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Everything posted by Garufa

  1. Good for them. Hope they’re not ostracized and persecuted.
  2. While the show is filmed in Georgia and the show started in GA, the characters are currently in Northern Virginia. They have been for a long time now.
  3. I do remember watching Justin back in the day but wasn’t paying attention to what he was cooking, just digging the way he talked.
  4. I’ve always known Chachere’s was basically salt but are you sure about that 26 ounces?
  5. I’ve got my eye on that new Ruger. Laid hands on one a few weeks ago but was just not ready to drop $600 (otd) on it. It’s not all that ugly in person...well maybe it kinda is but it’s definitely solid.
  6. So how’s the red dot hunt going?
  7. Vinyl is wonderful. People that actually think they are listening to music are missing out with all this digital crap.
  8. The mags were delivered and distributed. Republican Gov. Scott is confident everyone will get used to the “new normal”. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/03/31/gun-rights-activists-hand-out-high-capacity-magazines-at-vermont-rally.html
  9. What they call history class now has been so perverted with PC ideals and constant reinterpretations the simple recorded facts are quickly being lost. My FIL is a retired history professor (and flaming liberal) and would be the first to agree. Before he retired he constantly bemoaned the “new history”.
  10. I believe there is an email setting for that disabled by default. It’s in account settings - notification settings - someone gives reputation to something I posted. Whether that’s it or if it works I’m not sure as mine stays disabled.
  11. Good grief that’s a lot of lids. Do you put any on display on the dashboard or in the back window of your ride? It’s something I never understood so serious question.
  12. If you can tolerate muddling through the horrible presentation that state gives their citizens of legislative actions I think the 10 round may limit is in a house amendment.
  13. It is. Magnul gave away tons of magazines when Colorado passed their law...then subsequently relocated from that state.
  14. The assault clips were picked up at 2:40 in WY. Track the freedom package here: https://www.fedex.com/apps/fedextrack/?action=track&tracknumbers=771880807512&clienttype=ivother
  15. Being cursed with an astigmatism myself, this is good to know.
  16. That is cool.
  17. Interesting question that I imagine the answer to is illegal for the simple fact that you would not be in Tennessee. You would be bound by the laws (and other assorted regulations) of the jurisdiction in which you physically were at the time. Best bet would be to head for the border at the same time and do your business or make other similar arrangements.
  18. Could you imagine Skynryd in Oakland today, lol.
  19. As if this is unexpected.
  20. Many years ago I enjoyed reading Scientific American. I now see they are just another outlet for uninformed, inexperienced, and absurdly over- opinionated SJW’s.
  21. You old folks better hide your guns...as if you can remember where they are.
  22. This is not exactly new in general terms but it is seemingly becoming more acute lately. Parkland was the tipping point and they’re just getting started.
  23. Teachers aren’t going to do that, nor are their unions, school boards, local guvments, parents, and taxpayers going to allow it.


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