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Posts posted by bubbadavis

  1. Why the sarcasm? I have done it to a Black Jack model 7 and it looks really cool. I'm not saying it's some professional technique to increase a knife's value. Wow, tough crowd. It can be removed too if you don't like it.

    I didn't ask the original question, but I'd like to have an idea of the result to expect. I'm not going to do anything to a gun or knife I own without some idea of the expected outcome.

  2. First if he got a conditional proceed then he DID appeal. Conditionals are a response to an appeal of a denial. Second no gun dealer in TN will do a conditional proceed, due to the fact that a conditional proceed means there is info there (or missing) indicating a dis-qualifier where the TBI cannot clear a person but also cannot straight out deny and so put all the liability on the gun store without any further details. Thirdly, on transfers even though the customer has paid for it if he is denied on the background check the firearm is legally the stores it was transferred to. The problem being is that most online stores have a no return policy or 3-10 day inspection period. Since appeals take 15 days by law, they usually miss this window meaning the only place that can keep the gun legally is the transferred to store, in this case Coal Creek.

    This guy is an idiot who should have had his stuff in order before hand. Another good reason to deal locally unless you are really sure you are clear on the BG.

    Sounds like this guy had a typically case of "don't let the facts ruin a good story".

    Thanks for posting the details about the denial and appeals process Smith - I learn something on TGO almost every day.

  3. Yes, that is a copy of what's on their site. I have three issues with it:

    - 1. This information is not mentioned on their registration page, nor anywhere on their fees page. It is listed on their Support FAQ page under "Why am I being charged a dollar ($1.00) every month?". The information is not readily pointed out when registering.

    - 2. The registration page states, "We charge no recurring membership fees of any kind". This gives me the impression that they do not charge anything on a monthly basis. This is not true. When a business takes money from me & forces me to either spend it on their services or close my account, that's a "fee". Calling it a "credit balance" makes me feel like they're just dancing around the issue.

    - 3. Charging $1 to a new credit card on file to verify that it's legit is one thing. Giving me a $1 credit towards their services in return is very nice. Charging it *every month* is beyond necessary.

    You are not charged $1 every month. Its a one time verification charge. You will get a monthly statement from GB showing a $1 credit.

    Edit: what strickj said. I guess I should have finished the thread before responding...

  4. If I sold it to you I would have told you the trick to putting them on without tearing them. The best way to put them on is to put them in a pot of hot (not boiling) water for a few minutes and then they will slide on no problem.

    This sounds like the exact opposite of the customer service the OP received.

  5. Though you have to send a copy of your birth certificate AGAIN.

    But yah, I bought an extra and keep it tucked away in my truck...

    I recently got a duplicate and I did not have to send in a copy of my birth certificate. They had it on file from when I originally got my HCP. Actually, I may have used a passport to prove citizenship - I can't remember. I **think** that once they have proof of citizenship on file, you don't have to provide it again. This is one of the problems created when they started giving out drivers licenses to anyone a few years ago.

    Edit: or what Fallguy said. He got his post in while I was typing mine. Remind me not to get in a dual with Fallguy - he's a quicker draw.

  6. You can do more than teach or work at a large corporation with a Ph.D. It depends on what you want to do and how you market the degree. In engineering, the Ph.D. can be used to show you know how to work with large, unbounded problems and come up with workable solutions.

    My recommendation is to make sure you know what you want to do with the Ph.D. Being called Dr. is cool but if that is the only reason for getting your Ph.D., it ain't worth the effort required to get the degree!

  7. Welcome home! Enjoy the weeks off before your other job starts. You've been serving you country for years - you deserve a couple weeks vacation. Spend it spoiling the kids and wasting ammo!

    Thanks for your service and I'm glad to know your back home safely.

  8. Isn't it amazing how the Dems think that maintaining the same tax rate is giving money to the rich.


    Its like when a government department gets a smaller increase than they asked for and call it a budget 'cut' - even though they got more $ than the year before. The local news media goes right along with it and reports it as a budget cut.

  9. I'm on to you..... =)

    Glad to know you kept your sense of humor through all this.

    I've been in Guns and leather only one time; about a year ago. It was on a weekday; in the middle of the afternoon. They were so busy that I had trouble looking at anything, let alone getting a chance to talk to a salesman. I probably won't go back, but from the looks of it, they must be doing something right.

    Guns and Leather is always busy. However, I've always had plenty of opportunities to talk to a salesman, fondle a pistol, etc. My experience has been that if you step up to the counter and stay in the same spot for a couple of minutes, someone will be by to ask if they can help. Most of the guys seem to be able to handle more than one customer (especially lookers) at a time.

    The very first gun I purchased from GnL was a Sig that had a really attractive price on it. I found the exact same gun about a year later at another store (that's closer to me) but it was $125 more expensive. And that was without the 3% cash discount. Combine great prices with their great customer service (at least that's always been my experience) and that's why they get my business.

  10. I'm not going to drop a C-bomb here, but you get the idea.

    What a harpy. I hope her ex was banging a 20 year old cocktail waitress while she was ruining a perfectly good camping trip.

    I think this should have been in the current thread on Sarah Palin's Alaska and the (aborted) camping trip involving Kate + 8.

  11. I got out to get coffee a few hours ago. Talked the wife into going with me. Roads were slick, but not too bad. I've got a Jeep and can get around pretty well. Problem was too many people who have no clue were on the road. I saw at least 6 cars in the ditch and followed a couple of cars that were scared to be out - not a good situation. We made one quick stop and headed home. Should be a fun commute for everyone in Nashville tomorrow morning.

    But, its not snowing in the attic (at least that I know of). :D

  12. I'd suggest finding a ham club near you. Most hams will be more than happy to give you some guidance on a rig, etc. They also can show you some hardware so you can get a better idea of what you want/need. Basically, whatever you plan on doing will drive what type of equipment you need. The geek speak comes in, in part, due to all the options you have with ham radio.


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