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Everything posted by lshel

  1. I have a new LCR 357 and have not decided best way to carry concealed. Pants pocket carry, gun feels too big, coat pocket is okay. My PM9 I carry right front pants pocket or coat or on occasions IWB holster over right kidney. Both pocket and IWB are very concealable with PM9. Those that have the LCR, what is your carry mode? thanks
  2. I had a conceal carry in Ohio and moved back to Tn and Tn accepted my Ohio carry and I waited about 4 wks to get my Tn permit in the mail. I carry the PM9(16 oz unloaded) in a pocket holster or in IWB holster on right kidney side. Hardly know it's there. I have a LCR in 357 (17.1 oz unloaded)that I am thinking about carrying on occasion, but I have not decided on carry mode, yet. Any suggestions on carry mold for LCR?
  3. I have only shot about 100 rounds thru my PM9, no problems at all. I have a laser guard on the front and it is hard getting use to dot,since I have used sights for so many years. Group size at 10yds is less than 2" and centered on target. I believe one of the best and most reliable conceal carries there is. I had the PM40 and its recoil was not bad, alot lighter than the Glock 27.
  4. With everyones input and how these guns fit me, I have narrowed down to the PM9 and the LCR for regular most every day carry. The G36 for when a coat or heavier outer wear can be used. The P239 handles well but too heavy. Thanks for all the input.
  5. I have several compact handguns: Glock 36, Kahr PM9, Sig P239 in 357 Sig, and Ruger LCR in 357, all diferent calibers. I tend to switch between guns and feel I might be better off sticking with one paticular gun and caliber. All the handguns are accurate and recoil is controllable. The G36 and P239 require holster carry while the others are pocket or ankle holster carry. Which handgun do you think is the best for self defense carry? I need help in deciding.
  6. I have the LCR 357 Mag and recoil with the magnum loads is harsh. The 125 g HP is not quite as harsh as the 158g HP. Regular 38 spec and P+ are plesant. Accuracy with 38 spec's are centered on target at 10 yds while P+ and 357 mag are low right for me. Grouping is 2" or less. Great gun and plan on carrying with P+ loads.


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