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Posts posted by bubbadavis

  1. Yep, and of course there was no state in which Romney got no votes.


    Once Bersaguy decides something is a fact, it's a fact, and I've never seen him return to a thread when challenged to support or relent on an averred point either. :)


    He's posted for a year that TN HCP is tied to license plate for example, over and over, even after LEOs have tried to clue him in. Etc.


    I would like to suggest to him that he'd get more credence regarding his often mention of "marshal" law if he'd use the proper word, but I know it won't take. :) :)


    - OS


    There is so much evidence of problems in this nation, we don't need to manufacture "facts". When they are so easily refuted, it makes an entire argument fall flat!

    • Like 2
  2. I'm telling ya'll, he is doing everything he can do to create a situation where he can declare marshal law on the country. All I can say is don't anyone be stupid and give him the reason. He thinks he can drive the American people to their breaking point by closing down our parks and National Land Marks. I got news for him. I have the patience of a saint when it comes to stuff like this because I know that every dog has his day and the American peoples day is coming in November 2014. We just need to make sure the Conservative party keep a very close eye on the ballot boxes and who programs them. Anyone with 1 brain cell functioning knows that the ballot boxes were rigged last election. Two things happened that proved it. 1) no President in American history has ever won an election by more then 5 million votes.        2) No Presidential candidate in American history has had an entire state vote and that person not receive 1 vote in the entire state.   There were a lot of people asking what happened to their votes when the ballot boxes where counted and Romney did not get 1 vote in North Carolina and people said they voted for him and wanted to know where their votes went. They never got an answer...........Makes ya kinda wonder huh?


    I'm confused by the evidence you bring up.


    16 presidents have won by more than 5 million votes. Nixon won by almost 18 million: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_presidential_elections_by_popular_vote_margin.


    Romney won NC in 2012 :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election_in_North_Carolina,_2012.

    • Like 1
  3. Yep - we are on the same page. Just trying to point out that the math won't work over time. Eventually, at the rate we are going, health insurance costs are going to eat us alive.



    Well, of course, the insurance didn't go up 9.5% of your total salary, but whatever % of your salary it is, if salary doesn't go up same dollar amount, well ... you know.


    - OS

  4. Well, there's always next year, especially if your insurer is an ACA vendor, and finds he can't balance the books a year or so in.


    'Course, 10% a year ain't exactly something to rejoice about either, as you said. Your salary go up each year enough to at least break even on it?


    - OS


    My insurer isn't an ACA vendor but you bring up a very good point. At least I have gotten raises that were enough to cover the rate increases - they sure weren't 9.5% though so over time the math doesn't work out well.

  5. Based on what I've heard from others, I'm praying for your increase.


    Oh I'm not complaining (OK, maybe just a little) - but I was actually scared it would be much higher. I just hate the thought of paying 9.5% more and getting nothing for it.


    Wait, the Affordable Care Act is saving me money. I'm just doing the math wrong. Must be the new math they teach in public schools these days.

  6. Looks like they have closed. I noticed both signs were down on my way home tonight.


    The last couple of times I was in the shop, they were low on inventory. I just assumed it was from the craziness that has been going on the last several months.

  7. My Dad is a barber - so I'm accustomed to free haircuts. I went the clipper route after getting married for a couple of years; trimming it every three/four weeks. Whenever I was back in my hometown, it was back to Dad's shop for a cut.


    For the last three years, I've been shaving my head two/three times a week. Headblade makes an awesome razor. It only takes a few minutes to shave in the shower. After about 4 days, the stubble gets a little long and its time to shave again.

    • Like 1
  8. Sorry but there is no excuse for not returning a customer's call for days/weeks. It's not like they didn't return a call that day - but the OP tried calling and leaving messages for weeks. I don't care how few employees a shop has, that is just bad customer service.

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