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Everything posted by GLOCKMEISTER

  1. its up right now...
  2. everyone needs to keep emailing them... even now. But be rest assured unless something strange happens from what Im hearing all will be fine and happy in the end.
  3. If they were a good idea, intended, real, or official the state law would have allowed them, issued or authorized them... Its really simple as that.
  4. Guys anyone around firearms long enough is going to have an AD... its simple as that. but if you practice safety rules no one gets hurt. Some are things that just happen, some could have been avoided, but heres the thing... be careful ponting you finger because you very well may be next.
  5. sorry for the mess, had to merge the threads...
  6. Dont think there will be video but it will be interesting.... I think in the end we will all be happy.
  7. But he cant use deadly force.... can he??? And if it goes down and escalates the problem arises when the security guards make up their own version of what happened when the police get there... thats when it gets confusing for LE's.
  8. Thats not what I menat, let me clarify ... the GOP counted thier chickens before they hatched when they got the majority and got outsmarted by good ol southern politics... sad but true. I still dont see how that many Democrates can keep a secret... simply amazing!
  9. John thanks for stopping by and posting, It looks like confusion was the issue. When I saw McDonald and Moore on two different sides I knew something was up. I trust TFA's years of wisdom on these subjects. If you think we can get it all... then Im all for it. I just dont want to be disappointed yet again. You of all people know what I mean.
  10. if the repubs had been in line Williams wouldnt be speaker now...


    we have an original russian in right now....
  12. nope, because it would give away the fact that im carrying and it would have to be open... it would take away any advantage of suprise I would have...and I wouldnt want anyone thinking in a cop so some gang banger can get his initiation off by capping my azz and taking my badge.
  13. they way thay acted, they would have arrested him for impersonation. Mitch, I have been doing this longer then anyone so please take my advice and dont wear that in public, its just going to get you into trouble.
  14. well for some of us this isnt our first rodeo.... what if we hold out and dont get anything... likes happened for so many years? It took several years and several changes to get what we have now, it didnt happen overnight.
  15. bad, bad, idea..... I cant believe a member of the Williamson county Sheriff Dept suggested it.... again another fly by night instructor concerned about nothing but money. Every other police officer I know would consider it a form of impersonation.
  16. sorry, but the reason I say "we" is because I've been fighting this fight for many years... the "we" comes in because I know a few folks that have been right there with me. If some of you new comers don't want to be included, then fine... but WE'VE been waiting on this moment for a long time and WE realize sometimes you have to take what ya get and be happy knowing you can change it in the future. If you look back I told ya'll this wasn't going to get passed and it would probably go to the committee... so far WE/I have spoken to about 6 persons that should be on that committee and have a pretty good idea of whats going to happen. Unless we shoot ourselves in the foot WE will be fine.... its th "all or nothings" that scare me... if WE had left it up to them in 1993 WE wouldn't even have a HCP law right now.
  17. exactly.... and honestly thats what will happen, they will drop the curfew in committee and add the age restriction and we will be fine.
  18. ooops, yea you are right, but the thing is we didnt have the votes in the house to pass the bill the way it was. And if you barely had enough to pass it then you cant have the majority to overide the veto, the Gov. will usually pull a few votes back. Im just happy getting a Restaurant carry bill with an age restriction... the curfew will be dropped.
  19. everything will be fine you will see....
  20. he sounds like a top notch guy no doubt, thanks Mike for the information... and I agree with your recommendation.
  21. we sell'em faster then we can get'em.... they are great guns.
  22. guys, this is really for the best. This is what I thought would happen all alone. It will get to the committee and they will put the age restriction in it and it will be good to go. We didn't have enough votes to override a veto... we will with the age restriction.
  23. Im not saying what Knox county runs is bad... but other agencys that do it make permit holders jump thru lots of unnecessary hoops. They schedule and then reschedule their classes without notifying anyone. Honestly the ones around here ran by local Dept's are ran pretty sloppy. I'd find a private instructor in Knoxville, personally.
  24. Ruger 10/22..... I figure I can carry a few THOUSAND rounds no problem, and If I need something bigger I can pick it up off a ....
  25. Glad your taking the class but be warned I have heard some horror stories about getting scheduled for classes with LE agencys. I have also been told they dont all teach exactly what the law says, they put their "police spin" on it and teach you what they want you to know. I always wondered how Police/Sheriff's Dept. gets away with teaching the classes and interfering with free commerce. It would be like the State of Tennessee paving driveways.... ya know?


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