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Everything posted by GLOCKMEISTER

  1. well.. I started not to chime in but here goes. I owned one of the first HS 2000's that was made available to the private market here in the United States. I loved it then and still do... we tried everything to kill it, and it just kept trucking on. Love the grip safety. Springfield bought them out, marked them up a couple hundred dollars and changed a few cosmetics and called them XD. Im also a Glock certified armorer and have been for 15 years or so. I love my Glock. I guess when you depend your life on a gun in police work you have to have confidence in it. In short they are both great and safe guns. There is no way possible for either gun to fire without someone pulling the trigger. All these stories you hear about..." He dropped it and it went off" or "He bumped it and it went off"... or He was holstering it and it went off"... Its simply not possible. In all those examples you will find the person that had the AD had their finger on the trigger when the AD occurred. Now... The only way to determine which one is for you, and the best gun, is to put both in your hand and see for yourself. Its simple as that. I would pick up either one and defend my life or my families life.
  2. mid May... that sucks... What are you supposed to do till then?
  3. They wont... I'll have the first one I can get my hands on... in dark earth
  4. I'll wait on the Magpul
  5. Sam is actually my gunsmith as well, so if you want you can drop it off at my store and he will get to it the same week. He is the best 1911 guy here in Tennessee.
  6. ooops, looks like Mars beat me too it... I was going by what was stuck in my brain, guess thats what I get for not reading the entire thread... anyway everything he said is correct.
  7. Heres the deal. Does your Son still live at home with you? If so buy the gun and give it to him as a gift. If anyone says anything about it, its yours... he's useing it for a lawful activity... He cant be in possession of it unless he's participating in a lawful hunting or sports shooting activity, or too and from such an activity. I believe if you guys look hard enough you will find that in the law. I'd make him out a document of written permission and a copy of that particular law and make him keep it with him when transporting it.
  8. exactly... if Im 500 yards away, Im not giving up my position in that type of situation. Another thing, a 22 can be silenced really easy too... a necessity in taking game in unfriendly territory. But the most important thing you need in a SHTF scenario is a plan of action and the ability to put it into place at a moments notice.
  9. but... a 22 can do allot of damage when you hit someone in the eyeball, then you can pick up what they are carrying. You can carry thousands of rounds for a 22, and can make a 10/22 full auto in minutes. Leaving you to be able to carry other stuff. I guess it depends on how "mobile" you will be. For defending the home, the bigger the better and it really depends on stock up cost on ammo. 308 should be fine if your are fortifying your place, but going on the move is a whole different story. I guess if your holding out waiting on the good guys thats one thing, but in a SHTF scenario youwill probably have to go mobile at some point. Im just saying...
  10. this is a dangerous idea... if we have tons of support and lots of people show up then great, but if it flops and we have no turn out we will be killing any political power we may claim to have. Face it guys, the truth is we cant even get all the permit holders to contact their Reps much less show up at one place in the state for a gathering.
  11. Our class starts at 11am... if you want in you will need to make contact with us Tuesday and prepay and preregister. Thanks
  12. For survival nothing is going to beat a Ruger 10/22...then AK... or SKS or AR15... Remember if all hell breaks loose you may have to be mobile and you will need to be able to pick up ammo, there should be pleanty of 22's or 223 laying around. Just an FYI.
  13. Give us a call, we will give you the class... be glad to. I actually have some room in this Sat class due to a reschedule, so let us know Tuesday morning if you want to get into that one. Cost is $75.
  14. Kinda sorta like that... long as you dont ye'll out PINK
  15. well, im not going to go into specifics... just start yelling out colors... that should get a laugh from a few folks.
  16. NO... Eyeroller.. I think you may have misunderstood my intentions thru this whole thread. Im strongly against the wearing of any badge by any civilian.
  17. your correct. Actually several years back ... here in Goodlettsville... Goodlettsville PD was called to Rivergate mall on a shots fired call. When the GPD officer got there he saw two men in a shootout, he assumed the guy that looked like a BG was indeed that and he shot him... turns out that was the undercover FBI agent, the other guy in the suit was the drug dealer. So yes it can happen.
  18. hey, just an FYI we wer out at Gunsite a few years ago and my G23 stopped because it had a titanium striker in it. You see, with allot of hard primered ammunition it simply wont pop a cap. So run lots of different types thru it before you depend you life on it.
  19. well see, anything can happen in the heat of a gunfight. If a police officer is present he/she should have intervened to protect citizens first, if lives were in peril. A police officer will identify themselves as such. Remember deadly force is only authorized if there is an immediate threat to you or a third person. So if another armed person gets involved, are they a threat to you, and when they say they are police... you need to withdraw and let them take care of the situation. I'd tell them at the fist moment you could that you are a permit holder and the BG just tried to kill/rob you. Let that be known immediately. But it isnt going to do you any good to have a badge on... any idiot can get a badge, and honestly cops can almost always tell who's another cop. Its a look they have. What happens if your in the midst of a gunfight, and the Policeman thinks your a cop... then starts yelling out tactical commands in "cop talk".. what then, you will look like a deer in the head lights. In any event reaching for a permit badge is just liable to get you shot, or will take your attention off of the threat. If you are dumb enough to wear the "Permit Badge" in the open, then you will have probably lost the gunfight before it starts... you will probably be the first victim. See if the BG has the ability to do physical harm he will be very quick and deliberate, you wont know what has happened until its too late. If he sees a badge, its not necessarily going to stop him. It will honestly probably make him take you out first. The thing you guys are forgetting is criminals dont respect the police like they used to, so brandishing a badge does nothing but paint a target on yourself. Thus the reason police dont wear them out in the open when off duty or in plain cloths.
  20. my point was we had our chance when the biggest bunch of anti Naifeh people were the "ax the tax" crowd... if he survived that, he can survive most anything we do to unseat him. I agree the bastard needs to go, but its going to be a very hard uphill battle.
  21. our best shot at getting him gone came and went with the AX THE TAX people.
  22. guys, I know severasl Reps... and the truth is they are scared to not vote for him. If they vote against him, and he still wins... they and their districts are screwed. I hate it, but you cant blame them.
  23. he doesnt have to sign it... if it sits it becomes law, you dont want to point out Tn didnt pass it and make him want to veto it.
  24. no actually that cat was selling to everyone. The badges had a little number on the back and he was telling people he was sending those numbers into the State so they would corespond that number to the HCP number to "register" the particular badge to that person. Weather you had a HCP of not he was telling that to everyone. The guy was a real idiot.
  25. I completely agree... but thats the gray area and the reason more persons havent already been arrested. Btw, some have. But you have to think of it like this, someone stupid enough to wear the badge is probably going to do something "action" wise to get themselves into trouble.


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