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Everything posted by ncldwell

  1. Not necessarily a question of aesthetics. I love the traditional look of wood over synthetic. I'm more interested in other characteristics like accuracy and performance.
  2. That fat coon would make a nice hat...
  3. [quote name="TMF" post="1106842" timestamp="1391669494"]Well many folks do, and this is the reason why. For example, Penn also supports the right to drink alcohol. He has very strong opinions about the prohibition. At the same time, he's never had a drop of alcohol in his life. He has no idea what it tastes like and has no idea what the sensation of drunkeness is like. He also supports the right to take drugs that are currently illegal. He has never taken drugs before; he doesn't believe in it. So, the point is you can support a person's right to do something, such as drink, do drugs or own a firearm without actually believing in the act of doing so or participating in the act of doing so. It is kind of in line with his quote in my signature. You have to be able to put your personal beliefs aside and acknowledge that other people may believe different, and those beliefs are every bit as valid to them as your beliefs are to you, and so long as those beliefs do not directly infringe on the rights of others then we should defend those beliefs. For all we know Penn and Teller are pants wetters around actual loaded firearms. Not the point. They still believe in your rights regardless of their personal hang ups. If only a majority of Americans could be the same.[/quote] Well said.
  4.   I don't separate the two.
  5. Fun to watch. Surprised a bit that they are pro-gun.
  6. Hard for me to tear down a person that puts himself out there to support our individual liberty and 2nd amendment rights. I imagine that through his video channel outreach he has reminded many older liberals of the joy of ownership and use of knives, guns, and outdoor gear in general that they may have briefly experienced as a youth. Speaking of youth, the Web is a common tool for youngsters, many in big cities that aren't privy to the open lands of TN. Although I can't sit and watch much of what he presents, I appreciate the time and dedication he commits to the things we TGOers love.
  7.   I didn't realize the TiRant45 had aluminum baffles.  I assumed since the Element 2 had stainless baffles the larger bore cans had stainless as well. I need to think about this a bit more.  Thanks.
  8. Nice.
  9.   Pardon my lack of knowledge but what does the Judiciary Committee rule on? What step is this in the process of legislative approval?
  10.   Haha, I'm just a Bill...that video brings back memories...3 channels on the TV with rabbit ears and at midnight the Star Spangled Banner at mid-night then snow on the TV.
  11. The TiRant specs look pretty good. Looking into YHM and SWR as well.  All disassemble which is good. Wasn't thinking of taking it down to .22 but good to know it's possible.
  12. The penalty is staggering for illegally possessing an item that does nothing but suppress sound.
  13. Looking for advice on using a larger bore suppressor on smaller caliber firearms. My objective is to have a can that can be safely and effectively used across a variety of firearms in the interest of saving money.  Calibers in question would be .45 down to 9mm.   Any lessons learned from the community here are appreciated.
  14. [quote name="wileecoyote" post="1105933" timestamp="1391507614"]Big Green Egg. It has changed my life. Seriously. I'd mortgage the house a second time before giving up the egg.[/quote] +1 on the BGE.
  15. Beretta coming to Tennessee, wow, hadn't heard. Love my Berettas.
  16. Saw Tom Ridge speak at a conference just after he left his post as first DHS Director. He commented that most of the things put in place like the color code system and screeners were just to put the public at ease and get people flying again. That comment has stuck with me.
  17. Couple steps below the Elvis model...
  18. The new ATF rule is expected to go into effect June 2014.  http://www.myguntrust.com/are-nfa-gun-trusts-being-eliminated.html
  19. Thanks guys. Sounds like a lot of progress has been made since last year. Hopeful it passes.
  20. I saw one of these a member was shooting out at Owl Hollow. Looked like fun...not much left of it when they were finished though...
  21. Have written both of my legislators.  When does this bill come up for vote?
  22. I've picked up some really good books from this thread. I would add to the list Plague Year by Jeff Carlson. He wrote three books in this series over all, Plague Year, Plague War, and Plague Zone. The story is based upon a nanotechnology contagion that spirals out of control and obviously what people do to survive.
  23.   I tried to send via PM but there is no attachment option.  Send me your email via PM and I will forward to you.
  24. http://www.the-armory.com/shopsite_sc/store/html/22_ammunition.html   Several options available.  Cheapest is roughly .11/rnd...
  25. Found this show on Amazon Prime on my Roku. The initial 4 seasons are available and I'm deep into season 2. I'm hooked!


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