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Everything posted by Garufa

  1. Not to mention being ostracized by their co-workers. Social media outing, doxxing, etc is bad enough in today’s unhinged digital society. The names of the teachers who carry, even if they are allowed to, will get out.
  2. If it where me I’d start by studying this inside and out (and subsequently keeping up to date with the latest version). https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/twra/documents/guide/TN-Hunting-Guide.pdf
  3. It’s always nice to have something like that in the back of the safe. Not just for the quality but the memories. Every once in a while I dig out my old Remington 121 Fieldmaster that my dad taught me how to shoot with. It was his first rifle as well. Crazy accurate as many old .22’s are. Even if it never gets used much, I bet it works just the same as it did in 1975. Now it’s time to put it to use! Can’t take it with you, if you know what I mean, lol.
  4. Good to see nothing has changed.
  5. How much do you want to pay? $40 mags do the exact same thing that $10 surplus ones do. All of mine are Chip McCormick Shooting Stars or Mec-Gar. Right in the sweet spot of price so as not to be cheap, and not to be overly extravagant. Mec-Gars are OEM for many, many manufacturers these days.
  6. I guess it’s too pedestrian for the booze snobs these days.
  7. I honesty think there is a lot of overreaction going on in response to this ruling. It’s the unlicensed dealers this is targeted at. Those guys who always have a couple of tables minimum at gun shows who always have brand new in the box handguns, or ones that keep going back to the gun store to buy the same thing over and over again then flipping them, etc., and most importantly, promising to do so for others. I have not been to a show in over 4 years but I do recall one of the regulars who always had lots of brand new stuff…all “private sale”. If I’m not mistaken he made the news a few years ago after being busted for being “engaged in the business”.
  8. Start hanging around enough old people you’ll catch a whiff for sure. I can’t stand the smell of them…the mothballs that is, lol.
  9. Preduzece 44 was a Yugoslavian gun factory that reworked German K98’s after WWII before they started making M48’s. It literally translates to “factory 44”, not the original year of production.
  10. He’s just farsighted, common among those in command of weapons that fire over the horizon.
  11. Hank Schrader was Walter White's DEA agent brother-in-law in Breaking Bad. I think someone is yanking your chain.
  12. The penalty is overly excessive considering what the average scumbag gets away with.
  13. It’s not as simple as that. It is holding parents responsible for the actions of their minor child. Big difference.
  14. You bring up an excellent point. It is often said that one who carries a firearm for self defense is not responsible for the protection of others. Is the state now making teachers responsible for the safety of kids in their classrooms using deadly force? Will they have the same training and legal protections of LE?
  15. Go get a 16” .308 with no muzzle device and report back .
  16. That .308 AK was probably what set off the uptight neighbor. Without a doubt one of the loudest guns I’ve ever heard.
  17. There is now. What’s your recipe?
  18. Anyone remember 311 from the ‘90’s? They’re tighter than ever now, lol.
  19. Are you a retired Firefighter from CT? With a guaranteed pension? I ask because there are also one helluva lot of people moving in with pensions from those liberal states. Pensions are nearly a thing of the past in our conservative utopia.
  20. It is putting a massive strain on healthcare resources. Knoxville doesn’t have the medical infrastructure to handle this kind of growth, especially from a regional standpoint. Another big problem is resources for the elderly. Not only are there not enough independent and assisted living facilities, many transplants are bringing their parents or whatever with them and putting them directly into those kinds of places. Not to mention possibly being at the age themselves they might need one soon.
  21. East TN is full.


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