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Everything posted by Garufa

  1. Israel has been suspended by the FL governor. https://www.foxnews.com/us/florida-governor-suspends-broward-county-sheriff-scott-israel
  2. That's a 1/4 acre per lot in conventional terms. Becoming the norm in many new subdivisions. This thing however, defies convention.
  3. Don’t you mean moving to the area? Maybe they can all live in the imitation Shire before it’s featured on “Mysteries of the Abandoned” in a few years.
  4. Randy Boyd's father is building some kind of hobbit land in South Knoxville called "Ancient Lore Village" with over 150 homes and treehouses based on his Tolkien knock-off book The Bobbins – Outcast to the Inner Earth. https://www.wbir.com/article/news/randy-boyds-father-plans-40-million-fantasy-resort-in-south-knoxville/51-73c3f153-0b8f-468b-bf72-0a49bca6bfb5 https://ancientlorevillage.com/ (You can download the book for free here)
  5. Good job on modifying a mag that probably needs tweaking to begin with (according to the internet) to suit your totally unrelated application.
  6. Nothing wrong with that. It is the accepted way among most gun folks. How else can you properly compare and contrast?
  7. My crystal ball says universal background checks will be federal law sometime in 2021 or 2022....along with a whole lot of other things we are not going to like.
  8. Many true “free float” rails will come with their own, usually proprietary, barrel nut. There are also “semi free float” bolt on type rails that attach to a standard barrel but. Priorietary nuts aren’t much of a problem, just make sure the rail kit comes with a wrench or will use a standard AR armor’s wrench.
  9. More like manufacturers are trying to appeal to the biggest markets. Lots of money to be made in certain states that have huge populations but also have the strictest laws.
  10. Unless you sold it to a cop. Then they’d know more about you than you do.
  11. Here's one you can rent: https://4drentals.com/product/20-gauge-rem-choke-tap-reamer/
  12. That’s a real .22.
  13. Maybe they’ll come out with a companion lever action carbine in 9mm. BTW, this new pistol can apparently use Glock 43 mags.
  14. Why? You may ask. Because who doesn't want to remove the entire striker to disassemble for cleaning?
  15. Maybe someone like Mossberg will come out with a subcompact, striker-fired, single-stack 9mm. Oh wait, they just did today, lol. https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2019/01/daniel-zimmerman/breaking-mossberg-announces-the-new-mc1sc-subcompact-9mm-pistol/
  16. Bob Einstein, who brought us the world’s greatest daredevil, has passed away. Too many good stunts to pick just one so I’ll just leave the YouTube search: https://m.youtube.com/results?search_query=super+dave+osborne
  17. Today's the day. Official announcement and specs: https://us.glock.com/a-perfect-fit
  18. Here is a video review of the G43x that also includes a comparison with the G48. Not quite sure this is supposed to be out there yet but it is. https://www.full30.com/embed/MDE4NDk0 The two-tone finish has to go.
  19. After a bill is introduced it must pass both the house and senate then it is sent to the governor. He can sign it and it then becomes law or he can veto it and it goes back. The governor can also choose not to sign a bill once it reaches his desk. It then becomes law after 10 or so days.
  20. Tennessee history was required in school when I was in seventh grade. That was like 1980 and the textbook was blue, I believe it was The Blue Book. Every year Tennessee publishes The Blue Book. They used to actually print it in nicely bound book form and mail it to you for free before the internet. All you had to to was call and ask. Now it’s all online but a great and fascinating resource....https://sos.tn.gov/content/tennessee-blue-book
  21. Regardless of how those that don’t appreciate education think, history and “social studies” are very easily manipulated and for some reason to tend to evolve to suit the current generation. My FIL is a retired history professor and constantly laments the revisionist historians that have now taken over the profession. Textbooks are constantly updated and sometimes “cleansed” to make sure the children are being given the proper slant. Most of the facts are still there but the presentation can often be infused with opinion.
  22. Good call. Sometimes the discussions in the trading post (placing an ad there being the privilege of a benefactor) just get a little out of hand.
  23. @bud is trying to sell a safe. Do y’all have anything to offer to make that happen other than idle chatter?
  24. It can be yours for about $107. It's a BB gun, lol.


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