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Everything posted by GLOCKMEISTER

  1. dude your jumping to conclusions awfully fast arent ya?
  2. btw... with all the MPD presence I dont think you guys are going to have an issue any times soon. Now in 6 months when everyone has all new stuff in their houses.. well that might be diffenent.
  3. short answer is ....yes, with any dui conviction you will lose it for 5 years... and you cant have 2 convictions in 10 years and keep it either. This is only for HCP, it has nothing to do wth ownership
  4. yea, ya might as well put a sign in your yard that says i have guns in the house, that said we were working in Bellevue all last week giving out fans with some guys with the Nashville Fire Dept... and we saw several signs that said "We shoot looters"... so I wouldnt worry about it too much. I think your in one of the few positions where I see open carry as being acceptable.
  5. sig p6... and we have some sweet ones in stock
  6. The more attention you guys bring to this by emailing and calling Bredesens office is the more attintion you bring to this issue... hes made up his mind and no one heres got the clout to change it. So lets wait and see, i have been told hes gonna let it sit unless there a big outcry about it.
  7. Keep it outta sight and if you slip up and someone happens to see it... then scadattle and you wont have a problem.
  8. I think so... hope so, well at least were on the same wave length of thinking.
  9. My only and biggest fear is if the Dept. of Safety starts revoking permits for violating this posting law... they shouldnt but if a pattern was to appear they might.
  10. Heres my opinion for whats its worth... do i like the signage, well no... but its not going to make a difference. The places that are posted now will stay the same and the others that were going to post will anyway. I'll carry my gun concealed and try my best to obey the law and avoid those places that post. If I have an "rutt ro scoobie" moment and someone sees my gun, says something to me and I cant get out the door before the police get there... and I cant articulate my way out of it, then I will save $500 and pay a "stupid gun tax" violation and go on about my business. Honestly, this thing is just about unenforceable.
  11. nope.. your good to go.... 39-17-1322. Defenses. A person shall not be charged with or convicted of a violation under this part if the person possessed, displayed or employed a handgun in justifiable self-defense or in justifiable defense of another during the commission of a crime in which that person or the other person defended was a victim.
  12. it all boils down to this.... keep the freaking gun concealed and you will never have a problem because noone will know ya got it
  13. Nikki, its all about time... ck out my post above.
  14. GUYS HERES THE REAL ISSUE... TIME!!!!! Since the beginning we all knew this bill would probably pass with no problems, but the delaying tactics was killing us. The Governor has 10 days(not counting Sunday) to sign this thing or veto it. If he veto's it he will probably do it on the 9th hour of the 9th day. The problem is the legislature was trying to get everything wrapped up and get outta town by the 13th or 20th. This means if he veto's it on the 17th they may already be gone. If they are then its going to be a literal act of God to get them back for a special session to just override this one bill... honestly don't see it happening... meaning its dead. Our only hope is that maybe the flooding has slowed down the legislative process enough to bye us some more time. The legislator may stay in regular session until the 27th. Thats our only hope. So there you have it.... time, its our enemy!
  15. He will unless hes simply too busy with all the flooding.
  16. we do classes every Sat.... 11am till 7:30pm... rain or shine, in an indoor range. We usually stay booked a month in advance but have 1-2 reschedules each week, so let us know if we can help.
  17. just so you know that isn't a straw purchase, its only a straw purchase if she isn't legally able to possess a firearm. You can buy a gun as a gift and give it to someone as a present as long as they aren't prohibited from owning it. To the starter of the thread, im sorry your having problems with Gun City... i assure you that your not alone. On the Conditional Proceed issue, thats all on TBI.... but Gun City should release the gun, most every other dealer I know will... the key word in the phrase tbi uses is "Proceed"... they dont say conditional stop or denied. Anyway good luck, next time come see us and well hook ya up.
  18. Whats sad is if the instructor in question is indeed teaching this as law then what else is he wrong about?
  19. you guys are right, ive been tod too forget about 2694 for now....it seems HB3125 is our only hope... I just feel like im making a deal with the devil or at least the dark side of the force(jedi lengo)...
  20. hey guys unless im missing something huge HB2694 has no amendments, its been ready for a vote in the house for almost a month and its keeps getting postponed in the senate Judiciary Committee until Tuesday of next week... It takes care of the problem, and can pass the house... veto im not sure about but im very optimistic. IMHO, unless John Harris tells me otherwise thats the bill we need to support.
  22. August of 1994 for the TENESSEE permit. I carried as Deputy sheriff before that.
  23. honestly im as frustrated as anyone... im hearing after the nra show next month... so maybe by june.
  24. lol... funny thing is he probably wasnt a cop. That said im not a spot saver either, but if he'd tried to do that to me he would have had to remove me by force, and it would have cost him his badge.


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