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Posts posted by bubbadavis

  1. On the flip side there is also corporate responsibility. Shouldn't the business be responsible for providing you with a safe place to eat your wings? If they are so certain that weapons have no place in public dining then why not put a metal detector at the door?

    But the metal detector would be bad for business. It would make the sheeple afraid. :poop:

    Putting the little gunbusters sticker on the door makes everyone 'feel' better. We all know that is the useful extent of the posting.

  2. Politics and professional wrestling are both rigged, gentlemen.

    NNNNoooooo!!! Someone tell me wrasslin is real! :(

    Well, even knowing WWE is rigged/fake/etc. I like to believe it is more real than politics.

    Harwell is my rep, so I don't think calling her would do me any good. She seems to ignore all correspondence that she doesn't agree with anyway - at least that has been my experience with her.

  3. Any idea how long it takes to get to pending status once the ATF receives the paperwork? Just send mine off today. And the wait begins....

    Mine took about a month to go pending - this past summer. You should see the check cashed in a few days and then (probably) 3 to 4 weeks later it will go pending. I'd wait a couple of months from the time you send it until you call to check the status.

  4. Finally. Orientation Wednesday morning for a cook job in a Bellevue area restaurant.

    For those of us in Bellevue, which restaurant? I want to make sure I avoid any gun-toting cooks! :D Just kidding - we need all the good guys packing that we can get.

    Congrats on the job!

  5. Doesn't look like it was hosting related. Looks like the backup script failed. I have it coded to close the forum before the backup and open it after the backup. It failed and then never re-opened.

    Wait, software failed? Say it ain't so! :D

    Good detective work David. Glad you figured the problem out. I hate it when something I've written has those 'I can't reproduce it no matter what' bugs.


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