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Everything posted by 1madss

  1. 1madss

    PSA AR Kit

    I definitely understand that this is not the best time to buy an AR but I’m not sure when things might settle down and I’m not good at delayed gratification What kind of price would something like this be in a non-panic mode? I have considered a pistol but I had a massive stroke back in October that completely paralyzed me. I’ve regained almost everything but my fine motor control is still a work in progress so I’m not sure how accurate I am without shouldering the stock. I was looking at the 5.56 mostly due my ignorance of the other calibers. My biggest priorities would be cost and availability of ammo. Looks like I have some more homework to do. Thanks everybody for the input so far.
  2. 1madss

    PSA AR Kit

    I am looking to finally pick up an AR but I am a complete newb to the AR world. I am looking for something that would be limited to occasional range trips and home defense. Right now that role is filled by a Winchester Defender stoked with 00buck. I ran across this kit at PSA that seems to fit the bill. https://palmettostatearmory.com/psa-16-mid-length-5-56-nato-1-7-nitride-13-5-lightweight-m-lok-classic-rifle-kit-with-mbus-sight-set-5165448515.html?___store=default I know I will need to pickup a lower, some mags and at some point some kind of optic. Any options on this kit? PSA seems like a decent choice as far as ARs go.
  3. I'm an RO at the Trap/Skeet portion on Maury Co Gun Club. A little bit further than then Charlie's range but offers more variety. Take a look at the web site for rates. It is prorated through the year and offers other benefits as well. I order almost all of my ammo through them and save shipping costs. I believe those ordering reloading supplies also save hazmat fees. Main down side is they are only open Sat-Sun 1:00 to dusk but do host different monthly events at the pistol/rifle range. Sign up as an RO and get keys and waive the membership costs. With keys you can go anytime you like.
  4. A little older S&W. A 422 or 622 in 6"barrel. I picked up a 6" 422 a few years ago for ~200. Mags are not cheap though. The "Target" model has adjustable rear sights.
  5. I had a JM stamped .357 1894 with a 1974 serial number. Bought it off of GB right when the lever gun craze was taking off for a song. Ended up selling it a few years ago to buy my daughter a new competition gun. Of course she stopped shooting the next year and I sold that gun a few months ago. Should have kept the 1894
  6. Wonder if it is just a smooth bore or a Routeledge. Hopefully the latter.
  7. I went Blink a few months ago. 4 cameras and two hubs to give me 2 "zones" Other than the battery life issue we are overall happy. I had to go solar for the driveway camera as the wind blowing tree branches triggers the motion sensors and I got about a month before I had to go back up the ladder. BTW the Activity Zone feature does not work yet. It was in Beta when I got the cameras. First thing to note with any of the Cloud based solutions is the delay in the video/alerts. Someone detected by the driveway camera can be in the house before I get a notification. The delay is not an issue for me as the 5 dogs are my early warning/alarm system. Second thing to keep in mind is that the cameras only record for a short period of time after motion is detected and the range of the cameras far exceeds the range of the IR sensor. Example, I wanted to cover the length of my driveway (only about 75') with one camera but the motion detector cannot reach the end of my driveway. It's not like a DVR based system that will record constantly. It is nice that it ties in with Alexa/FireTV as I can voice command the TV to switch to the camera. One last thing. There are no subscription fees with Blink. If purchased through Amazom you get double the Cloud storage for free. I'm in no way a Blink fanboy but it seems to serve it's purpose so far.
  8. After about 500 rounds. In the Trap world this means every other day of competition. This thing needs to last me many more years.
  9. These guys should be able to give you more info on your gun. http://www.doublegunshop.com/forums/ubbthreads.php
  10. Beretta 3901 RL They are not made anymore and are getting hard to find due to being so popular with youth clay target shooter. Soft recoiling SA with 12/13" LOP and 26/28" barrel with choke tubes. A used one in good shape should run $800-1000. I would think that aftermarket parts for the 390/391/3901 guns would fit. EDIT - Sorry. I should have read your requirements first. The 3901 looks to be outside the upper limit of budget.
  11. I would take a 680 series gun over the newer 690 series any day of the week. 687 is the nicer finished 680 offered these days. They made some design changes on the 690s that seem to have had problems. They changed to a selectable ejector/extractor that is known to have problems. In the 12g they removed one receiver screws and there have been reports of 692 sporting guns breaking off at the tang. But I am a 68X fan boy The SP designation really has to do with the finish level of the gun. Can be either field or comp gun. One of my favorite places to browse - www.joeletchenguns.com And of course - www.colegun.com
  12. An older Winchester Defender. Not the new SXP but one of the 1200-1300 series. Not exactly a high polish blue but not matt/parkerized. Usually found under $400.
  13. Very Nice! Zoli is probably one of the best buy underated guns lately. Don't see may of them on the line around these parts. 30" or 32" barrels?
  14. K-Frame Smith! Can she handle a DA trigger pull? Can be a bit heavy to some. If it is not a carry gun why not go with a 4" barrel. A decent used Model 10 can be had for less than $400.
  15. Sharks are just about as bad. Even after hours in the box they still squirm when cleaning.
  16. Currently just the following: Marlin M60 w/Mueller 4.5x14 APV Marlin 39a w/Skinner Peep Remington 12C Winchester 62a
  17. Just stay away from Derry
  18. Unfortunately CZ shotguns do not have near the reputation that their other firearms posses. The best thing I hear about CZ is they have very good service. I would give them a call and see what they have to say.
  19. Lots of used Marlin 336 around in 30-30, usually around $400
  20. Not exactly "Vintage" but still has a lever. 1894 in 357 336 and 39a
  21. Arrgh! My house is too far south for totality so we drove up to the speedway. A number of clouds but at ~1:25 a large dark cloud rolled in and we missed it. It did get dead quiet except for the crickets and birds. It felt like 5:00 in the morning. Within 5 minutes the could moved on, of course.
  22. Nice shooting. That definitely shows time and hard work. A shout out for your folks also. I know first hand what it takes to support a youth shooter Lots or windshield time and $$ Looks like you had a better day than I on Saturday. My excuse was the wind and crazy light and I am sticking to it The only thing I brought home was a bunch of empty hulls and a couple of Tshirts.
  23. Funny. We went from turkish imports to K-80 real fast You can also check out Syren built for women. Not so much pink guns but quality guns with a better fit for women. Their O/Us are built on Caeser Guerini guns and SA is built on Fabarm XLR5 ( I think).
  24. What is your budget? It's hard to go wrong with a 1100/1187. A 20g 1100 in the full size frame with a 26-28" barrel would be great. As far as semi autos I think I see more 1100s than anything else at the field. The Beretta 390/3901/391 are also very solid SA that hold their value well and parts are still available. Their next generations SA (A300/A400) are also very solid and the field grade A300s are <$700. I shoot Beretta 682s. A Gold X-Trap combo and a Gold E Sporting but mostly only shoot Trap so I like heavy long barrel guns. Not the greatest for skeet. But a used 686 can be had for 1300-1400 and will last a lifetime. Down the road you can get tubes for it and shoot anything down to 410. I started with 1100s but got tired of cleaning a gas semi auto. Above all it has to fit or you will have to pay to make it fit. Like any gun purchase trying as many as you can before buying is important.
  25. I'll be there Friday through Sunday. Just shooting singles and handicap events. I shot the AL state shoot a couple of weeks ago.


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