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Everything posted by Garufa

  1. This is one of my favorite pics. John Wayne and William Holden shooting a Smith & Wesson 44 Magnum dressed up like damnyankees on the set of The Horse Soldiers. It’s a Getty image so I can’t embed...you’ll need to click the link to see it. https://goo.gl/images/Sjiyfc
  2. What Dave is saying is that Memphis actually has a higher murder and perhaps violent crime rate than Chicago. Crime stats are analyzed by looking at the number of crimes compared to the total population of a jurisdiction. The resulting “rate” is x number per 100,000 people. While Chicago is over three times bigger than the City of Memphis and has astronomical amounts of shootings and murders, if you look at it in terms of how many of those crimes occurred in relation to the number of people there, Memphis is worse. Here is a google search for “Memphis vs Chicago crime”. https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=MHYsWv-HB4HXmQHopq7oAQ&q=memphis+vs+chicago+crime&oq=memphis+vs+chi&gs_l=psy-ab.3.1.0l2j0i22i30k1l5.1534.4577.0.7961. Chicago and Illinois have some of the most restrictive gun laws in th country. Memphis has the same gun laws as any other place in Tennessee.
  3. Perhaps I missed the part of this thread where Greg says he had Win 7 then suddenly Win 10 was loaded and the screen got goobered.
  4. No, it won’t but it’s Greg’s call.
  5. Enfields have several different size bolt heads they used back in the day to adjust headspace. Something to consider. You may want to find a smith that knows something about them.
  6. Going back to Windows 7 is not going to fix the problem.
  7. That’s exactly what it is and so many gun owners of the carrying kind have taken it hook, line, and sinker.
  8. To uninstall the graphics driver and let Windows load a new one: 1. Right-click Widows icon in the lower left had corner then click "Computer Management" 2. Click on Administrative Tools. 3. In Computer Management, click on Device Manager in the left pane. 4. In the right pane click on Display adapters to show what kind of graphics card you have. At this point you have two choices: 1) go to the manufacturer's website of the adapter and download their latest driver or 2) uninstall the current driver and let Windows automatically reinstall a generic one. I am recommending option 2. 5. Right click on the display adapter device and click "Uninstall device". Reboot. If that does not work, like I said, hardware problem or monitor adjustment difficulty. If you can't see anything at all then don't blame me. If this does fix the problem then it's up to you if you want to mess with downloading a new driver from the manufacturer's website. Unless you're into hardcore gaming or the graphic arts, the generic driver may just work fine.
  9. We got a new coach, arright. He talks like an Alabama boy, ok. Other than Pruitt still working for Alabama through the playoffs, I like the guy.
  10. Don’t try it again. It will not fix the problem. Time to uninstall your graphics driver. I’ll throw up some instructions to do that in a little while when I get on a proper computer. If that doesn’t work it goes back to a hardware problem (or not enough fiddling with adjustments).
  11. If the Senate does pass it and the POTUS signs it I'd say the 9th Circuit will shut it down before the ink is dry.
  12. That turban’s crazy.
  13. Garufa

    Folding Glock

    I have the Inspector Gadget theme song stuck in my head now. Thanks for that.
  14. Garufa

    Folding Glock

    Why? http://palmettostatearmory.com/full-conceal-m3-folding-glock-19-gen3-9mm-pistol-w-21-round-magazine-m3g19f.html
  15. Remington has released a line of six 870 shotguns that accept detachable box magazines, including the TAC-14. The factory mags are 6 rounds. The magwell is just kinda bolted on but it's interesting to see this factory option. https://www.remington.com/search/shotguns?productfamily=485&cartridge=All&barrellength=All&barreltype=All&stockmaterial=All&stockfinish=All&additionaloptions=All&passion=All https://www.remington.com/other-products/tac-14-dm
  16. Looks at Jeb’s picture again.
  17. Why get a .380 when it's the same size as the 9mm?
  18. Sounds like some folks want to bring back MacArthur. If we take action in NK it will be WW III. The only question is if the economic impact to this country and the world will be felt before or after the destruction of millions of people. NK having nukes has jack to do with what I just said, btw.
  19. 4:00 press conference has been called to announce Phil Fulmer as new AD.
  20. Word is John Currie is being shown the door this morning. Now Tennessee is looking for an AD.
  21. Don’t have too much experience with S&B rifle ammo but if the quality of their handgun ammo is an indicator I would say give it a try.
  22. But we don’t have a fire engine standing by.
  23. I wonder if they reported the other treasures they found. I’d take the GoPro over a Kimber any day...the internet says they suck.
  24. Got a link?


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