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Posts posted by bubbadavis

  1. ?? A crime? I assume in general without a HCP? The question is not really about actually carrying, on person, the firearm. I is more about having a gun in the a locked car at your place of employment. In a broader scope, employers are denying an employee the ability to adequately defend ones self to and from work.

    I wholeheartedly believe the employer can decide to not allow 'carrying' on the property. I do think it needs to be addressed once again in the Legislature.

    Carrying a gun is a crime in TN. A HCP is simply a defense. It sounds like splitting hairs but legally there is a difference. Among other details, this allows LEO to stop anyone open carrying to check their permit.

  2. That's not what we were told...



    for the record all of mine were on the slihouette... of course the silhouette takes up most of the paper anyway so it is hard to miss...

    Personally, I would verify any other data presented in the class. It wouldn't be the first time an instructor has given out improper information.

    The instructor may have scored the targets that way - but they would have been scoring them incorrectly.

  3. Seriously, we were told all you have to do to qualify is hit the paper target... ANYWHERE on the paper target. That's it. Even if it's down in the corner off of the silhouette, as long as it's on the paper it's counted as a hit. There's no bonus points for a bullseye or anything. There's no timed trial, in fact they encourage you to take your time with each shot.

    Actually, you have to hit the silhouette for the shot to count. On paper but off the silhouette is a miss.

  4. I don't know why everyone keeps throwing up the Constitution in all these gun/freedom debates. Get hip, y'all, this is America, and America hasn't needed no steenking Constitution for quite some time now.

    - OS

    Point well taken OS! Its a 'living document' anyway - so whoever is in power can make it say whatever whatever they want!

  5. From the Constitution Article 1 Section 9: "The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it."


    Since civilian courts were not operating in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, one could argue that a situation existed for the suspension of habeas corpus.

    Civilian courts not operating is not a reason to suspend Habeas Corpus. Rebellion and invasion are the only two reasons given in the constitution to suspend Habeas Corpus.

  6. I thought of this flash mob.

    I saw the coverage of this on the news a while back. Personally, I can't classify something as a 'flash mob' when you call the local news stations, have police block off (at least part of) the street, and people are being interviewed before the event. No one was surprised when this occurred - everyone there knew about it.

  7. Don't put all your available cash into the house - you will need some once you move in. Mr. Murphy has a history of showing up at the worst times (like when you're broke). You don't want to become "house poor".

  8. Main entrances are posted. The anchor stores are not.

    Seems like I always wind up entering through Dillards.

    If all the entrances to the parking lots are posted, you can't even legally get to the parking lot. Cool Springs also does this - they post the parking lot entrances from the streets so they don't have to post the entrances to the stores/mall.

  9. I don't understand? 45 yards, 25 yards for concealed carry qualification? We shot at 3, 5 and 7 yards. The class I took was great! It was 8 hours long and nobody got bored.

    Our instructor was a retired LEO and an excellent teacher.

    The TN mandated course of fire involves shooting at 3, 7, and 15 yards. Then a few rounds at the instructor's choice (between 3 and 25 yards).

    The state specifies the course of fire for TN HCP classes.


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