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Everything posted by GLOCKMEISTER
BTW... How do you guys interperate this... 327.8 says you can fish... also (e) All applicable Federal, State and local laws regulating these activities apply on project lands and waters, and shall be regulated by authorized enforcement officials as prescribed in Sec. 327.26.
Ok... And Im not argueing either, but you guys arent reading what you wanted me to read. Like I said earlier, they have an agreement with USCG and TWRA... Local and State Laws apply... Heres what you guys didnt see. 327.0 Applicability. The regulations covered in this part 327 shall be applicable to water resources development projects, completed or under construction, administered by the Chief of Engineers, and to those portions of jointly administered water resources development projects which are under the administrative jurisdiction of the Chief of Engineers. ALL OTHER FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT WHERE APPLICABLE TO THOSE WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS. AND... 327.26 State and local laws. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this part or by Federal law or regulation, state and local laws and ordinances shall apply on project lands and waters. This includes, but is not limited to, state and local laws and ordinances governing: (1) Operation and use of motor vehicles, vessels, and aircraft; (2) Hunting, fishing and trapping; (3) Use or possession of firearms or other weapons; (4) Civil disobedience and criminal acts; (5) Littering, sanitation and pollution; and (6) Alcohol or other controlled substances. ( These state and local laws and ordinances are enforced by those state and local enforcement agencies established and authorized for that purpose.
Respectfully ... Im sorry, but your friend is simply wrong. Have him call his superiors to get clarification, and read the law. Or you can forward the letter from earlier in the thread to give to him. Have him get in touch with the U.S. Coast Guard that gives him his powers on the lakes. This is like a regular police officer assuming you have to keep your gun concealed when the law clearly doesn't say it. He's assuming... and he's wrong. If you want I can forward to you at least 10 names and numbers of folks higher up in TWRA and USCG and USACOE that would disagree with him. THE CORPS SIMPLY DOES THIS.... Planning, designing, building and operating water resources and other civil works projects (Navigation, Flood Control, Environmental Protection, Disaster Response, etc.) Designing and managing the construction of military facilities for the Army and Air Force. (Military Construction) Providing design and construction management support for other Defense and federal agencies. (Interagency and International Services) They technically don't own anything but they control the dams for water resources, flood control and Navigable purposes. They have no Law Enforcment Division. The USCG acts in that regard, and they follow the State Law and allow carrying of firearms. The waterways are just like the road right of ways, by your thinking you couldnt carry on a US Highway or Interstate.
carry ing a gun and asked to leave hypothetical
GLOCKMEISTER replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
why do you want to raise their awareness of it not being posted properly, some of us will carry in a place that isnt posted properly because we know the law inside and out and the prosecution liability is extremly low with us. Your just telling them how to make it possible to keep us all out! -
only defense for this is in 39-17-1308 " By a person possessing a rifle or shotgun while engaged in the lawful protection of livestock from predatory animals" So you need to own a farm and be en route to or from I'd say.
well we need to look into this, especially the "to and from" part. Again thanks for finding it. Between the code you found and the letter I have, if someone copied those and kept them with them they should be good to go just about anywhere. Now Im wondering if postings would hold up to "(4) Incident to lawful hunting, trapping, fishing, camping, sport shooting or other lawful activity;" .... this may be a huge loophole. I wonder what they were thinking when they put that part in there saying "other lawful activity" though. I mean thats confusing... lawful activity could mean anything.
carry ing a gun and asked to leave hypothetical
GLOCKMEISTER replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
well no offense but keep the gun covered up or leave it at home now that you think all this might happen, buy a cell phone for you and the wife, NEVER GIVE YOUR WIFE THE KEYS AND MONEY IN ANY SHOPPING MALL... Hypothetical Problem solved "hypothetically" -
My friend you may have stumbled onto what I have been trying to find. I have seen somewhere that you can carry a weapon while fishing, this must have been where. Thanks. However you see that part that says... "By a person authorized to possess or carry a firearm pursuant to § 39-17-1315 or § 39-17-1351".... there is nothing that allows a person covered by these to carry a shotgun or rifle. Only a handgun, via the carry permit in 39-17-1351. Now the part in section "(4) Incident to lawful hunting, trapping, fishing, camping, sport shooting or other lawful activity;" Now thats interesting, and seems pretty clear. There were no conditions to it, so I guessing it should be a pretty good defense. Thanks again...
your going to shoot something off... be careful
WRONG FRIEND.... Call any of the above mentioned agencys if you dont believe me.
btw, are you saying a Colt out of the box will outperform the Kimber, S&W, Springfield, or Sig Sauer 1911's?
Guys Im really a 1911 guy... really....and I love my colts, but I bet you guys are running range ball ammo thru them. If ammo wasnt so high I'd suggest going and getting about 500 rounds of corbon and hydra shock then let us know what it will do. All my colts were fine with ball, it was the hp's that gave them a few problems after a while. But hey Im a perfectionist too. If a gun of mine ever fails... I have to fix it and prove to my brain I can depend my life on it or find it a new home. So besides the ramp work I also have trigger work and polishing done to make them ultimately reliable. There really is a difference in a range gun and a tac gun you are depending your life on.
Mentally prepared to pull the trigger??
