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Everything posted by ncldwell

  1. Not sure I can take more biased media propaganda...at the same time it's hard not to watch if for no other reason than to stay informed.
  2. Not a bad looking rifle in a wierd kind of way but leaves me scratching my head as to what they were trying to achieve with their laws in the first place...
  3. EPIC reports that the Justice Department has issued "2511" letters immunizing ISPs from criminal prosecution under the Wiretap Act.   http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-57581161-38/u.s-gives-big-secret-push-to-internet-surveillance/
  4. Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should get used to the idea.
  5. Loosening constraints I think is a good thing.  The fact that this was TSA sponsored policy change was encouraging.  It seemed to indicate TSA's stance that these small knives were no threat to passenger safety and to give a little bit of freedom back.  In a political environment where the norm is to ban everything it would be nice to see a move in the opposite direction.
  6. TSA was holding strong against opposition to revising their knife carry on policy.  The revised policy, which would allow small pen knives with blades no longer than 6cm or 2.36in, was scheduled to go into effect tomorrow.  TSA has announced the delay to allow further input from both those that support as well as oppose the new policy.  I haven't been able to find a new date for the policy to go into effect.   So...no pocket knife on any commercial flight...not yet anyway...
  7. still trying to understand the nobel peace prize...he looked embarrassed to accept it...
  8. may be better ways to express support for the 2nd amendment imho...although I like the shirt...
  9.   Pretty cool to kill your first deer with a muzzleloader.  Thanks for the powder tips.
  10.   Appreciate the post.  I've got the screw in breach plug which makes me feel better from a safety perspective.  I read about the problems with the push in o-ring plug.  I was able to get the breach plug out with my Leatherman.  The plier tips fit the two holes perfectly.  I was unsure about the percussion cap size but went ahead and bought some #11's at Bass Pro this weekend.  Thanks for confirming the size.  I think I'm going to really like this rifle.  I've never done any BP hunting and am looking forward to it.
  11. will make a good wife someday...
  12. Email sent.  There obviously needs to be legal and tactical training for those school personnel that choose to carry.  One success story and some history... http://www.freecolorado.com/1999/10/myrick.html  Hero or criminal?  He did illegally have a firearm...in his truck...on school property.  He did go get it and save lives.  I think Assistant Principal Myrick is the former.  http://frontpagemag.com/2012/dgreenfield/how-an-assistant-principal-with-a-gun-stopped-a-school-shooter/  If Tennessee can get this legislation passed we may be able to discourage those that intend to do harm in our schools.
  13. Government purchases have run up ammo costs.  http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/02/17/Feds-Buy-2-Billion-Rounds-Of-Ammunition    Non-Military and law enforcement agencies like USDA and DoED also buying ammo.  Maybe a move to limit availability?   My projection is manufacturers will start to catch up with demand in the next two months.
  14.   The first time I fire this rifle it is highly likely I will ffflinch too...if everything goes as planned it will get much easier after that first successful firing.  I'm used to things only coming out of the barrel, not going into it first...hehehe...
  15. As of today, Bass Pro had Goex BP $27/lb and 777 substitute at $32/lb.
  16.   Appreciate the info Homeagain.  I found a serial number reference that indicates manufacture in 1972.  With that info and after much searching I did find a PDF manual.  I would be happy to share this with other TGO folks if anyone needs it.  I have a PDF of the 1970's model as well as a PDF manual for later Huntsman models of a different design.  After some tinkering I discovered a couple of ways to disassemble the primer cap nipple and breach plug without the H&R tool supplied with the gun.  I would be happy to share those tips as well.  Thanks to you and Bajabuc for the assistance!  I'll update once I've fired it.
  17.   Really appreciate the response and guidance Bajabuc!  Is there any rule to how much powder?  I've read on the Web that 100gr is a good average load.  I've also read to start low, i.e. 50gr, and work up in increments (50, 75, 100, etc...).  Sounds reasonable but what are your thoughts on this?
  18. I have a Harrington and Richardson muzzleloader that I inherited several years ago.  I've never fired a muzzleloader and can't find any type of manual or instructions online.  Is anyone familiar with this rifle and/or can anyone point me in the right direction to find proper instructions on how to load it?
  19. Nice rifle!  Brings back memories.  I shot a Garand competitively as a teen many years ago.  Definitely one of the reasons I developed a love for shooting and firearms.
  20. During my HCP shooting qualification I was flanked by a man on one side and a woman on the other. I don't think either had ever held a handgun and both were uptight. Both hit the target holder at some point during their shooting. Both passed. Makes me wonder if some additional hands on instruction might be advisable for those that have zero experience with a weapon.
  21. More tools than queens. Different kind of pride of ownership with each category. For me it eventually boils down to using and firing that makes the ownership so enjoyable...for me anyway...


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