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Posts posted by bubbadavis

  1. Bad example though, as Texas also allows other type businesses to post (hospitals, churches, nursing homes, amusement parks, sporting events, etc), and has a separate penalty for it, just like TN. Theirs is actually worse, a Class A misdemeanor.

    For all its "wild west freedom" reputation, Texas is quite gun restrictive.

    No open carry, either.

    - OS

    OS, thanks for the clarification. The last time I was in Texas was before I carried. I knew they had a bar/rest posting but I didn't realize they also had TN style posting. Good to know whenever I get to TX.

    Most of my travels are in KY where postings are meaningless.

  2. TN is in the minority when it comes to posting private property. While any property can post, in many states there is no law against carrying past the posing. Only if you refused to leave after being asked would you risk legal trouble (trespass). TX has a posting law but it is related to restaurants and bars and the amount of revenue from food/alcohol.

    Edit - or what OS said. He beat me to the draw (again).

  3. Aaaaand yet another one who thinks they have it all figured out... Especially the part where it is *my* fault this thread degraded when people like you failed to follow the topic focus I set from the start. Yep - you got me, I forced you and the other people to post :cool:

    Combative and disagreeable... rich :P

    As the OP, you could have closed this thread long ago. That is one way to end this mess.

  4. Almost 1000 unique members have visited TGO today.

    I thought I'd been around here awhile. I just looked and my member number is under 1400. We've had some pretty good growth in the last few years.

  5. Why is post count important? I'll never understand this. :)

    This comes from someone with 10,000+ posts... :) Only kidding!

    For some reason, some people use post count as a way to 'measure' themselves. IMO, a high post count only means you've been around for a long time and been active. Some guys with high post counts get them by stirring the pot; others by being useful and helpful.

    As you can tell from my post count and when I joined TGO, I really place alot of importance on post count.

  6. I have never heard of 'dual residency' when it came to states.

    As for the Chicago debacle, remember that Rham was Obama's chief of staff. You don't get better connections that he has. If you have Obama on speed dial, you could probably get away with a FTF transfer in Florida (but even then it might end up in court). Otherwise, I wouldn't suggest it.

  7. Did you watch the videos? Was that gun "unreliable"?

    I have heard a LOT of complaints about Hi Points... but reliability has never been one of those complaints.

    There was a FTE and a double feed in the first 15 rounds or so fired from the 9mm. Those are reliability issues.

    Granted the gun was tough as can be. Reliability went down as they tortured the poor pistol - you can see in the later videos where they have misfires, etc. I sure wouldn't blame those issues on the gun after all it had been through by then.

    I would prefer other manufacturers for a EDC but if I had to, I'd carry a Hi Point.

  8. Don't let him get started paying quarterly's; once that starts, he can never stop. Been there, done that.

    In the past, I paid quarterly. At the time a significant portion of my income was as an independent contractor. If I didn't pay quarterly, the penalties would have kicked in. Now, I don't pay quarterly. I don't get enough income from independent work to matter. The government just wants to stop you from paying in all taxes at the end of the year - they like the interest free loans people give them (i.e. refunds due) but they want their money now.

    Basically, whether or not you should pay quarterly depends on your employment status, etc.


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