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Everything posted by bubbadavis

  1. For sale is a S&W M&P compact in .40 S&W. Has the APEX carry kit installed as well as dimming but still functional XS Big Dot sights. Comes with three factory 10 round mags and one 15 round mag (which obviously sticks out of the mag well a great deal - but it was fine for my range use). Comes in the factory box with the other factory goodies. $300 in the Mt. Juliet area.
  2. For sale is a S&P M&P 9mm 4.25" barrel. It has the APEX carry kit installed as well as the APEX trigger. It also has XS Big Dot sights - they are dimming but still have some life left. Comes with 4 17rd S&W magazines, the various backstraps, and the original box. $375 in the Mt. Juliet area.
  3. Thanks guys. We've got a busy weekend planned but if I decided to check it out, I'll report back. I do make the RK show in Lebanon occasionally. I just have to remember to show up when the line isn't out the door. Patience isn't my strong suit...
  4. I was seriously considering driving to campus tonight just to witness the madness. My Vandy classmates weren't helping - I'm the only one close enough to join the party.
  5. I never thought I'd see Vandy in the victory formation against Bama. I was a nervous wreck the 4th quarter. Too many times Vandy has found a way to break my heart at the last minute.
  6. I saw Great American Promotions has an upcoming show in Lebanon. Anyone know if their shows are worth going to? I'd only be driving from Mt. Juliet - but I've been to shows in the past not worth the walk from the house to my Jeep.
  7. Now, I think he has a chance. Baseball just didn't want to him in the HOF while he was alive.
  8. Back in the safe
  9. Going back in the safe
  10. When I moved to Huntsville, I searched everywhere for a similar TGO family. I couldn't find one anywhere. Other than buying/selling, this is a great community even for someone from Alabama. I just stayed active here when I was in Huntsville. But I'm glad I'm back in middle TN every single day!
  11. Just an "I forgot about this ad being up" bump
  12. Just an "I forgot about this ad being up" bump
  13. Alright already, quit twisting my arm. Paypal on the way for 1 of these sweet blades. Address to follow via PM.
  14. Glad to hear the surgery went well. Prayers for a speedy recovery. Really uplifting to see you back on TGO so quickly!
  15. There is - it's called the "gun a month" club!
  16. If you are a Glock fan, there is nothing wrong with a G44. The M&P is a nice one also. I haven't shot the Walther. Now, if you want to join the cool kids club, get a $&W model 41. Yep, that's a $ on purpose...
  17. Calling @R1100R. This seems right up your alley.
  18. Yes, this is still a J frame.
  19. Thanks. It is too nice to have sitting in my safe. I just don't shoot it enough to warrant keeping it stowed away. If I didn't have a model 60 which was a gift from my Dad, I'd keep this one. But the sentimental factor makes the from Dad a keeper.
  20. This one is pending our meet. Thanks for the interest. Still cleaning out some of my safe queens. This is a minty S&W Model 60-15 Pro. It comes with the matching box. I'll let the pictures do the talking but it is excellent condition. $700 obo in the Mt. Juliet area.
  21. Bump with a price drop - I'd rather sell locally than deal with gunbroker
  22. Bump with a price drop
  23. Someone has to have a spare TGO sticker or two laying around. I've had one on my Jeep since about 2010. Need to find another one as I'm out and the one on the Jeep was coming apart.


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