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Everything posted by GLOCKMEISTER
Serious Legal help needed.
GLOCKMEISTER replied to Fivestring63's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
I'd give John Brown or John Harris a call... ASAP! -
keep the suggestions coming... lol
your right, all the AD's have happened after the sign was put up... But that been like 16 years ago or something like that.
ok... here's my .... Years ago we had to put up a sign saying "Ck your firearms"..."no loaded guns allowed"... I didn't want to, but I was forced too by the actions of incompetent customers. Basically we had to do this because we had to many "know it alls" bring in loaded guns for repair, sale and trade. Yes, even after the sign went up they brought in all kinds of guns that were loaded. My biggest problem is they never ck these guns before they hand them across the counter to us, I mean didn't even ck them at home or in the parking lot. I hate to admit it, but we've also had AD's because some idiot customers were playing "show and tell" with their personal guns in my store. I have actually heard... "Its not loaded"... then BANG! So heres my policy... and I guess I need to maker it clearer on my door. If you have a carry permit, sure you can carry... but LET ME KNOW... don't be fiddling with it and keep it holstered. Period... If the bad guys come in, protect yourself... but remember, you get in my way because you don't know what your doing and I swear I'll use you as a human shield! I'd be happy to hear some input on other ways of how to handle this situation thats fair and safe for everyone.
did yours come with the extended slide release, thats what the newer ones we have gotten come with... and it seems to work better then the 1st ones that came out?
im still waiting on the Masada... ACR
dude, look at his profile, he's just 16... a few years ago he was strapped playing cowboys and indians and Marshal Dillon!
GLOCKMEISTER replied to GLOCKMEISTER's topic in Long Guns
Someone asked if it was forged, and yes it is. Its forged. -
my only issue is I want to put my finger on the frame where Im supposed to, with the CT if I do it blocks the laser.
I'm a Christian and believe what the Bible says... so being a descendant of Adam and Eve... and realizing every culture and nationality has once been enslaved by another. I apologize to everyone, and will except apologies from everyone else, seeing as all our ancestors have all been on both sides of this issue.... both slaves and the enslavers. And while I'm at it... let me apologize for all my recent ancestors. 1st from my Mom's side of the tree.... about 1600, they were Indians. Im going to officially apologize for them letting my Dads side of the family (English) get off the boats. Then I'll apologize for my Dad's side for shooting at them, the Indians that is. Then I'll apologize again for my moms side for shooting and scalping my Dad's ancestors after they got shot at. Then I'll apologize to my Mom's side again, yes thats right the Indians, for my Dad's side for brining in the Africans and small pox. Then I'll apologize to the French, apparently both my Mom and Dads sides of the tree made nice to slaughter some French back around.... 1760. Then I have to apologize to the late President Washington because my Mom's ancestors killed lots of his men around 1755. The English got revenge.. burned several villiages... so here goes another apology to my Mom's family, the Indians. I dont have time to retrace all the crap my family did to each other and everyone else in history after that, well I probably should apologize to the Mexicans, Germans, Filipino's, Japanese, Koreans, Cubans, Chinease,... both sides of my family killed lots of them in the last 200 years. So in short... apologies out to everyone, but no reparations or compensation to anyone else... unless Im getting a ck in the mail myself!!!!
Wow, I must be getting old. I thought they were new, from what Double said. But yea Docs been around a while, but im not sure if he was around in the mid 90's... There were only a few of us that were teaching back then. Anyway, now it makes sense if its a $40 "summer special".
From the TFA..Restored felons lose their guns
GLOCKMEISTER replied to dunndw's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
++1 -
They are just starting out. Just keep in mind... you get what you pay for. Back in the day there were lots of "trainers" sprouting up everywhere with "cheap" prices. Now they are all out of buisness. Where does that leave you if you get involved in a shooting and need them? Experience and stability does matter.
I love my Glock, but the perfect "Range" 9mm is going to be the Sig 226. You simply cant get any better then that. Period!
Anyone still want one.... we still have only one left. Same price as before. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10127
It's against the employee code. And I have heard some say that the term used was "operated"... which means in the process of operating, which means driving. So some say you cant leave it in the car anyway unattended. Its simply for pick up and drop off exceptions. Any other clarification is welcome! FYI
good load for deer with .45/70 govt.?
GLOCKMEISTER replied to nightrunner's topic in Hunting and Fishing
Hornady LEVERevolution..... +1 But any 45-70 could field dress the deer for ya too. :D:p