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Everything posted by GLOCKMEISTER
save your money and carry the way real professionals carry... strong side hip!
If your really wanting a 23 we keep them and can sell you one out the door with tax/tics included for $550. Fyi, the new Gen 4's are supposed to be released in a few weeks. Might be worth the wait, but they are more $.
If your really wanting a 23 we keep them and can sell you one out the door with tax/tics included for $550. Fyi, the new Gen 4's are supposed to be released in a few weeks. Might be worth the wait, but they are more $.
We got a few old Colts in stock, if ya still got that itch
Para used to have very crappy customer service, thus the resson we slacked off in carrying them. Hopefully they have gotten better
Ive tried to like kahr, but just cant.
Ruger or Beretta for target, Walther for carry/play.
All about shot placement... i personally carry 40's and 45's.
Nrange is a very nice automated range. The owner Ted and his family are great folks. They all took my class back in the early 90's and have been customers of ours and friends for years. I was very excited about a year ago when he told me about his plans on building a range in the area. We will be useing thier range to do some of our classes here in the very near future. I wish him the best.
We do them for $25 plus the $10 tics... so thats $35 out the door.
hey its obvious there is more to this story then has been aired here and only a handful of people that really know that whole story. Facts are facts and anyone with a little sense can see thru the intentions of this thread. In any event I wasnt meaning to mudsling... However... unprofessional or not I just drew a line in the sand, and like it or not I meant every damned word of it. So Its not personal, Its just business. Im out.
Considering the real reason for the thread and the bumps and all I'd say they have been stomped on!!!! Just my humble opinion!
honestly with my buying power and being in this industry for close to 20 years i can sell close to what they can buy for and wont have to really take a loss... but just knowing I could afford to and be willing to if it came down to it speaks volumes.
lol.. hes not opened yet, but when he does.. we'll talk. ;-)
its no secret, dont know why they are being so cloak and dagger... we knew about it when they signed the lease and got their business license. We know what their overhead is too. Honestly I really consider it a slap in the face. But I like it... it makes me put my game face on. Were significantly increasing our inventory, advertiseing expenses, remodeling the store, and will not only beat these guys prices... were going to do it by a significant amount. Theres a reason why every business thats went into that building they leased has failed. Also a reason why no other gun store has survived in the Rivergate area in the past 18 years. But we have... Its simple really, I wont let them make any money. So far 5 have tried and all have went by the wayside. Rick tried twice and owned his own buildings and minimal overheadand couldn't make it happen. Simply put Ill loose a dollar before I'll let the other guy make one. But who knows maybe they can make a go of it in this economy with our store established a mile away and Academy of Sports right down the road... both of us guaranteeing we will meet or beat (in our case) any other competitors prices. So good luck, and game on! LOL
Imprinting at the Liquor store
GLOCKMEISTER replied to tntnixon's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
you really need to follow up on that.. we have so many "wanna be" cops running around GOODLETTSVILLE its not even funny. I'd call the owner and tell him what happened ... insist on him giving you the name of the "officer" he had working there that night... if he said he didnt have one then you need to let him know how you were questioned and detained by an individual that informed you he was a police officer... Explain how your a good customer and didnt deserve such treatmnt. Tell him you intend on filing charges against that individual.... then also inform him of how many NRA members are in Tn, how many HCP holders in Tn and the surrounding countys... Davidson, Sumner, Robertson(state has these figures).... you get the picture!!! -
i'll sell you a Glock or anything else cheaper then anyone... we gaurantee it. Btw, still have the 19..... lol
im amazed after all the pm's and calls.... WE STILL HAVE THIS GUN!!!! LOL
btw... its a used but like new 3rd generation Glock 19 with the light rail. We only have one left so... since there was such a demand from the other thread... id be there at 9am if i were you or it will be gone for sure. Btw the regular out the door price was $450 to the public, but I offered it just to TGOers for $400 out the door... see Jason in the morning. Good luck
guys not trying to be argumenative, trust me i have been an Advanced Glock Armorer for 16 years... If the 23 could do it without messing things up i'd be saying go for it and let me sell you the barrel. Anyone wanting to try it ...well.. then go ahead. Glocks are tough, but weve had to replace many extractors and ejectors over the years because of this thus the reason they are different parts with different cuts and angles from glock. If anyone doubts me... call Glock, its really simple as that. Btw for all those asking about the Glock 19 I mentioned in the thread, we only have one left... and i had 3 calls and 2 pm's this evening from tgoers .. so it seems its 1st come 1st served first thing in the morning, just see Jason and he'll take care of you.
nope, glock actualy sells the barrel conversion for the 357/40 swap but they dont recomend anything else. 40-10mm is interesting but a total different animal.
40 cal to 9mm conversions arent a gooed idea and we have covered this before, if it works it wont work for long until something breaks. The 23 has a different mags, extractor, breech face, guide rod, and spring system. So at the very least if you put the 9mm barrel into the 23 it wont only simply void your warranty, it may damage your gun or the some of the parts mentioned above. I'd just buy a cheap used 3rd generation Glock 19 like the one we have in our case for around $400 out the door ad be done with it. Then you have two great guns. ;-)