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Everything posted by runco

  1. My sister-in-law had them removed when she was around 29 or 30, terrible experience and pain for many many days. In comparision, my then 5 year old son, was out of commission about a day or two.
  2. [quote name='greenego' timestamp='1354056948' post='851589'] Not sure being obsessed with Sigs fits the definition of a cult "The word [b]cult[/b] in current popular usage usually refers to a [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_religious_movement"]new religious movement[/url] or other group whose beliefs or practices are considered abnormal or bizarre.[sup][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cult#cite_note-1"][1][/url][/sup] ". Maybe if you get down on all fours and bark at the moon or something. [/quote] Merriam says (I align with 4 (I think) or most definitely 5a, 5b & 5c): [b] Definition of [i]CULT[/i][/b] 1 [b]:[/b] formal religious veneration [b]:[/b] [url="http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/worship"]worship[/url] 2 [b]:[/b] a system of religious beliefs and ritual; [i]also[/i][b]:[/b] its body of adherents 3 [b]:[/b] a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; [i]also[/i][b]:[/b] its body of adherents 4 [b]:[/b] a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator <health [i]cult[/i][i]s[/i]> 5 [i]a[/i][b]:[/b] great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); [i]especially[/i][b]:[/b] such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad [i]b[/i][b]:[/b] the object of such devotion [i]c[/i][b]:[/b] a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion [url="http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cult"]http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cult[/url]
  3. I was told today by a buddy at work that I may be a cult follower due to my obessesion to Sigs. He says that Sigs have that special cult following. That has me thinking, is that accurate? Do Sigs have a cult following? Do Glocks? Obviously AR platforms do, what are some others? What is difference between a cult follower and a groupee? What meets a cult criteria? Share your thoughts.
  4. Wow! Thats fantastic. How did they contact you.
  5. I may be the odd one here, but customer service is by far not a top consideration for me. From buying autos, tvs, services, guns, etc., price is alone at the top! I have always been a do it my self kinda of person, so customer service is more at the bottom to me. I have had so many new car salesman push service, and I just laugh. That is why I will drive to Atlanta to save $500 on a new car purchsae. My time is cheap.
  6. I think Walmart is a excellent example of capitalism. I personally wish they would held true to their beliefs when Sam was running the company (buy American), but I admit I too have endulged in Walmart goodies made on foreign shores. I will always buy the lowest price items that I need regardless if its Walmart or the local mom and pop. I have no loyality to a retailer, but I do have loyality to providing the most value to my family, shopping smart, not feeding the local mom/pops. This reminds me, if my local gun store only knew how much money I spend at Walmart for ammo and on occasional a gun, he would be extremely offended. However, he thinks I am just a cheap stubborn old gizzard that comes in once a week, I kick a few tires, I do try to negotiate on a few goodies, we talk a little, but I never buy anything. If he is relying on me to feed his family, well....... they be starving.
  7. runco

    Sig question

    Slide made in Germany, frame made in USA.
  8. [quote name='hlb14' timestamp='1353770737' post='850032'] For example, the name brand tires you buy at costco, Sams or Walmart are not the same as the tires you get at a retailer. They are cheaper and made in special runs so the discount chains can buy in bulk at a cheaper rate. [/quote] Just curious what evidence do you have to support your tire claim?
  9. If I was a dealer I would make the claim or fuel the rumor mill the box store ones are special or are of lesser quality. Because i want you to buy from me. Think about it from the manufacturer side. They must be the same, or they would run the risk of alienieting the customers or open themselves up to some liability.
  10. Update, well I made it to my local Walley. First in line at the sporting goods desk, actually the only one in line. The sales associate whom I know on a first name basis from all of the ammo I buy, met me with a sleepy smile, and worked with me. I was only interested in the Sig M400 in ODG color. She said they only had two, and both were black. Good grief, my planning, my selling off useless items over the past 3 weeks, was fading away, I chose the wrong the Walmart to stand in line. Anyway, took off to another larger WalMart (Maryville). Got there 6am, and whew! They had only one ODG left. Recieved my time appointment, and now I am happy owner. I will post pictures later.
  11. Page #14 of the 2013 TWRA regs. says its okay to hunt with handguns unless the county has an exception. [url="http://www.eregulations.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/12TNHD-FINAL-LR.pdf"]http://www.eregulations.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/12TNHD-FINAL-LR.pdf[/url]
  12. Welcome. Was just there back in early June for family vacation. Gave some serious thought about relocating there, but read the gun laws, and said nope!!! Love to live there, but I also love my guns. Oh well, I guess I will just visit every now and then.
  13. runco

