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Everything posted by GLOCKMEISTER

  1. Hey to each his own... thing is you almost never see an off duty or plain clothed cop carrying in the open or see a badge, the reason is with all the new gang affiliations wearing a badge is like wearing a target... it will get you killed if your not careful. If these guys want to carry a badge and gun so bad, let them go down and make application at the local Sheriff's office so they can see what its really like first hand. Btw, and Im looking for info on it... but there have been arrests. TBI arrested a guy for selling "Tennessee Permit Badges" out at the gun show... but he was telling people he had an affiliation with the State and they were approved thru Safety. I asked a Metro Sgt. today and he informed me they had made arrest for impersonation as well. Im trying to find info on it as I type... Im wondering if that person took any other action besides just wearing it with a gun...will pass it on when I find it. :-)
  2. RIGHT YOU ARE... You know what really started all the donut/cop stuff? If they show up in uniform the donuts are free... really, no joke!
  3. now, IMHO no person should EVER pass the required class if they cant demonstrate they can load, unload, and are proficiently SAFE with the handgun they are qualifying with. I have spent many extra hours on the range with novices just to make sure they know what they are doing and are safe before we pass them. And yes, I have failed my fair share of folks too... Its not my entention, but some things just simply get you sent home. However we really try and work with folks until they can prove proficiency, even if it means they get to come back to another range session or two on our dime. Again, just my humble opinion. :-)
  4. Heres some info I found on the subject: Under Tennessee law, a person commits criminal impersonation who, with intent to injure or defraud another person: • Assumes a false identity; • Pretends to be a representative of some person or organization; • Pretends to be an officer or employee of the government; or • Pretends to have a handicap or disability. The important words in the criminal impersonation statute are injure and defraud. If you dress like a police officer in the spirit of Halloween, the behavior does not constitute criminal impersonation. If you dress up like a police officer in order to injure or defraud another, the behavior does constitute criminal impersonation. Criminal impersonation under the above is a Class B misdemeanor. A Class B misdemeanor in Tennessee carries a maximum of six months imprisonment, or a maximum fine of five hundred dollars, or both. If the criminal impersonation was committed to falsely obtain a driver license or photo identification license, the maximum fine of five hundred dollars must be imposed by the court. Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-35-111. *******HERES THE PART IN QUESTION******* The state may prosecute for this offense via a second definition under the criminal impersonation statute. A person commits criminal impersonation who pretends to be a law enforcement officer for the purpose of: • Engaging in an activity that is ordinarily and customarily an activity established by law as a law enforcement activity; and • Causing another to believe that the person is a law enforcement officer. Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-35-111. This form of criminal impersonation is more serious in terms of criminal culpability. Criminal impersonation here is a Class A misdemeanor. A Class A misdemeanor is punishable by a maximum of eleven months, twenty-nine days imprisonment or a fine not to exceed two thousand five hundred dollars, or both. --------------------------------------------------------------------- You dont have to be in the commission of an attempted injury or defrauding of a tangible or monetary value to be prosecuted under the 2nd definition. Simply wearing a badge and a firearm would give a reasonable person the belief your a police officer, thus this may be con-screwed as a defraud in itself. Also keep in mind.. Security guards, EMT's, Fireman, PI's and Police/Sheriff/Constable/Trooper all wear badges. But they have specifics of what their badge can say, per the law. They are all licensed, certified, or commissioned thru the State Of Tennessee. Thus they are legal to wear the badge. There is no legal means written in the law for a civilian thats not affiliated with one of the above legal means to be able to wear a badge.... this includes HCP holders. The only exception that I know of thats been tested in court is the Halloween exception. Just my opinion...
  5. your right, wearing the badge right next to a firearm. Thus the definition: "Engaging in an activity that is ordinarily and customarily an activity established by law as a law enforcement activity" Ask yourself... who wears guns and badges? :-)
  7. RUGER® SR9™ PRODUCT SAFETY WARNING AND RECALL NOTICE DO NOT USE YOUR RUGER SR9 PISTOL We have determined that some Ruger SR9 pistols manufactured between October 2007 and April 2008 can, under certain conditions, fire if dropped with their manual safeties in the "off" or "fire" position. The pistols will not fire if the manual safety is in the "on" or "safe" position. We will retrofit all Ruger SR9 pistols starting with serial number prefix “330” (330-xxxxx) with these new parts at no charge to our customers. In order to ensure correct fitting, this new part must be installed at our Ruger factory in Prescott, Arizona. We will remove the old parts and install the new group promptly, at no charge, and will return the pistol to you. The old parts will not be returned. Step 1 - Contact us and provide your name, address, telephone number and SR9 serial number. Provide your information by any of the following: Website: SR9 Recall On-line Form E-mail: SR9Recall@ruger.com Fax: (928) 541-8873 Phone: SR9 Recall Hotline 1-800-784-3701 (available 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EDT) Step 2 - When we are ready to retrofit your SR9, we will send you a shipping label and shipping box with instructions so you can return your pistol to us FREE of charge. Step 3 - We will install the new trigger group in your SR9 and return it to you FREE of charge. When we do, we also will send you a FREE extra magazine as a "thank you" for your patience and cooperation. We will make every effort to return your pistol within one week, so we will not ask you to send it to us until we are ready to receive it. We expect to begin sending shipping labels and boxes in mid-May. Do not load or fire your pistol until it has been factory retrofitted with these new parts! If you must fire your pistol, be sure to keep the manual safety in the "on" or "safe" position except when you are actually firing. Thank you, Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc.
