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Everything posted by GLOCKMEISTER
well well well... whats up Doc... my older brother from a different mother!!!!
You are the FTF buyer, any paperwork involved?
GLOCKMEISTER replied to wattsbarbound's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
they cant thats for dealers only. -
You are the FTF buyer, any paperwork involved?
GLOCKMEISTER replied to wattsbarbound's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
i run serial numbers thru Goodlettsville Police Dept.... the gun and hte customer have to be in my store in order to run them. -
guys to be fair I think we should all do more. The TFA has been around for years, and has been instrumental in us getting what we have so far. You and I both owe John Harris a great deal for all he's done. But honestly it gets old fighting a fight with no help. Thats what John and the TFA have done for years. Im all for getting everyone under the same banner and on the same page. I have made suggestions. What are the rest of you thinking might work?
as long as they are not legally written... who cares?
I been in the buisness for 18 years... its not all about buying power its also having connections in the industry too. Some lines like Glock have a minimum wholesale... so it wont matter, but usually it up to the dealer. If they are well connected they can get what they need.... that is if its out there.
the thing is lots of others feel the same way.... they have given so much to the NRA... with very little to show for it... tell them all what to do, and who knows... mabe they will do it!
Yea, screw getting money.... I have paid my dues to the NRA for more then 20 years... time to get something back here in TN for that investment. Tell the HCP holders the truth.... that we need phone calls, letters and votes...NO MONEY!!!!
21 feet.... remember that Knife rule... use point and shoot tactics!
Well, honestly I will sell you what ever you want. But you guys think about this, Im sure you have heard of the "double tap"..... two to the head or body. Well that was, at least I was told, developed by British SAS during WW2.... because they didn't have enough "stopping power" with 9mm hi powers.... and they didnt have enough 1911 45's to go around... So they figured two 9mm's was as good as one 45 auto... so they say .... "SAS" developed the tactic of shooting two 9mm rounds to the aimed point of impact.. which was supposed too equal the same knock down as one 45 acp... So I honestly I believe if someone is trying to hurt me, Im going to hit them with the biggest thing I can get... in a handgun accurately thats 45 auto... Again I will sell you what ever you want... But name an elite force or law enforcement agency that still uses 9mm to put down humans? Remember, its all about stopping the threat.... and going home alive! Something to think about huh?
Great assessment I too have seen John bust his hump... for years now. And honestly, it seems like its useless fight as long as NaifNazi is in power. But we all keep on trying.... And honestly, most of the legislatures wont be seeing any of us until you get a bill to the floor of the house for a vote.... how many years has it been since we got that done??? Until all the gun owners get on the same page its going to be an uphill battle. I say we use NaifNazi's logic against him and get that 190,000 HCP holder list from Safety and get some mailers out to those people... let them know we are trying to get some things done and encourage them to lean on their legislators to help. Let the NRA fit the bill for it... they get enough of our money. Anyway... just my humble opinion.
yea, but usually the owner of said vehicle is usually driving it, I'd say about 70% of the time. And not every agency does it. But a good dispatcher running several officers will "get ahead" of themselves sometimes and get the information for you so you will have it when you ask... and not have to wait. If HCP comes up, sometimes they will tell you before you even ask.
when a police officer runs you DL or even your tag number of your vehicle the dispatcher has access to pull your carry permit status, and at times they will tell the officer even before he makes contact with you... thus the reason, IMHO, its best to let them know up front that your carrying. You dont have to, but it might make the stop more pleasant.
