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Everything posted by GLOCKMEISTER
If your more comfortable with the snubby, thats fine... carry it. But IMHO I wouldnt carry the Glock unless its in a holster. That being said I sure wouldnt carry it without a round chambered either... might as well keep the mag and bullets in you pocket too. In a stressfull attack situation you wont have time to chamber that round. So either train a ton with the Gloack and invest in a good holster.... or just carry the snubbie!
well, honestly I love the 10mm round. I hunt with it in a modified Glock 20 with a 6in Glock hunting bbl. I have had Colt Deltas, Bren 10's, S&W's and Glocks. I must say the only ones I could get to run for my satisfaction are the Glocks and the S&W 1006's. Now Im picky. The Colts all had little issues at one time or another and it was hard to find good quality mags for them. Not too familier with the Dan Wessons, but its a 1911 and a 1911 pistol is only as good as its mags... so how are the DW mags? Because its going to be tough finding good ones by another company. So IMHO... the S&W 1006(big and heavy) or the Glock 20(big and light) or the Glock 29(small and light) are the only ways to go in 10mm. Just my
Well here ya go... better hurry! http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10348
Who will be McCain's VP Choice???
GLOCKMEISTER replied to GLOCKMEISTER's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Anyone watch Penne and Teller on Gore's global warming the other night... if you missed it its a got too see. -
btw... now im stuck at work and Im hungry for a burger, thanks guys!
Fat Mo's ...sux... I'd have to say Rotier's.
Heller was so close to a coin flip from passing.... its just scary thinking about it.
well... Lets all be proactive and email it out to everyone on your email list. Thats what I did.
memphismason needs to watch that... very closely!
Let me start by saying McCain wasnt my first choice, but now he's the only choice.... So lets be Honest here, Memphis this is a gun board, its a proven fact Obama is the ultimate anti gun candidate. So if you cherish the 2nd amendment as much as I hope you do this should be a no brainer. Also, Obama has NO EXPERIENCE... Would you want a rookie doctor giving you a heart transplant his 1st day out of grad school... or you want a surgeon thats performed hundred of those types of operations with a 95% success rate? McCain isnt perfect but you know what your getting and he has the experience.... period. If he gets that call in the middle of the night that will decide the fate of our way of life I believe he will make a better decision the Obama. Lets start with health care... Obama wants socialized universal health care... no way, our system isnt perfect but in one of the best in the world. If I get sick I want to see a Dr. right then, I want to choose my Dr. too... I dont want to wait 6-9 month until my brain tumor is inoperable to get to see a Dr about it. Want to see what socialized universal health, or letting the government run health care works? Go down to the VA hospitals and see got yourself. At least McCain has a plan... http://www.johnmccain.com/Informing/Issues/19ba2f1c-c03f-4ac2-8cd5-5cf2edb527cf.htm Energy.... McCain wants to drill offshore and will probably decide to drill domestically... he also wants to find other sources of energy right now like natural gas. Obama doesnt want us to utilize our own oil supplys, he's animately against us drilling offshore and domestically or building more refineries. Obama doesnt have a plan. National Security.... Well this should be a no brainer, McCain has been there done that. He knows what war is and understands what it will take to keep this nation safe and secure. Obama talks allot of talk, kinda like a armchair QB, whats Obama ever done to really be a servant to his country besides be a career politician? Economy... McCain at least has a long term economic plan ready to put into place. Whats Obama got, not enough experience voting on such matters to even come up with a plan. Last but not least I also vote my faith... I cant vote for a candidate that agrees with homosexual lifestyles and thinks its ok to abort(murder) babys. It also appalls me that Obama's preacher, and close friend, can get up on the podium and say... God D*** America. Now Obama claims he's a Christian and has attended this church for years. If so can you believe he hasnt heard, and apparently agreed with this sort of thing before now? Obama is either a lier about attending or a piece of crap for sitting there and listening to it without speaking out. So it's basically like this... if you want to vote for Obama go ahead, but know this... somewhere across the state there is another guy (me), in another booth thats voting too... and his vote is going to cancel yours out. Wanna vote American vote McCain.
yea... we really need to do something about that video. I address it with them several times a year. I'd also like some input from the instructors that actually teach the classes in the making of the video this time.
Who will be McCain's VP Choice???
GLOCKMEISTER replied to GLOCKMEISTER's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Condi just doesnt have enough domestic experience... IMHO -
Who will be McCain's VP Choice???
