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Everything posted by GLOCKMEISTER

  1. G 23 is the shizzel
  2. To: All Smith & Wesson Dealers From: Smith & Wesson Date: July 21, 2008 Subject: Second Amendment Foundation Commemorative To recognize the historical Supreme Court ruling of District of Columbia vs. Heller, Smith & Wesson is roud to present: The Model 442 - Second Amendment Foundation Commemorative This special gun was introduced over the weekend on the Tom Gresham radio program "Gun Talk" ttp://www.guntalk.com. The "Shooting Wire" also featured the gun during this mornings programming, ttp://www.shootingwire.com. The gun features a one of a kind laser engraved scale of justice with the words "D.C. vs. Heller" across he scale and the court date of June 26, 2008 positioned across the top. Underneath the scale the side late reads Second Amendment and "The right to keep and bear arms". Smith & Wesson will direct a portion of the proceeds to the Second Amendment Foundation, to cknowledge the organizations pivotal role in the Heller case and it's ongoing efforts to preserve the econd Amendment rights of U.S. citizens. Orders are presently being accepted for August delivery. The ordering information is as follows: SKU# 150505 Suggested Retail: $575 Looks like our wholesale price is going to be more then I thought.
  3. Ron and John are great... nuff said!
  4. great gun for home or automobile defense
  5. See the Vendors thread, I got one left Im reserving for TGO members only. $425 out the door includes tax and TICS.. BRAND NEW IN THE BOX. Cant hold it forever, better hurry. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10127
  6. which location did this?
  7. done... twice!
  8. Guys look at it this way, if the lady were really scared... wouldnt she have rounded up her three kids and got the hell out of Dodge? I think she was just another nosey liberal....
  9. well whats you budget, how many rounds are "enough"... I'd suggest the Glock 30 or 30 sf... kahr 45... or a Kimber 45 Ultra compact. Really depends on what your budget is.
  10. Sorry, but thats not the way any Dept. I know of handles domestic violence calls. They would still have to ask to speak to your wife privately, so you letting them in to see her, and you step outside... or you sending her out?
  11. really... and do you think they would have just went away? They dont know whats going on until they have made contact with the persons involved. What if the call was legit and some lady(maybe your mother, sister, or daughter) was getting beaten to death... should they wait at the door until they have your permission to come in?
  12. Theres a real funny story about the day Voldemort bought that gun, one day I'll share it with you all. Anyway dont feel bad guys, I made a good lick on it anyway. Besides any of you could have bought it. No offense, but sometimes ya snooze ya loose.
  13. Tell me about it brother, I know the whole story... and wished I didnt!
  14. Luckyforward handled this situation perfectly... Now to the officer's actions. The police officer also handled this situation very professionally, he did nothing wrong. Now on the "what ifs" that some of you say you would have done. If I had gotten this same call... and I'm as progun as anyone I would have handled it very similar to how that officer did. If the person in question had told me... "Screw off"... or "let me finish my burger"... I would have given him one more lawful order to comply with my wishes and proceed outside. If he refused I would have called backup, found the proper backstop angle, then drew my Glock and held him at gun point until another unit arrived. God help him if he reached for anything at that point. When they got on the scene he would have been disarmed, cuffed and placed in my patrol car for my protection and the protection of the public until his identity had been determined. Scenario#2: If said person had refused to go outside and had instead reached for something.... after I had asked them to step outside... wallet maybe maybe a gun... who knows. I would have simply knocked him out at the table with my rechargeable mag-lite, or stun move what ever would be appropriate. Now this would be something I would have to do because I thought the person was reaching for a gun... remember thats the call I got. Im trained to think this guy has bad intentions at this point because he's not being cooperative... right??? So if the guy wants to act like an azz, I will treat him as such. Remember guys, police officers are trained, but their mindset is going home at the end of the shift... I know everyone in the above posts said they were carrying concealed. But the moral to all these type stories are... keep your handgun properly concealed... if someone can see it, your not trying hard enough... especially if its some regular non gun person that sees it. I know you dont have to, but it puts you at an extreme disadvantage in every way.
  15. soon as they become available I'll let you guys know and I'll cut ya a special deal. On the brace, yea I blew my knee out again this past Sunday. Looks like I'm going to have to have some kind of surgery on it in the next month. Right now were just trying to get the swelling down. I blew it out bad back in November, but we chose a long rehab instead of surgery... well the rehab didnt take because it happened again. Time will tell... Thanks for asking.
  16. if retail is $450... then wholsale should be around $340
  17. not yet, but im not holding it any longer... it went on the shelf this morning.
  18. well did ya buy them, get a good deal on them???? Inquireing minds want to know.
  19. when your in the shower with lots of other guys.... dont drop the soap!!!!
  20. i'd send a letter to every buisness in that mall too...
  21. 9mm is a poodle popping round, wanna stop the BG get as 45.
  22. actually they dont have to send a copy of the FFL... I ask for it, and get it most of the time just for my records, but they arent required by ATF to send it. I came across this years ago and had to log some guns in from UPS or USPS and the date. But I agree sending the FFL makes life easier on everyone.


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