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Everything posted by orientalexpress

  1. Does anyone have a suggestion for a lawn care professional around Smyrna? Maybe someone on here owns a company. Here's the deal. My parents are getting a little bit older and I couldn't think of anything to get them for Christmas so I thought i would pay to have someone mow the grass for them next year. They like doing yard work and doing their own landscaping In the spring and fall but I would prefer that someone do the mowing especially in the summer months. They live on 3/4 of an acre. What should I expect to pay? I have no idea.
  2. Also one of the things I do with the auto indexing disabled, is that if I run out of a component (ie bullets, powder, etc.) without realizing in low. I can go ahead and resize and prime a bunch of brass essentially using it as a single stage.
  3. Well both. If you must buy a lee turret Id probably turn it by hand. Or just use the indexing until it breaks. To be honest I bought mine because it was the cheapest one out there. Don't get me wrong it works I just wish I had bought an rcbs or something. Even though they're 2-3xs as much.
  4. I have a 4 hole turret and if I had knew any better I would have bought something else. The turret itself has a little bit of play in it. Sometimes it can make a difference in adjusting your dies. Also the auto indexing linkage is garbage. I didn't know anything about the press and as soon as I unboxed it I could tell the plastic indexing parts wouldn't last. I immediately removed it and I turn the turret by hand. Just food for thought.
  5. For that amount of money you could almost buy a saiga 12.
  6. Yeah but you don't have a choice but to use the rugers mag disconnect. That is a deal breaker for me.
  7. I was told that if you could push the bullet down the bore of the rifle with mild to medium pressure it wasn't necessary.
  8. I have no idea I've never really done. A friend of mine agreed to cast me about 50 experimentals before I bought all the equipment to do it myself. He actually has my mold at his house.
  9. I bought the 230gr mold to cast for 300 blackout bullets. Do I need a .308 or .309 lube and sizer kit?
  10. I've heard that they'll work in certain pump guns but not in others because of the way the elevator works in each respective gun. My friends KSG eats them up.
  11. If it's made well I don't see an issue. They make ARs now that you can remove the barrel and handguards without tools and carry them in a briefcase. Anyways I would imagine the hinge would have to be made pretty beefy.
  12. I was thinking it might be more useful to put in some kind of a back pack or suitcase. Something that doesn't just scream gun. Not all of us are rapid deployment hard core operators.
  13. Probably a little far from you we got several cases in here around Nashville.
  14. What part of town are you in?
  15. I took a defensive edge class at humphreys county sheriffs dept for my job. I would say that personally I knew 90-95% of what was taught because I have 10 ARs 9 of which I assembled myself. Not that I'm some kind of expert but I was always the first person done with whatever we were working on and often helped other students. Of the 8 students I was amazed at how many LEOs had very little understanding of the AR. They just weren't "gun guys" So for them it probably was helpful but for the guys that are doing it as a hobby you could learn most of it on your own.
  16. I bought one at a Gun show and it has a place you can use a castle nut wrench to tight it with. It's shaped like an oval with flat sides.
  17. That sucks but if it's that big an issue you could touch it up with gun bluing. It's likely going wind up worse than that anyways. I have a suppressor I spent $1000+ and waited 10 months for and the finish is already wearing off on it. I've had it all of 2 weeks.
  18. Before I had a suppressor I loaded supersonic 147gr with lee dies and never had an issue. Here lately since I've went to 208 amax I've been having chamber issues. I don't know it it's related to the bullet or if it's a a die problem. I would lean toward operator error but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
  19. I've been using 8208 with 75gr bullets. I haven't measured for group size but it's good enough for me to hit steel at 300 with iron sights. And that's saying a lot for be because I cAn hardly see past 100.
  20. Try running a heavy buffer or a stronger buffer spring. Possibly a combination of both. I'm not familiar with a "pistol" buffer. Is it heavier or lighter than a standard?
  21. Still needs gas. The whole premise of the 3rd movie.
  22. I'm trying to load subsonic 300 black out for my AR. I know typically you load based on the individual rifle but with the AR magazine constrictions I'm not exactly sure what the max length you can load.


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