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Everything posted by GLOCKMEISTER
Fox just reported there are gas stations in Houston that gas is $3.34 a gallon, compaired to South Carolina at over $5.00 a gallon in places. My bottom is hurting.....
If my distributors told me that, I'd tell them to go to hell. Theres no way anyone can convience me that the oil/gas suppliers arent gouging. The gas in the tanks all over this part of the country wasnt in the TX gulf coast 24 hours ago... the gas were using today, and will be using next week was in the system way before Ike landed. They are just ripping us off... period!
btw... about storeing gas. I keep about 100-150 gallons on hand (50 in my boat). We rotate it out as we mow and use it.
Well back on Sept 11th 2001, I had a huge sale that week... we were selling AR's for about $525 out the door... advertised price. After the attacks we had a run on stuff, I honored my ads and didnt raise my price. I was however out of mechandise in three days... and with UPS and fedex down, no real way to get anymore. I lost money because I didnt raise my prices, but I didnt feel I could do that to my fellow citizens in a time of national emergency. But, hey thats just me. The only way I see to stop gouging is to put gas fuel production and distribution and sales under strict government control. I hate it, but that might be what is needed.
All I have to say to this board is this, all of you should have an emergency stockpile. You know better! And what I'll say to the all the price gouging.... at the end of the day, the guy with the most bullets wins, the rest of you are drinking blue toilet water!
All I have to say to this board is this, all of you should have an emergency stockpile. You know better! And what I'll say to the all the price gouging.... at the end of the day, the guy with the most bullets wins, the rest of you are drinking blue toilet water!
anyone selling gas for that much should be strung up... IMHO!
btw... there is no transfer fee or background ck(TICS) required for gunsmithing!!!
Hey Eric, Let me clarify what went on in situations like that, btw Im not answering this to bash Rick. I am to let everyone know exactly what went on over the past few years. Ricks always treated me with respect, as far as I know. A few years ago Rick started using my "out of shop" gunsmith Sam Hoster. Sams great, I'd say he's the best in this part of the state and works out of his own smith shop in Gallatin. He's a 1911 whiz, and can do anything you want to a firearm. Btw, Sams everything behind Uselton arms (The 1911 Line Rick has). He's the sole employee that hand fits every gun. So if you want a custom 1911, without that name on the side we can do it for close to half the price. I have used Sam in and out of my shop for somewhere around 12-13 years. He's honest as you can get. Thus the reason he calls every customer to make absolutely sure everyone is on the same page before he starts. Anyway, Rick started using him a few years back before the other store went under... He's always picked up from Rick and did the work that Rick's "wanna be" gunsmiths he had in the store couldnt do. Their expertise basically is they were managers that that could mount scopes and such, thats about it. When Rick's other store went under, he moved the inventory, changing the name and opened up as Rivergate Guns and Knives. I dont know for a fact why he didnt call the new place Usletons although there are several rumors as to why he didnt. I dont know, and Ricks never done anything negative to me. The "fees" your talking about are "fees" Rick charged above Sam's charge. Is it fair, Its buisness.... But personally I dont think it is... thus the reason we dont charge any "fees" over what he charges, we offer the service to our customers. Simple as that! To make a long story short if you need a great gunsmith in the middle Tennessee area come by and see us, Sams great and im sure you will be happy with the service and price.
I guess they are going to have to put a label on every gun saying..."Dont look down the inside of this devices barrel when you fire"...
$10 FFL in Nashville - Capitol View Pawn and Bargain
GLOCKMEISTER replied to a topic in General Chat
actually, as a dealer were responsible for the tax. Unless the customer offers to pay the tax, then we give them the form... and have them sign a waiver that they are paying the tax. Honestly, its just another BS way for the Govt to get your money. Btw... you buy anything on ebay your supposed to volunterly pay the tax too... but they cant trace that like they can a gun. -
For anyone wanting one... $450 out the door. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?p=157936#post157936
Im with ya... when the allocations came around we opted for more LCP's and GSG's... now they have dried up again so you take what ya can get. We waited so we got a great deal on the Hellers... $450 out the door to the customer.
ok... guys, I have some of these coming in Friday or first of the week. Pm me if you want one... bring me money if your really want one. First come first served.
NAGH... The Bass fishing is too good down there to do that!
They should have been evacuated, but they should have never left the State of Lousisiana.... The State of Louisiana should be fitting the bill for them.
Thought this was very interesting... if elected, we will have a sister in Christ in the White House! Beats Rev. Wright for sure!!!
HCP Instructors.......What's On Your "I Love Me" Wall ?
GLOCKMEISTER replied to BigPoppa's topic in Training Discussions
wow.. I guess I missed this thread. My only posting point is to assure that Yeager is a cowardly piece of shiet! Like some of you I have kept certificates on file for the last 18 years. I traveled all over taking everything I "thought" I needed. Some Im proud of, some were a simple waste of time and money. Nothing really is relevant to teaching the basic HCP course though. I dont have time to list it all here, and honestly dont want to get wrapped up in any pizzing contest. I dont want to offend nor do I think its relevant. Sorry... Other then that, anyone wants to know my creds come by, I'll buy them a coke and get out my file. -
CUSTOM McCain/Palin campaign sticker...
GLOCKMEISTER replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I want some too... pm me and let me know how much they are. -
nope... they wont, but the taxpayers and Red Cross evidentally will.
Some of them got into a fight right behind my store night before last, and there were broken beer bottles and blood outside my back door this morning. Makes me feel really good. You know as a Christian, I want to help those in need... but I think one should also be responsible for helping yourself. Anyway, my rant is over for now... keep your powder dry!
I have a question. Does anyone have any churches in your area sheltering refugees from Gustave? If so... what do ya really think. The church across the street from me has about 200. All I can say is 2-3 of them have already tried to buy guns, using some kind of either fema or red cross debit card. We told them they cant.... btw. They are also lined up out the door of the local market buying beer and cigarettes with that same card. What is this card? I thought after Katrina they went giving them out anymore since so many went to Tunica and gambled them up. I think they are supposed to be for food, but the church is feeding them 3 meals a day. Im all for helping those in need.... but geeeeeeze!
they have already started slamming her pretty hard.... time to get out the pictures of Obama and the Chicago mob out together. Not joking btw...
Libertarian Party ... How I Wish....
GLOCKMEISTER replied to Oh Shoot's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
so Obama's going to be better with two liberal justices minimum retireing in the next 4? Sorry im not voting for a baby killing, same sex marriage loving, gun grabbing, tax me to death liberal. -
Gallatin Police Department Sitting on $1500 1911
GLOCKMEISTER replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
all I can say is I always recommend to my students to let the officer know... now honestly Im starting to rethink that position, there have been too many horror stories in my area when citizens are trying to be courteous. There are 4 others that have happened in the past 3-4 months in Sumner county alone.