    Red Dawn

    Here is the official trailer: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6T2Q4bBcUU[/media]
  14. runco

    Red Dawn

    The original gave me nightmares for years, lol (seriously). I saw at the new Theater at East Towne Mall (ktown) back in 84 or 85 I think. That movie may have contributed to my gun fetish or my gun obsession. Anyway, I carry a funnel around in my truck just in case I need to add p-water to the radiator. I will probably go see this new one, maybe this weekend.
  15. Well I am probably qualifed to help. I have a 8 yr old, 7 yr old, 3 yr old and 3 week old. When I am carrying, I use the iwb crossbreed, and no one knows that I am carrying. My kids have seen me suit up many times witht the iwb, and just thinks its as natural for me to carry as carring my cell phone or wallet. Now with that said, I do have several of these gun vaults for the cars, for just in case I can't carry into a business or do not want to carry when out: [url="http://www.amazon.com/GunVault-NV300-NanoVault-Combination-Lock/dp/B003841ZBS/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1353535837&sr=8-9&keywords=micro+gun+safe"]http://www.amazon.com/GunVault-NV300-NanoVault-Combination-Lock/dp/B003841ZBS/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1353535837&sr=8-9&keywords=micro+gun+safe[/url] Then when I am home, I always 110% of the time secure the guns either in the large safe that I have or in more of those little safes that I have scattered around the house. All of these little safes are cabled locked to something secure. I have been carrying since year 1 of Tennessee carry program, and never have had one incident. One more point, since the kids have been born, I have kept one out of chamber, just an added safety feature.
  16. I have a duracoated a few items. To do it on the cheap, like I did the first time, first, you will need to disassemble and sand blast the parts that has the current coating. Sandblasting media will run $25-$50, use ebay for the best price for aluminum oxide. You will need a sand blast gun, harbor freight has the cheap hand held ones that looks like a paint gun, cost $25. Use a bucket or large card board box to catch your spent media, you can reuse and reuse. Then you will need to buy the duracoart, probably close to $20, maybe less, then finally you will need a airbrush gun. I bought my from Amazon, $9. I had a air compressor, but if you do not have one, they do have cheap ones at Walmart. You just need around 30psi and I think around 3.5 cfms. I do not recommend using the oven that you use for cooking food, if you have an extra $10 lying around, buy a toaster over from the local thrift store. To finish, follow the instructions on the duracoat process, clean, clean, clean, the parts, wear gloves, and then paint. Allow to air dry, and then bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees. Then you are done. I estimate it will cost you: $80-$100 w/o buying a air compressor, assuming you have none of the sandblasting items and toaster oven, but your 2nd duracoat jot, it will only cost you the cost of the duracoat, $19. For me it was a wonderful experience. I have a post from earlier in the year on my first experience, it was a hoot.
  17. I have a high capacity magainze in 9mm that I have no idea what gun this magazine is for. It looks similiar to a Beretta 92 magazine, but will not fit my Beretta. Maybe some Smiths, I am not sure. Its stamped on one side MecGar and on the other side Italy. Its stainless. Any suggestions: http://[img]http://i963.photobucket.com/albums/ae114/runco0318/20121110_072829.jpg[/img]
  18. I quit frying a few years ago, but I re-used the peanut oil for many years. Just filter it to catch all those bits and pieces. I still have close to 2 gallons, would use again if wanted to risk it.
