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Everything posted by Garufa

  1. Military issue M1C and M1D's had the scope offset so iron sights could be used.
  2. Numrich Gun Parts Corp. - The World's Largest Supplier of Firearms Parts and Accessories
  3. There is nothing wrong at all with installing a Nancy Pad.....Amazon.com: M44 Mosin Nagant Rubber Recoil Butt Pad: Sports & Outdoors: Reviews, Prices & more....except you'll burn alot more ammo at the range.
  4. No kidding.
  5. Just out of curiosity, what brands/models have you shot?
  6. There it is!!! That blade rocks!
  7. I am not an attorney, LEO, judge or anything of that nature, but that sign does not apply to HCP holders. The intent of management is an entirely different matter. As we all know.
  8. OS or the rifle?
  9. You scored Bubba. Yugo SKS's (uh, M59/66A1's) are great rifles and you've got a really nice one.
  10. Garufa

    Gone Crazy

    is good.
  11. Good deal.
  12. Where ever you're buying. Seriously, I'll wear my official TGO lid if you want to find the several of us will be there when the gates open at 9, or before...and loiter about for several hours.
  13. You told her about Hooter's didn't you?
  14. Were you forced to buy against your will?
  15. No one ever told me of the ghost chilies. I must go seek them out.
  16. You're conflicted.
  17. Get a Cajun injector available at any grocery in the marinade section. If they have something like Emerils Bayou Blast get some of that too. Liberally inject the completely thawed bird with the juice and cover the inside and out with the seasonings. Defintely use 100% peanut oil (expensive) or a peanut oil blend. I've used the blend that you can get in big 5 gallon jugs at Sam's it works. Peanut oil has a much lower flash point than regular vegetable oil so is much safer. Assuming you have a turkey fryer stand up the frozen bird in pot and fill with water to just cover the end of the turkey. Make a little mark there so you know how much oil to put in later. When you go to frying EASE THAT BIRD IN THERE. If you just drop it in the hot oil you WILL have a catastophe on your hands. Do it outside...not, I repeat, not in the garage. Just watch the news around Thanksgiving and see how many turkey-frying garage fires there are. Let it go for 45 - 60 minutes. Pull it out and feast. Like Duckhunteresq said...
  18. Best importer in the business. They know how to place an import stamp discreetly.
  19. Gander Mountain is the epitome of ripoff. If people would quite spending money there maybe they would close and we could get an Academy.
  20. Saturday. In line before 9.
  21. Garufa


    I saw one at the last Knoxville show. It is strange and not to my liking, but that's just who I am. Didn't notice the price, was too busy gawking at the novelty of it.
  22. I feel your angst. We wouldn't want to offend our workforce now would we.
  23. Does it actually say Colt Z 40 on the slide? If so that is a very, very rare gun. According to an old Blue Book "...while approx. 750-800 pieces were mfg. 1998-1999 by CZ for a Colt subcontract, they were never shipped, and as a result, very few have made it into th U.S. to date from the Czech Republic"


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