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Posts posted by bubbadavis

  1. Well for starters, the Governor all but said in his comments Friday that he may have signed it with the original restrictions, which truly would have made it a "restaurant" bill and not a bar bill.

    I can plainly see how/why you interpreted the Governor's remarks this way. However, I feel that if the curfew restrictions were in place, he would have mentiond going into a bar on a Saturday night at 10:00pm instead of midnight.

    Personally, I believe the Governor wanted to veto this based on his personal beliefs and his potential political future. No curfew or other restrictions would have saved it.


  2. I've already emailed my Rep (Harwell) and Sen (Jackson) asking for their support in overriding the veto. Harwell hasn't voted for the bill yet -- I made it clear that my future support (votes, time, and money) are contingent on her voting to override the veto. Jackson has been a big supporter of ours and I made sure to thank him.

    Their phones will be ringing tomorrow also.

    I also emailed the Governor and asked for his resignation...

  3. You can get a secure key from paypal for (I think) $5. Its a one time fee and then you must provide your username, password and 6 digit code from the secure key to log in.

    The only other way to log in is to request paypal call you on a number you provided when you were logged in with the secure key. Basically it means you can only access your account with the key.

    I've put lots of $$ through paypal over the years.

  4. Just make sure you are facing east, stand on one foot, and squint your right eye and it should go back together. These things are a pain unless you take them apart very often. I sometimes get the feel for how they go back together if I'm stripping mine often enough. If its too long between range sessions, I just pull out the manual and get ready to be frustrated!

  5. The word "OR" is in the code. So maybe I am not so full of that. Maybe your reading skills are not what you would like for them to be. Sometimes it helps to have someone else either to either read out loud for some things that are hard to understand, or for proof reading.

    Let me try! Let me try!

    Option 1: Please post the specific TCA reference you keeping claiming exists. Preferable, highlight the section that supports your stance.

    Option 2: Welcome to my ignore list.

  6. If neither motion could get 50 house votes, then the bill is effectively dead unless the senate votes to "recede from its action" and approve the house bill.

    The non-concur motion did not get 50 votes. It was 45-44.

    Also, two of the reps you state in an earlier post would support a clean bill (Bass and McCord) voted YES on the non-concur.

    I would like to be as optimistic as you about a clean bill passing, but I don't trust the house. The vote on the non-concur motion just does not make sense unless 1) the house members were confused as to what they were voting on, or 2) the house is up to something fishy. I'm afraid that at the rate we are going, we are going to end up with nothing.

  7. I think there is a big difference between a home owner's association trying to limit guns and a landlord.

    The HOA is trying to impose restrictions on my property.

    The landlord is restricting behavior on his property.

  8. In addition to presenting a compelling reason for getting a HCP, I would research and be prepared to address the "having a gun in the house makes you xx% more likely to be shot" and "x people die per year due to handguns" type arguements.

    You need to address the touchy-feely bias against guns with facts. Use hard, verifiable facts to support your case. Do not use emotional arguements or opinions in your presentation.

  9. According to capitol.tn.gov, the bill has been sent to the Senate calendar committee. The bill was in the senate judicary committee. They wouldn't send the bill back to the house based on a committee vote.

    If the bill is passed by the senate, they will send it back to the house ONLY if the version passed by the house is different. Otherwise it goes to the governor.

  10. I would be up for that. It would have to be on a weekend for me though...I live in Franklin but work in Bellevue so a weekday lunch might be hard to make.

    We should have been waving to each other every day. I live in Bellevue and used to work in Cool Springs. My wife still works in Franklin.

    My old company decided to shut down the facility just before Christmas. I'm now traveling up to West End for work.

    Maybe we need a TGO-wave -- the Jeep drivers on here will understand.

  11. I seriously mean no offense to any "actual" Bubba's, Bubba.;) Furthermore, I would like to state that I am, by no means, one of those whiny, social issue sensitive folks. I just don't like the way terms like that are being used to promote a prejudiced stereotype. This type of language would never be tolerated if directed toward the "minority" groups of America.

    No offense taken. I've been Bubba for so long that I don't even think about it. When people decide to make fun of me for being a Bubba, I just let them find out a few other things about me. When people find out what I do for a living and my background, the Bubba jokes usually end!

    I do see your point. I like to do my best to go against the stereotype and watch peoples response. :D

  12. Its not Harold, is it?


    I noticed your location is London, Ky. There are more than a few Bubba's up there... I'm originally from Monticello, Ky.

    The real name is James. Same as my dad's. Whatever you do, don't ever give your kids your same first name and middle initial! That's kinda no man's land: not really a junior but can't use their first name either.

  13. As you can guess from my ID, I don't have a problem with Bubba. I've been Bubba for 30+ years.

    It was fun when I worked for an international company. I'm known by several people in Canada, Europe, and Asia as "Bubba". Most of them don't even know my real name... I even have it on my business cards -- at my boss's urging.

  14. I haven't made it back there yet. I live out in Bellevue so its kinda hard for me to get there except for weekends or when I don't have to work. My boss is a member and he was encouraging me to join. Since its only $35 a year it doesn't take too many range trips to make it worthwhile!

    Sorry I didn't get a chance to meet you. I figured there were some TGOers there but didn't know how to find out since no one was wearing any hats/shirts.

  15. OK> There was a J. Davis in front of me when we were signing up.

    That would have been me.

    I would have had on a TGO shirt but TGO David doesn't have them for sale yet... I know, I know, just make it to HeroGear and get one. HeroGear is quite a trip for me and I just haven't had the chance to make it down there.


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