GLOCKMEISTER replied to RASHGUNNER's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
its 3lb's of pressure... nothing more... living with it after the fact is the hard part. -
nope not yet....
great gun, but your buying the "Colt" name... and you will have to spend a little more money to make it run good.
not me sorry. All that plate will do is get your car broken into. I have see several vehicles at boat ramps broken into, and they were singled out with 40-50 other cars in the parking lots... they all had gun related stickers on them. Also police are taught in the academy to be more careful approaching a car with a NRA or gun related sticker. Its just like a FOP or PBA Police sticker or plate is a sure fire way of getting your car keyed. A friend of mine has had his tires slashed and car keyed, he has a confederate plate. Never had a problem until he put that plate on his truck. Besides what the hell has the NRA done for gun rights in Tennessee lately? So sorry, nope... I'll keep my small mouth bass tag and be happy with it.
actually back in the early 90's the State Guard was issued an allotment of M-16's...they were kept in the Armory. What happened to them?
OK.. Heres what we have. First off, copy and put into your boat and if need be use the letter above. Its about all there really is in writing, but its concrete solid. Heres what else I found out. You CAN carry on the waterways of the State of Tennessee. You can also carry on waterways of reciprocity States as long as that states laws dont specifically prohibit it. The Cumberland and Tennessee navigable and historically navigable river waterways and tributaries are included in this. The United States Coast Guard has Law Enforcement jurisdiction on those navigable water ways. They fall back to whatever State Law they are enforcing it at the time of a stop. They have given the TWRA law enforcement powers and jurisdictions on those waterways as well. So basically the only two Law Enforcement jurisdictions, besides some local yahoo, that should be stopping you are good to go with your legal State Permitted Carrying of a Firearm. Back to the earlier questions at hand. The Tennessee River actually goes from Paducha Kentucky river marker 0... to where the Holston and French Broad rivers combine around river marker 652... then you have the "Historically navigable" part that extends way further then that up the Holston and French Broad and their tributaries. You are good to go carrying on either part... technically. So yes... your good to go on the waterways. If you see a legal park posting then you cant enter the park. (although I think there is a legal exemption here, haven't found it yet) TVA Property... Well if your absolutely sure the lake is absolutely owned in its entirety by the TVA, and they have 100% Law Enforcement powers on said lake and property... and you see a sign that corresponds with the appropriate law saying NOT TO CARRY FIREARMS... then simply leave your gun at home or go to another lake. Now if the "Lake" in question has or has ever had navigable or historically navigable waterways of the Tennessee or Cumberland River or any other navigable river then thats another story. U.S. ARMY CORP OF ENGINEERS has no legal Law Enforcement powers on the lakes of any tributary of a navigable waterway. They simply cover flood prevention and flood easements. BTW.. Just Dont try and enter a DAM with a gun! I complied this information via the State of Tennessee Dept of Safety, the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency Law Enforcment Div, U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Unit (Paducah, Kentucky) U.S. Coast Guard District 8 Legal Dept.(Nashville, Tennessee) and U.S Army Corp. of Engineers. So thats it in a nut shell. Btw.. still looking for my other letters.
not really. When dealing with legal activities like hunting and carrying of a firearm The US Army Corps of Engineers has cooperative agreements with the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. There are also easement corridors from State Highways to said waterlines. And it does have to do with a navigable waterway. Im looking thru 15 years of paperwork trying to find it.
bump for reference... let me keep looking, i have another one to me before that one... and another about navigatable waterways. Im not so sure I want to dig any further, this is a pretty "keep you out of jail card" in itself, no sense in complicating it any further. Please feel free to copy and print this and keep it in your boat, this way if your poliet and you show it to whomever might stop you... most likely TWRA then there is no "criminal" intent involved and I dont see how they couldnt agree, if they disagree they still should let you go.
let me keep looking, i have another one to me before that one... and another about navigatable waterways. Im not so sure I want to dig any further, this is a pretty "keep you out of jail card" in itself, no sense in complicating it any further. Please feel free to copy and print this and keep it in your boat, this way if your poliet and you show it to whomever might stop you... most likely TWRA then there is no "criminal" intent involved and I dont see how they couldnt agree, if they disagree they still should let you go.
HCP qualifications exemption question
GLOCKMEISTER replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Stopping an immediate assault on another is one thing but if your armed and you go an chase a bad guy down they will eat you alive in civil court if you have to use deadly force. Trust me they will twist it to make you look like the only reason you gave chase was because you were an armed vigilante. Police officers are legally duty bound to intervene, citizens are not. You can't yous deadly force or the threat of deadly force, or IMHO knowing the probability of maybe having to use the threat of deadly force to affect a citizens arrest. You getting involved affects allot of people. If you lose the gunfight, who's going to then take care of your family... how will you intervening affect them? If you win and lose everything you have in court, or at the least defending yourself (attorneys aren't cheap) what effect will that have? Sad to say but our society wont let the good guys win anymore, I wish it wernt true but it is. Its simply not worth risking everything if its not you or your immediate family. It boils down to If the little old lady was packing it wouldn't be an issue. -
HCP qualifications exemption question
GLOCKMEISTER replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
As a citizen if it doesn't involve you or yours, there is way too much liability to get involved. If you give chase to a robber for example... and your armed... and get into a shootout... It can end very unfavorably for you. That person wasn't a threat too you or a third party any longer... they were fleeing. In this situation what you can do and should do is too different things. Its simply too much to risk... the person your trying to help should have had a carry permit and handgun.... then they would be able to protect themselves. I know it sounds bad, but thats the way this liberal world has become.