  8. well if you brandish, or attach it to a firearms... or on a belt next to a firearm... then that gives the "assumption" your a police officer. See there are places in the law for Security, Fire, Police, PI's and Emt's to wear badges.... and they have to be licensed or commissioned to do so. There is no provision what so ever for a handgun permit holder to legally wear a badge. If you see someone wearing a badge next to a gun, most reasonable people will assume he is a police officer. Thats engaging in an activity that is ordinarily and customarily an activity established by law as a law enforcement activity I guess it boils down to someones actions as well. I already know of three cases where a HCP holder has tried to get into the movies for free acting like they are the police. These are the same type of people that make their cars look like police cars too. IMHO, Its just a matter of time until someone gets arrested for it. I have spoken to too many police officers about it... its a grey area.. But they are looking for that "TEST" case. Several DA's have also given the green light to make the arrests to, at least thats what I have been told. Oh yea the charge will probably be impersonation or criminal impersonation... • Engaging in an activity that is ordinarily and customarily an activity established by law as a law enforcement activity; and • Causing another to believe that the person is a law enforcement officer. Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-35-111
  9. isnt agreeing to disagree whatthe net is all about? I think it should be a right as well, but I wasnt around when they put the "state can regulate the wearing of arms" part in our state constitution. So we have to play with the cards we are dealt.
  10. 3.5 trigger... Extended slide release (just in case im one handed in a fight) Night Sights Full Length all steel guide rod and spring.(Just so I wont break that flimsy thing in a hurry) Also you can have your barrel polished and jeweled... looks great against the matte black.
  11. or he could get this printed on it. "Im going to jail if a real Policeman see this thing"
  12. got two Rotties... and all they will do is lick you too death.
  13. Years ago we were teaching a longer more advanced course now we stick to the "plan" as well. I mean if you stray, your liability goes way up and the chances of winning a legal battle goes down. I mean its a "required" course to obtain the permit, you teach something besides whats in the lesson plan and they use it incorrectly then your liable. I figure if people want more advanced instruction it can be taught in another class that doesn't have a mandated lesson plan supplied by the state. Get them thru the permit class, then teach them tactics in a more advanced course. Thats my humble opinion.
  14. just think of it like carrying a revolver... btw I sold my keltec since I got me LCP. Just an fyi.
  15. its just a matter of time until a "wanna be" gets arrested for impersonation... All I can say, is when I was a cop I never wanted anyone to know it. People will spit in your food, do crap to your car while your shopping and all kinds of stuff.
  16. I have close to 700 rounds thru my LCP as of this weekend... not problems at all, no jams. Im not only amazed, Im tickled to death... now I just need a couple dozen more to sell. As of right now we have only gotten 6 guns and they were gone in no time.... I need more more more!!! Time to sell mt 3at...
  17. Let me start by saying I dont play Golf... never have, probably never will. Its just not my cup of tea. I feel if its that nice outside I'd rather be fishing, hunting, boating, shooting... or just about anything but playing golf. Here's my question.... I have been told golf courses have a "beer" cart that comes around and serves the players... if thats so, and I dont know... then doesn't that mean we cant carry on a golf course???? Now dont slam me... I dont know if this is a common practice or not, or even if its true. Thoughts?
  18. I quit the Tennesseean when they first listed all the permit holders many years ago. Why take it anyway, I can get anything I want online.
  19. I 2nd this, if you write a letter it will go into the officers personel file.. and like strickj said.. it looks good in a file because usually no one calls telling the good stories.
  20. honestly, we live on 6 acres.. we have a 72in cut John Deer... it makes life in he summer SOOO much easier, and gives me more time to fish too. If I caught someone stealing it.. it would be really hard not to put a cap in their.. well you know.
  21. and... its the 2nd that insures we keep the 1st, and all the rest.
  22. my appologies... that wasnt my intent. I really tried to be civil. Thus the reason Im trying to let it lie. Again hope I didnt offend... just exercising my God given first amendment right.
  23. guys... its going to be hard to unseat that SOB... If "ax the tax" couldnt... what makes you think we can? Realistically?
  24. hey.. they used to hang horse thieves back in the day, wouldnt hurt my feelings if we got back to that type of thinking.
  25. wow Frank I never thought you were this much of a smartazz... Sorry I didnt think to list all my lifelong nonmilitary accomplishments in my sig. Thanks for your service btw... I never said I was the best... actually if you could read I actually stated the opposite, in this thread. You said "have to take" if I remember... and there were several people in this state in 1993 that were already NRA and POST instructors, so no we didnt HAVE to take anything.. we already met the qualifications. You guys that have came around sense that are walking in our footsteps HAD TOO. And yes I use allot of the same stuff everyone else does, but I dont go around taking what I consider remedial classes to "better" myself either. Classes taught by my competition... Im sure you and your little friend both teach a fine school...never said or implied otherwise. So we agree to disagree... are we done here?


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