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Posts posted by bubbadavis

  1. I'm right handed and left eye dominant. Like Steelharp, I tilt my handgun about 20* counter clockwise when shooting. This lets me shoot with my right hand and let my left eye dominate the aiming. I'm convinced my left arm is for balance, so learning to shoot left handed is a non-starter for me.

  2. You can also get dealer pricing at midwayusa, brownells, etc. with a C&R. I save enough through my online purchases to justify the C&R. You just have to send your FFL information to the online dealers - they all have a different process to follow.

  3. None of the department stores are posted. None of the entrances from the department stores to the mall are posted.

    I don't read anywhere in the TCA that indicates a parking lot posting would be legal, just entrances to buildings and attached patios. Am I missing something regarding parking lots?

    At every main parking lot entrance, there is a small, legal TCA posting. By law, they can post the parking lot - then they don't need to post building entrances, etc. Once you carry past a legal sign, you are breaking the law and subject to punishment (if detected).

    Unfortunately, the signs at Cool Springs are very easy to miss.

  4. Representatives voting aye were: Brooks H, Brooks K, Butt, Carr, Casada, Coley, Dennis, Dunn, Eldridge, Ford, Harrison, Haynes, Hurley, Keisling, Kernell, Lundberg, Marsh, Matlock, McCormick, McManus, Miller D, Montgomery, Odom, Powers, Ramsey, Roach, Sargent, Sexton, Shipley, Sparks, Weaver, Williams R, Wirgau, Womick, Madam Speaker Harwell -- 35.

    These members ARE NOT our friends

    Some of these are no surprise to me. Harwell is my representative (well, at least she represents my district) and I've come to expect absolutely no response from her on any communication from me on gun related legislation. I've tried all communication paths I can think of other than smoke signals.

    I fully expect her to vote against gun owners every chance she gets.

  5. Yep, my friend is extremely safe. That is one event that he will never forget. I've shot with him multiple times and he is one of the safest people I know. Unfortunately, all it takes is one brain fart to undo a lifetime of safety. We can never be lax with safety, or else!

  6. Now, what do you guys think about my other question on how you feel about respecting the wishes of the owner vs. simply carrying regardless of the owners request?

    Big can of worms there. As I recall, generally people fall into one of two camps: 1) I know what they mean and I'll spend my money elsewhere or 2) that posting is only to appease the sheeple and I'll just keep my firearm concealed and go about my business. There are exceptions but those are common ways of handling 'not legal' postings.

    Its up to you to decide how you will handle those situations. There's not any clear case law (that I'm aware of) that would set legal precedent for handling this type of situation/posting.

  7. I've got a good friend that shot himself in the hand - he will readily admit it was his fault and he violated multiple safety rules. Thankfully, he healed completely (well accept for the ration of crap he takes from his friends about it).

    Always make sure your Glock is unloaded prior to field stripping.

  8. It's my understanding (and I don't have time to confirm at the moment) that in at least some states, you do not need any special permit to carry in a vehicle provided the weapon stays in the vehicle - this may or may not be related to how they treat a person's vehicle (i.e. as a full-fledged extension of the person's home) - I know that's not true here but perhaps it should be!

    In KY, anyone (who can legally carry) can carry in a car as long as the gun is either in plain sight or in the glovebox. Of course, KY is also an open carry without permit state.

  9. So if a druggie's car parked in your parking lot has illegal drugs in the trunk, you should be liable–because it's on your property.

    I bet in that case you would say "It's not my car officer. Belongs to that guy. Those are his drugs."

    Blah, blah, blah...

    I'm talking about actual TN law - no theories, etc. Plain and simple - try driving around and keep a loaded firearm in your car without a HCP; your first encounter with an officer will resort in an arrest. "But my car is my property - I can do what I want." won't go very far with a judge.

    The situation you outlined is ludicrous. By current TN law, the officer would go after the owner of the car.

  10. Maybe not specifically defined (I haven't looked) but we know this...

    When a loaded gun is in your car on your property; its legal because it's on your property. When you cross your property line you become a criminal unless you have an HCP. Common sense tells me that answers the in/on your property question.

    If only common sense was much more common! I agree with you DaveTN - based on current TN law you can carry on your personal property. Once you get in your car and off your property (even though you are in your car) you better have a HCP if you are armed.

  11. You Glock types are so easily riled. I will never understand the reluctance to add an additional precaution.

    Just carry without one in the chamber. Why not carry unloaded? There are always additional precautions you can add to carrying a firearm.

    Each person has a choice in how they carry a firearm. An unloaded gun is safe, but not very useful (if/when the need arises).

  12. I found some mole spray that drives them away. Unfortunately it doesn't kill them or the food source. It does run them off into the neighbor's yard...

    My neighbors on both sides have them and basically don't do anything about them. Around once a year, I buy some stuff that you attach to the garden hose and then water the yard. It runs them off - at least until the 'stuff' wears off.

    I may have to try the traps. I could probably make a fur coat based on the amount of tunnels around my neighborhood.


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