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Posts posted by bubbadavis

  1. I am serving on active duty now. There has been a survey going on at DOD for months on this subject that just ended. It seems the

    majority wants to keep the don't ask don't tell policy.

    Thanks for providing a little active military perspective to this discussion. I always knew you were good for something! ;)

    I think its important to hear what the soldiers prefer - and not just individual viewpoints. I'd like to know what the spread is on the survey - it would be interesting to see how large this majority is.

  2. Getting my HCP actually helped me with my temper. I realize the responsibility of carrying and know that I *always* have to be the bigger man and walk away from frustrating situations. If you happen to print and you're angry, someone will probably call the cops about the crazy guy with a gun, even if you aren't doing anything to justify it.

  3. Every so often, Gallatin Gun Club opens up their membership. Watch the website early next year, they may have some spots available. There membership is limited due to their lease arrangement with TVA - who owns the land the range is on.

  4. Agreed... There are things that do not add up here... Like the ammo, as you said above, for instance. However, does anyone know the law on semi/full automatic weapons in CO. It could have been Full Auto, and AFAIK that is a "no-no" here in TN. Thus, being illegal.

    Full auto weapons are legal in Tennessee, as long as you follow all NFA rules. You must have a copy of your tax stamp with you. If you are traveling into other states (than your home state) with a NFA firearm, you must get permission from the BATFE first and all the states you are visiting must allow NFA weapons. Whew!

  5. On one occasion, years ago, I cashed a check at Regions for $5500. They had no problem giving me that in $100s. This was at their downtown Nashville location - a branch would've probably freaked out.

    I got some strange looks from the bank personnel over that one... It was for home renovations.


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