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Everything posted by GLOCKMEISTER

  1. we can help you out if you can bring them by.
  2. well TWRA can add their guns, boat, and truck to the auction now....
  3. we have several small and large .38's in stock as well as used single shot short barreled shotguns and home defense pumps, you and the wife come by and take a look. Im sure we have something that will work for you both, or we can point ya in the right direction.
  4. Honestly the best all aroung handgun that BOTH of you can use will be a .38 revolver.
  5. augh, I remember the guy that has a taste for FN usg's and pissing off the locals!!!! That guys
  6. I must have missed something?
  7. Dude, Im a gun guy... and have a few Rolex's. So let me say this, the watches are going to go down in value, the gun has a real probability to go up fast after November. What year were the watches, btw? And how were you planning on selling them? I think it was a good idea to pass. You can pick up a sub pretty reasonable anytime right now since money is so tight? The gun might be hard to replace.
  8. I just found out, and posted in another thread about it.. RIVERGATE MALL here in Goodlettsville is now posted too.
  9. Nashville/Goodlettsville I dont know if its been discussed, but as of today RIVERGATE MALL IS POSTED! The signs correct, but I dont think its on every door.
  10. WOW... I am at a complete loss for words. Rest in peace my friend!
  11. HEHEHE... Going to Canuckville, you better de arm everthing you have. If they even suspect you have a gun they will detain and seach you and your vehicle... and that tankes hours.
  12. thats the way I see it, and it also means other rights are individual rights too...
  13. theres really several more factors to be figured in... besides liking the cool black rifle the cops and military use. 1st... if its a true defensive firearm, why 223/5.56... I want allot more range. I prefer 308/7.62, its got more range and more knockdown. I want to be able to take out zombies way before they get close to my perimeter. 308 also has more close quarters knockdown. Pick the right one like a Springfield, HK, or Fal... and you have a pretty good all around rifle with about the same capacity as an AR. Now for a SHTF firearm... I like an AR or a Ruger 10/22. The AR is good all around, and the "zombies" that you might encounter will probably be carrying an AR as well... so ammo, mags, and parts will be plentiful. The Ruger 10/22 would be good for taking game... or if you dont have an AR... it might help you obtain one. You can carry 100 times more 22lr then you can anything else. Shotgun is fine too in a defensive situation where over penetration of a rifle round may be an issue. So it really depends on what you want, can handle, and afford.
  14. I think he's good to go as long as they are in "transport" mode in the trunk.
  15. I wonder about the constitutionality of all this... they cant legally do it, can they?
  16. weve discussed this at length in the past, I'd read these 8 pages IN DEPTH! http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8209&highlight=coast+guard
  17. As of right now, if you have a valid TN HCP in Tn you can carry your firearm onto the lake. Ky lake is a navigatable waterway and under the jurusdiction of TWRA via the US COAST GUARD. Both agencys allow carry on that waterway. LBL... Nope, leave the firearm at home. IMHO!
  18. I have shot over a thousand rounds thru mine, ball and HPs with no issues. I'd try a few hundred rounds of ball. If that doesnt work take it back and send it back to Ruger in AZ.
  19. again, sorry... ooops
  20. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S13LwVDJb0E[/ame]
  21. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S13LwVDJb0E[/ame]
  22. I dvr'd it for the future.... only episode I couldnt get was #1.... that sucks.


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