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Posts posted by bubbadavis

  1. I was under the impression that handguns that cross state lines have to go through an FFL.

    Long guns too. You can purchase a long gun from an out of state FFL and bring it home.

    You have to take possession of a handgun from an in-state FFL. If you buy out of state, the handgun has to be transferred to a FFL in your state of residence.

    A rule of thumb is any gun that crosses state lines is going to require a FFL to get involved to stay legal. There are exceptions in the case of wills, etc.

  2. My powered attic fans quit working back in June. I went up in the attic and found and fixed the problem - it was a wiring issue. By the time I was finished, I was about to pass out. I have a wireless temperature sensor in the attic and it was 138*. I felt like I was working in a sauna!

  3. Yes, you are. You may find something in the future where you agree with all the policies. You may even find a job that lets you write some of them. But, you don't have a leg to stand on in this case. Throwing stuff around is usually a reason to get canned. Employers get to decide how you present yourself when you're wearing their sign.

    If you work for a company that has policies that you can't live with, change jobs. Trying to change policy, especially with a display of rage, just ain't gonna work out for you. BTW... I'm saying this stuff because I like you, and because you need to think long and hard about it. I would say the same thing to one of my guys.

    I think the OP was asking to see the company policy. They couldn't produce it. Probably because they didn't have one. The manager was making policy up as he goes along. It sounds to me like they were looking for a reason (even though they don't need one in a right to work state) to get rid of the OP. Maybe they wanted to get rid of the OP 'for cause'?

    Granted, the OP could have handled things better than throwing around company property.

    To the OP, I doubt your meeting is going to produce anything. Some of management wants rid of you and you want a better job. Its probably for the best that you part ways.

  4. They are not going to change their signs and the store I manage has a small business loan through Regions which means I have to use them for my commercial banking.

    In that case, you are stuck with them. I didn't realize things out of your control were tying you to them, otherwise I wouldn't have even brought up changing banks.

  5. After discussing the matter, he apologized stating, "a few bad apples ruin it for everyone else" and told me there was nothing I could do.

    Sure you can, there are other banks. :D Or, the bank could post that OC is not allowed - TCA does allow that. I've already brought up changing banks to my wife. Maybe I'll find a smaller bank that will listen to customers and not tell them "nothing you can do".

  6. A couple days ago the Regions located off of HWY 70 S right in front of the old Bellevue mall was robbed. I go to the one off Old Hickory just near the 70 intersection.

    That was the branch I was at on Tuesday. It was posted Tuesday afternoon. Anyone know if it was posted before or after the robbery?

    Well, it was robbed on Monday afternoon. I guess they think that little sticker on the door would have stopped the bank robber. :D


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