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Everything posted by Garufa

  1. We’re trying and I’d kinda like to get some more locals together. We used to have some great shootenanny’s but those are a little more involved...that takes land, but back in the day we did take over some ranges a couple of times.
  2. Something to consider. The Ruger is very well made and the take down capability is nice. The fact it takes Glock mags is a huge plus. Don’t know when I’ll get a chance to get to the range again but you’d be welcome to come try it out.
  3. So I’ve been wanting one for no good reason since they came out. Now that they are becoming increasingly available, the prices are at a tolerable level, and early reliability issues seem to have been addressed, I have one. Academy carries them and they were kind enough to send me a 10% off coupon in the mail a couple of weeks ago with actually very few restrictions. It was good for firearms. That made it a very attractive purchase and I could no longer resist. Finally got out to break it in today and I simply love it. Very accurate and 100% reliable. Put about 300 rounds total through it with half of that being Winchester NATO. Oh Shoot even fed it a bunch of that Winchester Forged crap and it ate it like a fat kid does candy. Put a Sig Romeo5 on it about halfway through the fun and it’s a great combo. Just put the dot on what you want to shoot and it’s going to get hit whether you’re using 115 or 124 gr bullets. Very pleased with it. It’s really a lot of fun and would make a dandy defense carbine as well. BTW, Champion BioBird clays are junk. They do not shatter to satisfaction and actually melt in the hot sun, lol.
  4. Ain’t growing up fun?
  5. That harkens back to the day when I could go out at at all hours and see good bands.
  6. No.
  7. Sounds like the aliens are finally here. Things certainly cannot get any crazier than they are now.
  8. My personal opinion is such conversions are a novel idea but of little value. While they may work what really is the point?
  9. http://thecmp.org/cmp_sales/1911-information/ http://forums.thecmp.org/forumdisplay.php?f=110
  10. How are they not collectible? Other than the government arsenal refinish done in the 80’s or whenever, these are straight from Army storage. The military stopped buying 1911’s in 1945*. * we don’t need to hear about modern purchases by the Marines of finish challenged Colt’s or any other special acquisitions. Y’all know what I mean.
  11. What about the price turns you off? I’ve seen plenty of grumbling about that on the CMP forum and elsewhere but where else can you find an unadulterated, well semi-unadulterated as they’ve been reparked, USGI 1911 for 1k. I’ve never seen one.
  12. Far left. Sorry but I couldn’t resist. Erik is not that at all.
  13. Not I. While I need a true GI 1911 my head is slowly starting to take control of my wants. From the pics I’ve seen I simply will not be happy with an 80’s reparked specimen. Plus, I really don’t want to go through the hassle. Good luck to you though. Hope you make the cut and look forward to seeing what you get!
  14. Can't scanned fingerprints be printed on a paper fingerprint card? According to FLA's website, even they scan them.
  15. I believe 9x25 Dillon might be the thing but it's not exactly being produced by anyone that I know of.
  16. When the few LE agencies that use .357 Sig convert to 9mm it might just be done. The mighty .40 isn’t going anywhere yet and is very easily convertible to .357 Sig for those that feel the need. I’m sure the aftermarket will provide barrels for some time to come. Even then ammo cost and availability is always going to be an issue. I never see manufacturers expanding .357 Sig production. It just doesn’t make much sense to when it’s cheaper to produce handguns chambered in widely available, straight walled calibers.
  17. Yeah, the Buccaneers are looking real good.
  18. I’ve gone a long time without having to think back to my tubby-ass fifth grade days and having to wear those awful things when all cool kids were wearing Levi’s with bell bottoms that covered the feet. Thanks for the memory, not.
  19. No. There is no such law in the entire State of Tennessee.
  20. I stopped buying Levi’s after discovering the Academy Magellan brand jeans. Superior in every way and half the price....$17.99 last pairs I bought.
  21. I knew what that link was before I even clicked it as I was thinking the same thing. Looks like what some people eat around here...except with spaghetti.
  22. Nice lunchtime post.
  23. https://www.gusset.com/ They've got some sweet carpenter jorts, lol.


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