  19. [quote name='vaiger' timestamp='1353370379' post='848476'] I have bought from them and sent cash with no problems. Completely happy and yet to find the blemish on mine. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2 [/quote] what was the turn around time
  20. I found this older posting, but didn't find an answer to my question. Anyone here actually bought a 2nd from this retailer and just sent cash through the mail. I admit I don't care about 2nds, okay by me, but my spidy sense is telling me no regarding sending cash. [url="http://www.crossbreedseconds.com/"]http://www.crossbreedseconds.com/[/url]
  21. Lets see where this goes: I sometimes see things differently than most, just to have a different point of view, maybe to stir it up. For one, I agree its a shame that working retailers and working food servers must work on a beloved holiday, I sympathize with those. However, I am not so sure its the greedy companies to blame, but the stock holders who are actually to blame. We stock holders, sometimes called 401K holders of mutal funds, demand and expect a certain rate of return in order for us to have a comfortable lifestyle. We demand these public traded companies not only turn an expected profit, but we want the shares of stock to rise in value. We stock/mutal funds holders do not care how they do it, as long as it is legal. So my argument, who is to blame, the retailers, or us!
  22. I also feel your pain. Similiar situation here, including 20 chihuahua dogs that ran loose. I am no dog hater, I but I depised those dogs. Considered the rat poison, but never did. Anyway, thankfully after the economy turned sour, they moved. The new neighbors are great friends of ours now. Nothing but peace and quiet now.
  23. If round means like +300lbs, yes it works great for me (Crossbreed), just wear at the 5pm position.
  24. Welcome, I live down the road across the lake. For sporting clays & skeet, try this place out. Its probably <5 miles as a crow flies from Greenback: [url="http://www.chilhoweesportsmansclub.com/"]http://www.chilhoweesportsmansclub.com/[/url] For indoor shooting, you have Farnsworth in Vonore, they have very reasonable indoor shooting range fees, assuming you have nothing against cosmetics: [url="http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&sugexp=les;&gs_mss=farnsworth+fireamr&cp=19&gs_id=k&xhr=t&qscrl=1&rlz=1T4GGNI_enUS490US490&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bpcl=38093640&ion=1&biw=1120&bih=583&wrapid=tljp1352775452440038&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=farnsworth+firearms&fb=1&gl=us&hq=farnsworth+firearms&hnear=0x885e887c17f61a9d:0xf3b00eec57284763,Vonore,+TN&cid=0,0,4083417842355719421&sa=X&ei=JLehULfMIIyN0QH41IDYCw&sqi=2&ved=0CH0Q_BIwAA"]http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&sugexp=les;&gs_mss=farnsworth+fireamr&cp=19&gs_id=k&xhr=t&qscrl=1&rlz=1T4GGNI_enUS490US490&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bpcl=38093640&ion=1&biw=1120&bih=583&wrapid=tljp1352775452440038&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=farnsworth+firearms&fb=1&gl=us&hq=farnsworth+firearms&hnear=0x885e887c17f61a9d:0xf3b00eec57284763,Vonore,+TN&cid=0,0,4083417842355719421&sa=X&ei=JLehULfMIIyN0QH41IDYCw&sqi=2&ved=0CH0Q_BIwAA[/url]
  25. [quote name='Jonnin' timestamp='1352729419' post='844247'] Ya think? This is one of my favorites... Its generally rude but not "adult" so you were warned if you click! [url="http://dontevenreply.com/view.php?post=104"]http://dontevenreply...ew.php?post=104[/url] [/quote].. Thanks. This reminds me of when someone pranked me in high school 30 years ago. Someone actually paid the ad in the local paper that said that I typed documents, $0.10 per page. For days/weeks people called my parents home, and asked for me by name. I never did find out who did this, but it was funny the first few days, and got old pretty quick.


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