I like gun shows. Even though the Knoxville shows have the same dealers with the same guns every single month (or couple of weeks depending on time of year) you never know what might show up, usually from some random guy walking around. Occasionally, maybe once a year, someone new will show up with a huge table of old parts.
I like old stuff and around here shows are about the only place to catch a glimpe of old, quality firearms. Gun stores are all about selling Glocks, XDs, plastic M&P's and whatever is the flavor of the day to bolt onto an AR. You can find all that stuff at the show cheaper than any store.
I don't go for knives but some of my friends do. That's cool.
I don't go for Beef Jerkey, jewelry, pickled-eggs or any other such nonsense.
I go to find and look at old guns. I'm an enthusiast that way.