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Everything posted by GLOCKMEISTER
Not at all, we usually start at 11am and get done around 7pm-8pm... this depends on of the students want a longer lunch/dinner break or just snack during class. Most grap a snack and want to get out sooner rather then later.
Were running classes every weekend for the next two months straight. Im booked every weekend except... I had to reschedule a couple Metro fire employees on the 5th of April... So have 1-2 slots opened up in that class. I also have a few spots in the 19th and 26th of April. If you want to get into a class we require prepayment and preregistration, and you can use a card over the phone to reserve a spot. Remember, those spots will probably be gone by tomorrow evening. We have been teaching the permit class longer then anyone in the state, so we usually stay booked a month in advance. If you have a group, I have several State Instructors on staff and can arange a private class during the week if the weekend doesnt work. Give me a call if we can help. Thanks,
well, and I hate to really advertise... but if its not too far give us a call, our class is $75 and done in one Sat. evening.
honestly, this is another nail in the keltec coffin... this gun will probably be the best kahr has built... but its pricy.. time will tell
SB3395 and HB3245 Ammunition Accountability Act
GLOCKMEISTER replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
we made phone calls and it was killed days after it was written... it died before it could catch a breath. -
SB3395 and HB3245 Ammunition Accountability Act
GLOCKMEISTER replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
this bill is dead... book it. -
I grew up on lower long creek, its called Wildlife Road now... so how far down past the VFW are you?
anytime you "TRADE" with just about any retailer in any industry your not at an advantage. I tell EVERYONE I trade with, "You can sell this to an individual and get allot more then I will give you"... You have to look at all sorts of thing. We warranty everything we sell, so its on me if I find out there is a problem I didn't see. You also have to know the market, season, and demand of the item your taking in... and in the end, anytime you dint feel good about it just say no and walk away.
I'll keep packing my LE Only Ranger... works for me.
Agree 100% 50% of the persons that come thru my course have carried for years, they are just now wanting to get legal.
Curious.... public library?
GLOCKMEISTER replied to Ricochet's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Actually he wasnt an instructor, he was a young man, he simply worked behind the counter at Coal Creek Armory. At least that my understanding. And you may get that one guy that doenst care who you are or what you know... thats the reason I suggest that it would be wiser to not carry unless you really know what you are doing and how to deal with law enforcement. Its all about how you carry yourself, if you look/act like you know what your doing... then most people think you do. If this young man had "carried" himself properly, then that officer might have thought he was a cop... or at least handled it in a different way. In any event it ended with the officer getting into trouble.... although it was a slap on the hand. -
Heres the one I sent the members and others... Honorable Representatives, It has come to my attention that several important bills are up for debate in your committee on Wednesday March 18th. I personally believe the peoples of the State of Tennessee should the ability to defend themselves. I especially think it imperative they retain that ability when out in public where they can be victimized by a growing criminal element. House Bill 702, sponsored by State Representative Joe McCord (R-08), allows a person who has a valid Right-to-Carry permit to carry a firearm into restaurants where alcohol may be served, as long as the permit holder is not consuming alcohol or is not otherwise prohibited by posting provisions. As I am sure you are aware, this measure passed the State Senate in years past and again this year with a vote of 24 to 6. The last time it was before the House its my understanding a similar piece of legislation had a majority of our House Representatives as co sponsors. This should clearly indicate the rest of the House and the citizens of this state want this bill passed. I leave you with a Quote from one of our founding fathers on this particular subject... "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined, nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants. They serve rather to encourage than prevent homicides from an unarmed man, may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." Thomas Jefferson Thank you and please consider the voice of ... WE THE PEOPLE... Phillip Arrington Goodlettsville Gun Shop 602 S. Main St Goodlettsville Tn 37072 615-859-8822 ggunshop@bellsouth.net www.goodlettsvillegunshop.com
Would you help round up guns?
GLOCKMEISTER replied to sigmtnman's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
will i ever get that 30 sec back... ooops, now its 45 sec... -
i have owned several, but they just dont feel right in my hand. They work great, but its just too thin for me.
so Jackdog, where you from in Dover... I basically grew up in them woods. I still have a house up there.
Curious.... public library?
GLOCKMEISTER replied to Ricochet's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
ooops, Im sorry about that. I didnt mean to offend. And Im not extraordinary by any means, no better or worse then anyone here. I have actually received lots of insight in my brief visit to this board. What I meant is this. An officer arriving on a scene is less likely to argue the point to someone whom is or has been a police officer, is an instructor for the permit course, has instructed and taught at the academy that the arriving officer probably graduated from, was there when the law was written, legislated, and finally made law. I can just about quote everything in 39-17.... even if I sometimes over think it.. and lots of others here on this board can quote it just as well, but this is no ordinary board... most officers cant quote the gun laws, neither can 98% of my students I have taught over the past 15 years. Most citizens know the do's and don'ts, but couldnt tell you exactly verbatim what the law says and where it can be found in the TCA. I never said nor implied regular citizens were poor or dumb, those are your words not mine. You see its that officers job to know the law, if he doesnt and he steps out of bounds when someone more knowledgeable tells him he's wrong he can get into big trouble. Remember that run in with the Knoxville officer and the permit holder in the Knoxville Walmart? I guess its an experience thing and knowing which buttons to push and being able to get away with it.... Again, I didnt mean any offense, if you were offended then you have my sincerest apology. -
Curious.... public library?
GLOCKMEISTER replied to Ricochet's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Hey I agree with you 100%, but evidentally the AG and Dept of safety feels differently. Im waiting on another legal opinion from the state on it right now, then well see what they say "officially"... btw, Im going to make them put it into writing. -
I can schedule a class in Dover for you, but it will be at least a month before I can freed up to do it. We have been teaching 2-3 classes a week here in Nashville lately. The class and range work can be done in one day, probably a Sat, Sun, or Mon. Just send me a PM or email and let me know if your interested..
if you ranson rest the gun with it on target, and it shoots all over the place... or consistantly off target then its the gun, if it doesnt it you.
Curious.... public library?
GLOCKMEISTER replied to Ricochet's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
All correct points and guys I agree... but im not going to be the one to test the water. I also agree the AG is a total idiot. Thats the only thing that throws a wrench into it, the freaking AG's opinion. I mean was he drinking when he wrote it or what??? In short we'll carry into the liberary, concealed of course, .... but we can articulate our point if anything happens... regular citizens may not be able to. -
Curious.... public library?
GLOCKMEISTER replied to Ricochet's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
its just a gray area glitch between the AG, and the actual TCA... -
the XD is ten times the gun the Taurus is... period!