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Posts posted by bubbadavis

  1. Or we could put the blame where it lies with the persons who commit crimes. Wouldn't that be a little easier?

    How is it that people should be denied doing a 4-hour bike ride because it might cause you a 5-second delay when you have to pass them somewhere along the way?

    JReedEsq, we agree completely on the first point.

    If only a 5-second delay was the problem, I'd have nothing to be concerned about. What worries me is when a cyclist is doing something unsafe (for them and others) but they don't care because they have a right to be there. Now, with most cyclists, all I have is a 5 second delay while waiting to pass. Its the other minuscule percentage of cyclists that cause me concern.

    I guess my point is that rights come with responsibilities. Unfortunately, for every 10,000 responsible people, there's a Kiwk in the world.

  2. They pose no threat to you and all you have to do is leave them alone.

    I'll agree that this is most often the case. However, I have seen cyclists whose behavior I considered a threat to me - I lagged well behind them until I could (safely) pass them with a very wide berth. All it takes is a cyclist to swerve at the wrong time to be a threat to a motorist (and themselves).

  3. Listen to Broomhead. I took NSA off my list of gun shops to visit along time ago. I happened to hear they were under new management and stopped in. It looks like the same store but that's where the similarities end. CS is now a priority - they make you feel like they want you to stop in.

  4. Is it really any different to consider the same situations, substituting a pedestrian for the cyclist? I'm trying to determine how a person can have the freedom to walk wherever he might want to walk without fear of impunity, but a cyclist should consider the setting or risk taking a cola bottle upside the skull for riding on a busy street.

    I think a pedestrian that is walking down the road, in the lane, and not getting out of the way of traffic could very well risk taking a cola bottle upside the head! The biggest problem here is that cyclists and motorists are supposed to share the road. Pedestrians can usually travel out of the way of traffic.

    I **still** believe the problem is that some motorists and some cyclists are idiots. Most of both groups have no problem getting along, safely, with each other. There are some jerks on both sides that cause all of the trouble.

    It seems that some on this forum lean to the "cyclist is always right" or the "motorist is always right" camp. In reality, most of the world is not so cut and dried.

    Edit: Dang it, Jamie stole some of my thunder... Too slow again.

  5. When I was a cop that would have been Aggravated Battery. I would have talked to the States Attorney and made sure that any “deal” involved prison time. A person that would throw a bottle from a moving car at a bicyclist or pedestrian is no different than a person that would shoot someone in a road rage incident. They need to go to prison.

    Oh I agree, whoever did that should have been arrested on the spot. Unfortunately, no cops were around (maybe they were all manning the Nashville speed traps :rolleyes:). The person that got hit didn't get the plates so there wasn't much he could do. Luckily he wasn't seriously injured - just bruised and scraped up.

  6. The problem with bikes and automobiles is that people are in control of them. Everyone seems to be in such a hurry these days; laws and respect go out the window.

    I've seen cars swerve near cyclists. I've also personally known one cyclist that was hit with a thrown beer bottle - he showed us the big bruise down his back the next week at the office.

    I have also see bikes riding along in the lane (on a four lane) until they came to a stop light with a line of cars in both lanes. They then rode down the middle of the two lines of cars and swerved over in front of one the cars when they got to the front of the line. Once the light turned green, they resumed riding in the middle of their lane. I've also seen bikes go from street to sidewalk and back whenever its convenient for them. I think many people have seen this type of behavior and it is what they remember when seeing a cyclist.

    Basically, there are motorists and bicyclists that don't deserve to be on the road. If you see one or the other doing something illegal or stupid, call the stinking law and report them. Just make sure you do it from your cell phone while driving in traffic! :rolleyes:

  7. i appreciate it. it is alittle bit pricey for me, but it still gives me other options to look at. i dont want wait forever, but i saved up 600 for the gun and 200 for the scope i could save more than i planned to if i need to. thank you though

    Email Jeff at Mossy Creek Custom and tell him exactly what you are looking for. He can quote you on whatever configuration you want.

  8. Here's a big part of the problem with education, and I don't just mean the salary.

    IMO, the biggest problem with education is trying to educate those with no interest (or parental interest) in getting educated. You can't make someone participate in learning. If the desire isn't there, they aren't going to learn. A side effect is they distract from those that are interested in learning.

    My parents made sure I was interested/participated in learning in grade/middle/high school. In that respect, I was very lucky. Of course, my Mother wondered if I was ever going to leave college and get a real job. She thought I was a tenured student!

  9. What gives you the idea that teachers only work for 9 months?

    I looked up the current Williamson County school calendar. New teacher orientation started on Aug 5. Graduation is targeted for May 29. They also get: Labor Day, Fall break (2 days), Thanksgiving (3 days), Christmas (10 days), MLK day, Spring Break (5 days), and Good Friday. This doesn't include the 10 snow days built into the calendar or the approximately 10 days during the school year without students (some of are professional development days, some are parent/teacher meetings).

    Teaching is not an easy profession but you must admit that teachers do get alot of time off compared to other professional jobs.

  10. In the UK, there are groups trying to get the courts to enforce Sharia law. IMO, this bill is attempting to thwart any attempt to replace our existing laws with Sharia law.

    I also agree with Mike.357's statement that a judge could decide to let someone off for a crime that committed because of their religious beliefs. Maybe they are trying to address this with the bill.

  11. I took my son there to look at Glocks before Christmas, and to say that we were both very disappointed would be an understatement.

    All Glocks look alike anyway. :rolleyes:

    I have been to both shows and based on my last visit to each, I'll be going to the fairgrounds. A few years ago the RK show in Franklin was pretty good - but its been shrinking.

  12. I always used 250lbs of sand or so in the bed of my truck (RWD). It was enough weight to get me anywhere I needed to. I figured the sand also worked well if I did get stuck - I could cut open a bag and throw some on the pavement to get me going.

    I've got a Jeep Wrangler now so the truck doesn't get out in the snow!

  13. You do have to order them. Something about the special green paper they are printed on. OK, I'm kidding about the green paper but you do have to use the ATF form - no downloading the PDF to save time. The government employee that mails out the forms must need job security.


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