 100 which was a great rock station back in the day then Rock 103, Still one of my favorites stations to this day. Saw the Beach Boys at the Coliseum in 6th grade, got Endless Summer, the Beatles Red and Blue albums, and KISS Destroyer the same year. Had the complete Led Zeppelin catalog by 9th grade and most of The Who. Next concert was Judas Priest in 8th grade at the Auditorium North Hall! From then on I went to just about every major concert in Memphis from 81-85 and there were some good ones. Had orchestra pit seats for the Kinks on the Destroyer tour, saw U2 with a crazy drunken Bono climing up the speaker towers warming up for the J. Geils Band, got Cheap Trick, ZZ Top and John Fogerty autographs. Hung out at the Antenna Club on Madison some in High School, Wednesday night $3.00 beer bust...saw the Chili Peppers there and The Modifiers featuring John Densmore on drums, The Itals, plus a bunch of other crap. Went to Music Fest every year at the fairgrounds and still try to make a Beale St fest every few years. In Knoxville, I used to go to all the good shows and have seen alot here too. All that's slowed down after getting married. I still mainly listen to New Rock 90, the UT station.
  13. Good old Hoppe's should dissolve it if too much builds up. The lacquer only seems to be a problem if you go out for a session of power-shootin', chamber warms up, and the stuff starts melting. Have never shot this stuff so I'm assuming the above holds true as is does with other kinds of lacquered ammo.
  14. OK, I revisted AIM this morning, did a little Googlin' and maybe the reports of the Polish 50's stuff aren't all that bad. Looks to be about average ammo. I don't like the idea of lacquered cases (good way to get sticky-bolt) but that didn't keep me from ordering the 880 case, which is in stock BTW. I have no restraint. How can you pass up free shipping and 18 cents/round? My experience with Mosin chargers is that they all suck and appear to be a good way to slice your thumb open.
  15. I must have read the same one around '80 or '81.
  16. Looks like AIM has 600 round cases on clips with free shipping. A little high, but the chargers are worth at least $1 apeice. The only reason I don't like it is because the cases are lacquered. Have never shot the Polish ammo and was excited when they first listed some time ago. Apparently the reputation of that ammo is not all that great but it does go bang every time, from what I've seen on the www. Don't worry about the age, I've shot plenty of '40's, '50's and '60's ammo.
  17. PT 109 is a good movie. I read a book about it in junior high...our library had a bunch of WWII history books. First Blood has been on every day this week.
  18. Might want to loosen that shiny silver hat RW.
  19. That thing is addicting. Glad you guys had a good time. Now, no more shooting on school days! If I wasn't covered up at work would have been there.
  20. Now here's a question: What would you do if you saw a guy taking a dump in a planter in public? Indoors.
  21. Garufa

    New .45

  22. Garufa

    New .45

    Please elaborate.
  23. You scored. That may be the finest looking AK I've ever seen.


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