OK... And Im not trying to be a smartazz, just posting what everyone else is probably thinking. 1. If your firearm had been concealed she wouldnt have seen your gun. That can be a threat by intimidation if you made the wrong move while wearing the firearm. 2. When suing someone, let the Sheriffs office serve any paperwork, thats the reason they do these things to keep the plaintiffs out of the middle. 3. I bet if you try and buy a gun between now and the hearing you will be denied. All IMHO!
naugh... just stating the obvious facts.
yea they used to say the same thing about the Sigma, SW-99 and about every other SW thats run off the assembly line. What other companies designs were those, and why does the M&P look so much like the Kimber KPD? I'll stick to something I know will work, not a cheaper made copy.. Someday maybe SW can create their own "Tupperware line", but as of today they havent yet.
wow... didnt know I needed to be so specific either. SA also fulfills a lifetime factory warranty on all the HS 2000's as well... so I guess when money changes hands..you control every aspect of a company, your company uses about 95% of all the products they make, you also are warranting their old products... and that company is run and controlled by you alone, and you probably sign all the employee pay cks.. you own it, right? I mean who really knows unless your in a board room somewhere right? :-)
You are the FTF buyer, any paperwork involved?
GLOCKMEISTER replied to wattsbarbound's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Well guys you are playing with fire if you transfer any firearm without some kind of proof of where it came from or where it went. Its simply like this. You buy a gun that is stolen then you can be charged with receiving stolen property right off the bat. What if you sell a gun, and and you do so to someone thats prohibited from owning a gun... or the gun you sold them ends up involved in a crime? Who do you think the local Police and ATFwill be looking for first? I have two FORMER customers that come to mind that have both been involved in a world of hurt for buying and selling guns without some kind of paperwork. The first guy is/was a gun show whore, I mean every show he was there buying selling and trading. Well one day we received a ATF history ck on a gun he bought from us. It was actually from a local agent down in Brentwood... not the regular people in Va. We gave the agent the information on the customer. The next morning ATF, FBI and the local Sheriffs dept shows up at his door. They have a warrant, and start asking many questions about what he had been doing the last three weeks. The first item of business was where the Beretta 9mm SL# XXXXXX you purchased from Goodlettsville Gun Shop back in November??? He told them he didnt have it, he sold it at the gunshow... then they asked him "Do you have any kind of receipt to show who you sold it too"... he said.. and I quote" No, I dont have to have a receipt... I buy and sell at the gun show all the time... never have gotten a reciept for nothing"... At that point the two ATF agents escorted him out and downtown to answer what winded up being about 6-7 hours of questioning. It was voluntary, btw... but he was really close to being charged with the murder of a police officer out of state. All this might have been prevented if he had gotten a reciept... The other guy.. well he was a gun show and traders post whore. He had 15-20 ads in the traders post at any given time. He was charged and convicted of selling without a dealers license. What got the radar on him and got him caught is he purchased a stolen gun, then resold it and that guy traded it in at a gun store. So after the smoke had cleared he was up a creek and out of pocket for the gun he purchased and all the legal bills(it took all his retirement and he had to sell his house) and two years in the federal pen. So my advice is... get/give a receipt for everything. -
never mind...
OBAMA/CLINTON DEBATE... (know your enemy)
GLOCKMEISTER replied to GLOCKMEISTER's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Yea Rabbi I agree with ya... I could never vote for someone that could trample on the 2nd amendment, being a gun owner and in the industry its kinda like playing Russian roulette with three cylinders full... ya know? As of right now I will vote for MacCain and will hold my nose while doing so. -
Why so Mars? Im just asking.
OBAMA/CLINTON DEBATE... (know your enemy)
GLOCKMEISTER replied to GLOCKMEISTER's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I dont think so. They will give it a shot, but Im in agreement with you that it wont happen. I think in their 2nd term if they make it that far. -
OBAMA/CLINTON DEBATE... (know your enemy)
GLOCKMEISTER posted a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
"It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle." Sun Tzu Well I watch the big Dem debate. When the questions came down the guns and the 2nd amendment they both failed. Clinton emphatically said "I will reinstate the assault weapons ban immeediately"... Obama danced around every question asked. All I know is if they get in Katti bar the door because gun sales will be out the roof.... then were screwed. Thoughts?