Hi all. So I stopped by Carter's Shooting Supply this evening to pick up a S&W 500 Mag that I ordered from Bud's over the weekend. We opened up the case and there it was in all its glory. First thing, I tried to open the cylinder for a safety check. That was when things went downhill. The gun was frozen up like the cylinder had been welded in place. I wasn't too familiar with the internal lock on S&W revolvers, so we got one out of the display case for comparison and determined that there was definitely an issue with the gun. Trigger wouldn't pull, hammer would cock, and the cylinder release wouldn't move... Anyway, three of us worked at it for a little while, but never could get the thing to open or turn. The guys at Carter's were very friendly and tried to help, but there wasn't much that could be done without potentially making the gun unreturnable. I called Bud's and they are going to send a return shipping label to Carter's and get a replacement gun on the way.
I'm guessing this sort of thing has probably happened before, but I haven't done the research just yet. So yeah... I'm not too upset, just disappointed and thought I'd vent a little. Thanks for reading. :-\