GLOCKMEISTER replied to GLOCKMEISTER's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I'd love it personally... but whats she done besides her current position? -
well Nathan Bedford let me start by saying... if you can get a cop to your house in 4 minutes your lucky. At my house right now If I called one I might see him in 30-35 minutes. By that time whatever is done is done... In the situation and example you gave you have to understand... Your brother living with you technically meant that was his domicile and possibly his property until proven otherwise. Now I know I dont keep a file of receipts at the ready to prove that sort of thing either... but thats what it would have taken in that situation. Btw... you guys let them in, and go thru you stuff without showing ID.. what Dept was this. If they didnt show I.D then you simply dont let them in and you call 911. Now if they did show ID and you neglected to take down that info then thats not their fault. I'd have more of an issue with your brother putting you in that situation then with the police. Btw... they will and should be held accountable in a courtof law for their actions, and so should persons illegally trying to prevent them from doing their jobs. So what was the ending, did you get your stuff back? Was you brother convicted?
Question about transferring gun to kalifornia
GLOCKMEISTER replied to KahrMan's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
screw California... After the next big quake Vegas will be the new improved west coast. -
Question about transferring gun to kalifornia
GLOCKMEISTER replied to KahrMan's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
so if your a dealer/distributor, and your sending 25-30 to a dealer inj Cal. you have to get permission for all of them?? -
Just got in Taurus Judge 410's 2 Tone... one reserved for TGO.
GLOCKMEISTER replied to GLOCKMEISTER's topic in Handguns
kahrman... you dont have the youtube... I wanted to see the recoil. -
Question about transferring gun to kalifornia
GLOCKMEISTER replied to KahrMan's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
well we got a letter from State of California... honestly I read the first paragraph and then trashed it. Cant remember all the requirments, but we had to get approved for every gun we shipped out there... Seems its way too much trouble. Im sure if you go to this website it will explain. http://accurateshooter.wordpress.com/2008/06/18/new-california-law-restricts-ffl-to-ffl-gun-shipments-starting-july-1st/ -
Didnt say anyone was... just pointing out that as a possibility. In my experience when a person wont let you in their house on a domestic call... they usually are hiding something... they usually wont let the spouse(usually the female) out to talk to you. Most of the time its because she's bleeding and busy in the bathroom trying to get fixed up before she comes out. Just an FYI..
Its cool, I see your point. But any officer that shows up should speak with the complainant first, that would be the 911 caller. On the "revenge" against my neighbor because I cant stand his dog/cat.... honestly that sort of thing happens all the time. In those instances where its obvious... the officer should talk with the neighbor and explain what filing a false police report entails. What gets on my nerves are the "I wouldnt let him in" crowd. Those are usually the same people that always whine .... "Why didnt you do something"... ya know?
wow... some of you guys are picking this domestic thing apart. Truth is you never know what a call is really about until you get there. One time I had call for a simple vandalism report when I arrived it turn into an armed home invasion in progress. A domestic call might be another home invasion, kidnapping, or rape... who knows? If I show up on a call where the neighbor tells me, and the 911 dispatcher, that they heard yelling or screams coming from inside the home... I ask the neighbor whom/how many people lives there. See if we have had a call from that residence before... But again if the neighbor tells me they heard yelling or screams coming from inside the home that in itself gives me reason to believe that someones life is in danger, its an emergency that gives me cause to enter the residence. Most people really dont want me to have to jump thru all those hoops when someone is killing you, but as a police officer I have to because I might get sued by some people if I make the slightest mistake. See the officer is in a damned if they do damned if they dont... so they have to cross every T and dot every I just to save lives.... and if they dont do all that in enough time.. well here we go again, lawsuit... "That officer waited 5 minutes talking to the neighbors while..." Now If I knock on the door, when someone answers, I ask for ID, I will then ask to speak to whomever else is in the home separately. There actually should be another officer with me so usually the partys are separated and we try and find out what happened. If nothing happened we say sorry about the misunderstanding we were responding to a call from a neighbor. If something did happen, we call for EMS if needed, we determine what happened, then find out whom was the primary aggressor and go from there. If I show up on a scene like that and ask to speak with your spouse and you refuse then wont cooperate and wont let them come outside or let me in... then I have no choice but to come inside and investigate the call. If you try and stop me.. well, the night wont end in your favor. Its really simple as that... there isnt a "I wont let them in"... What are you going to do to stop me from coming in???
Who will be McCain's VP Choice???
GLOCKMEISTER replied to GLOCKMEISTER's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
too young for the conservative right. Maybe 2012. -
Who will be McCain's VP Choice??? I think and hope Tom Ridge.