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Posts posted by bubbadavis

  1. Hello.

    Please forgive me if this is in the wrong section; I'm still learning my way around. I was in the Hillsboro Village area today and noticed a few gunbuster signs in windows and wondered if they have the force of law. I'm new to concealed carry, and was under the impression that the posting needed to be "substantially similar to" the letter of the law. Have I misunderstood?

    Postings have to either 'substantially similar' and/or the gunbuster symbol to be legal.

  2. However, when it comes to "employers" and "employees" this seems a much more nebulous situation...they have a "policy" but don't post...they enforce and they enforce this policy with threat of termination. That seems at least inconsistent with what most businesses are required to do under sate law.

    The biggest difference is that without the posting, a HCP holder (employee or not) is not breaking any law. An employee may be terminated but they can't be arrested and charged for carrying against company policy in a non-posted business.

    The real kicker is that even a company posts, they can allow their employees to carry - HCP or not. The business owner has the right to allow employees to carry on the business property.

  3. I've had both. The sights on the Sig are much better. The Sig is quite a bit heavier - and is SAO. You need to be comfortable carrying cocked and locked with the Sig. The trigger on the Sig is also much better.

    I would suggest finding someone that will let you shoot their Sig. Each gun has its advantages and disadvantages. Which one you like will depend on your individual preferences/requirements.

  4. No one would ever make a run on things in preparation for the end of the world. If it didn't happen for Y2K, it won't... Oh wait!

    The 2012 election prediction may have more to do with a run on AR's and ammo than anything else. Look at the EBR market when BHO was elected.

  5. I'm sure the instructor didn't get a kick-back from any insurance sold... The state mandates the HCP curriculum, unless you get permission to modify it; I wonder where the insurance sales pitch fits in.

    What was the school/instructor? Knowing which schools do things right (and those that don't) is always helpful when asked for a recommendation for a HCP class.

  6. Ammo, ammo, and more ammo would be my suggestion.

    I'm sure you already know this but the 14.5" upper makes it an SBR unless the flash hider is permanently attached (and makes the effective barrel length 16").

    Once you get this in, please give some feedback on the failzero BCG. I've always wondered if they back up the marketing hype.

  7. That quote is both true and false situational dependent. THere are times where a police officer must sacrifice the safety of one or more individuals for the safety of a greater number of people.

    Suffice it to say, You can argue all you want on this forum; it's just the internet. Next time you get pulled over adn the officer wants to disarm you, tell him no just for poop and giggles. See what happens... I bet you lose, but you'll be sticking to your principles... You'll definately have the time for the cost-benefit analysis while you're in jail or on the ride home with a hefty ticket.

    Note that I never said I wouldn't disarm for an officer. My argument is that it is more dangerous for all involved to disarm me than to tell me to leave the weapon alone and keep my hands in plain sight. That's also the case for the vast majority of permit holders.

    You've made it clear in this thread that only LEO opinions matter to you. You have also made it clear that LEOs are more important than citizens to you.

    Basically I'm done trying to have a rational conversation with you. Welcome to my to my ignore list.

  8. So from what I'm reading here most of you don't subscribe to local news papers, local news, internet news, etc since it all is someone interpretation of the facts and you are tired of "opinions".

    The local news paper and local TV newscasts around here are so slanted and biased it is hard to get any facts from them.

  9. The holstered weapon is safest only if you know for certain the carrier's intentions.

    We can argue this all day. I'm down. The simple fact of the matter is that you (according to what I can gather) have never been a LEO, and have no understanding of what an officer can face while in the course of his duty. For you to second guess or arm chair quarterback tactics is a non-starter. There is a particular mindset necessary for one to survive in that career, and if it means annoying some civilians in the name of officer safety, then so be it. THe top priority of any police officer is to make it to the end of the shift with as many holes in him as he started with, and still be breathing.

    Well, we're going to agree to disagree. Handling the weapon brings in safety risks that aren't there with leaving it holstered. As far as trust, citizens also must trust the officer in encounters. I can google up lots of evidence where this trust is misplaced in both cases.

  10. That can be true, but I disagree with the word "many." A pistol is still a pistol, and as long as the bogger hook stays off the trigger (which is REALLY easy to do), there's no problem. Pretty much all pistols funtion with the smae basic principles.

    The point is that the decision is ultimately up to the officer. Having a confrontational attitude about an officer wanting to disarm you during a traffic stop is counter productive and will lead to the officer being less likely to staying cool.

    All pistols do have the same basic principles. Most of us on this forum would have no problem safely handling any number of weapons.

    The issue, to me, is that not all cops (probably not most cops) are 'gun guys'. They train with, carry, and shoot Glocks (or whatever their department issue firearm is). Any other gun is 'different'. I have some friends that are cops and I've seen their unfamiliarity with my Sigs, etc. Add the stress of a situation where they feel they need to disarm someone, etc. and bad things can happen.

    If you want, I can find the video of a deputy having a negligent discharge while another officer is cuffing a suspect on the ground. The ND came with a few inches of making the suspect or other officer have a very bad day. And this was with their duty weapon.

    We'll just have to disagree about the "many" part because I can only imagine a few cases where handling a firearm is safer than leaving it holstered.

  11. It just came back on about 15 minutes ago here. I'm just off I40 on OHB (you've been to my apt).

    All the utilities out my way are underground. It really seems to help with the power. I'm also a good bit closer to the substation than you are.

    There were at least three trees down in my neighborhood. I only live about .2 of a mile into the subdivision - there are probably more down if I drove around the rest of the 'hood.

  12. Still no power in Bellevue. Flickered on for two seconds and then right back off. I'm getting bored sitting here in the dark.

    You live in the wrong part of Bellevue. :tough: On my way home from work, I noticed everything along OHB from I40 to past Amberwood was dark. Just around the extended stay hotel, power was back on.

    I live out in Bellevue and my wife said the power came on around 5:30 at our house.

  13. GAD601,

    I believe the Blue label program is for lae enforcement only, not for civilians correct. So why is this other guy talking smack and have people thinking everyone can have those prices? I think he may have a hidden agenda for his comments, I am just saying....

    The blue label is also available to GSSF members - which anyone can join. You are limited to one purchase a year at LEO prices.


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