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Everything posted by GLOCKMEISTER
Finally was able to open this last page.... for a minute there I thought I got locked out.
Im not talking about the legislature, ask anyone that has to deal with the two State Agencies that deal with firearms/gunowners... TBI & Tn. Dept of Safety... they will tell you their attitude has changed and they are getting allot harder to deal with. On the sticker and a LE stopping you, we were trained in the academy to look for those kinds of stickers. Want stats, articals... google "gun sticker car break in" and read away, sorry I'm here by myself today so I dont have time. If ya find it, please post it. I know they have some out there somewhere I have seen them before. Like I said before, we can agree to disagree and hope for the best. Enjoy the thread...
dude, actually a HK sticker or NRA sticker WILL get your car broken into quicker, theres actually statistics to back that up somewhere. I'll try and find it if its important. A pro gun sticker will also alert a police officer that you are armed... thus causing them to be more alert to your movements if your involved in a traffic stop. About the past 15 years, we've managed to get passed several law changes making it easier and more lenient on permit holders. But I have seen a change in attitude and agenda with state agency's toward gun owners this very year... and its not positive. I agree about causing problems... but the very problem may start with someone not educated about the law calling on someone OCing. Why push the envelope?
WOW.. just wow... Some folks in this thread will just never get it. No one wants to get the law changed, who said they did? Some of us just don't want a few ATTENTION GRABBING apples spoiling what we have been working/lobbying for the past 15 years. The tide is turning daily toward more gun control. All its going to take is one yahoo with a permit making the news... then what??? Some of y'all know that its just a matter of time before someone OCing pushes the limit too far. I personally, along with most if not all Instructors feel open carry is not a good idea. Police when not in uniform or on duty don't open carry because they are at a tactical disadvantage. Its all about keeping it hidden and being sneaky. When the very people that lobbied for the existing law, teach the courses, and protect the public says "its not a good idea"... Then why in the world would you think it is? Sorry but I have fought too hard for everything from confronting LE agencies about their policy's toward permit holders, to getting opinions from the attorney generals, changing policy for several state agency's to make the current law more permit holder friendly, lobbying for new legislation... to see it all go down the drain. Many of you don't remember how screwed up our carry permit law was in its infantcy... I personally don't want to take any steps back. So in short I just don't get it, no offense to anyone we can simply agree to disagree... I'm out, you guys have fun with the thread.
we have several in stock right now... and actually the green ones are kinda cool
get a receipt from the executor of the estate or the administrator appointed by the probate court. This will show you have legal possession. Then simply enjoy them.
agreed... I was just pointing out that not every person OC's for political reasons. But your totally missing the point. Those that are OC, especially those that have run ins with other citizens and law enforcement are making all permit holders look bad in the eyes of the general public. Thats not a good thing when you need that general public when were trying to get legislation pushed through like Park/Restaurant carry. Its just a matter of time before someone comes up with the bright idea to change it and make it CC anyway. Either by an ammendment to what were trying to pass right now or something new. Right now theres a good chance that kind of legislation would pass both the house and senate.
the thing some of you have to admit is there are some people that OC for other reasons besides political ones too. There are those that just always wanted to be a cop, because they thought it was cool to carry a gun around.. so now they do so everyone can see... there are others that have a complex and use the OC as a way of showing they are more powerful and intimidating... there are some that just do it for the attention... and yet you have some that push everything in their lives to the limit. I have another example for you: A Sig 5.56 pistol, AK pistol, or AR-15 pistol is considered just that a HANDGUN per state and federal law. So technically you could sling one around your shoulder and carry it with you everyday... looking like a terrorist. Hey, its legal... but is it a good idea?
they didnt know there was a difference. The discussions we had were with progun folks, we never told the anti's there was an option. If they had known there was an option they would have thrown ammendments toward the bill and we'd have CC right now.
well Homer, the point just flew over your head. My example was 100% legal too. The question is, would you do it? If not, then why not? Answer these things grasshopper and you will find true understanding...
but if your open carrying and get in a simple dispute with someone that gets just a little loud, then the handgun being exposed could be considered a form of assault the handgun being a tool of intimidation... According to some LE interpretation of the matter.
This is probably a place where we are going to agree to disagree old friend... So heres your answer... maybe, but some folks feel like people walking around with the gun exposed open carrying is irresponsible too... both methods are legal. My point is/was there is a very fine line of whats acceptable to some and not others. I see someone open carrying and I just think to myself "they really should have that thing tucked away"... although I dont like it, its acceptable to me... other people may freak out and call the police, which is regularly done. I see someone walking around with the gun in their hand, I would get suspiciously prepared for whatever is fixing to happen next, and maybe even call the police myself. Others would probably run in a hysterical panic screaming to the top of their lungs, or hitting the ground... or deciding to defend themselves if they are carrying. Either way its not ending well for the permit holder, even though they were legally in the right. Whats honestly so frustrating to me is I was there and remember this debate back in 92-93 talking about this very issue. We could very easily have a concealed carry law right now. Our intent in making it a carry permit was to take the grey area away from law enforcement. Our intent was for permit holders to attempt to keep their handguns concealed, if they slipped and it got uncovered then it wasnt a big deal. If we had thought we would have people just walking around "strapped" like it was the old west... it would have been CC.
39-17-1308 only applys to the person that owns the buisness not an employee.
if your going to open carry, why not just carry it in your hand with your finger off the trigger... either way your legal in doing so... so why not go all the way with it? Wanna prove a point... then prove it!
guys, with so many fake ID's LEO's have to ask for social somtimes to confirm an identity... di the guy go too far, probably... but he was in the realm of doing his job. Wanna avoid all this hassel with cops that have nothing to do but follow some of you around and violate your rights.... dont give them a reason to speak to you... dont open carry! Its really simple as that.
if she can handle the 38 then great... but if she cant then keep her with what she has if she can use it. A 32s&w long with crappy loads is better then any 22/25 and even better then a 38 she has problems using. Need any ammo we stock it..btw!
yea.. I dont know what happened there...
you can say that again... I remember back in 93 the strict 2nd ammendment folks were the ones fighting us the most. It was indeed compromise that got us the current law, and its been tweaked by the legislature several times over the past few years. You have to start somwhere... and take steps to improve it. You cant have an "all or nothing" attitude.
dude, you need to give up on the voice recorder and get a video camera. I swear if anyone ever stuck a voice recorder in my face, and I was the POS cop that Justme describes... the next thing I would say is... "Look out he's got a gun"... "Please sir drop the gun"... So you can see how that might end.
TN House of Representatives Range Day: AEDC 2009
GLOCKMEISTER replied to BimmerFreak's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
They have done this sort of thing for years. I have been to Arnold, and Ft. Campbell when they do it. Its a really cool thing for folks to participate in if they arent around guns allot. Mike was supposed to be. I was going with Gary but we both got busy and couldnt make it. I'll be at one or both next year. -
they may not have the votes to get is passed without an ammendment like the "curfew"... actually I'd be fine if the curfew for starters. You have to sometimes take baby steps in getting what you want. We can always change it in the future.
they may not have the votes to get is passed without an ammendment like the "curfew"... actually I'd be fine if the curfew for starters. You have to sometimes take baby steps in getting what you want. We can always change it in the future.