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Everything posted by GLOCKMEISTER

  1. You can find Sig's in the $1300-$1500 range right now, so I dont see a problem getting the Ruger for that. The key is being patent will get you the best prices. I'll stick to my $1500-$1700 estimate.
  2. I love my Submariners, I actually have the exact same ones Joe has... but honestly its hard to beat my Luminox's.... you cant kill'em.
  3. thats going to be a $1500-$1700 gun. I heard a tid bit about this as a possibility, but really wondered if they would do it. All I can say is Im likeing me some Ruger more and more ...
  4. Just call me and give me some notice that your coming and i'll bring mine down to show you how it looks first... will bring my g20 with the 6in hunting barrel too. Just let me know. Sam was charging $50-$65ish to do them.
  5. and then your supposed to tell them they can get that done down at the Goodlettsville Gun Shop.... your slippin skippy.
  6. What sucks is the next election will possible be Alexander against Ford Jr.... then WT* do we do?
  7. i'd get the long one from glock... its a better barrel.
  8. Classy post Hex im sure he will appreciate it.
  9. done deal... maybe now we wont have anymore... sky fallers..
  10. SO if all you guys totally believe the 2nd amendment is a total right to carry every/anywhere with no limitations.... then why did you all give in and obtain a State carry permit. Is that act alone not enabling the erosion of our rights? Why not file a suit in court and fight for your right? I mean really? Not trying to pizz anyone off... I'm just asking a legit question. I love the 2nd, and I fight for it every day but there are limitations..
  11. Has anyone else noticed a pattern of inconsistent instruction from students taking classes from Sheriff's Dept's and local police agency's? The real problem is they dont take the time to learn the real law, they just teach THEIR interpretation of what they want the public to know. IMHO thats just wrong. Now concerning the instructor whom taught the thread starter, I think this is just another example of a guy that has spent good money on a cool website but doesn't bother learning the law. The thing is... the site doesn't say anything about who teaches their classes nor what their actual qualifications really are. Its Sad really. You know the state asks for us to turn in all this information about permit holders after each class but never follows up on it to see who's teaching what.
  12. nope not raising mine... but hey, he's gone with his tail tucked so mission accomplished!!!
  13. I agree with ya but Its been eons since anyone carried "arms" at the capitol. So why does it matter? Btw... everyone thinks about the US constitution until they start screaming for the 10th and states rights... ya cant have it both ways.
  14. I sent every Tennessee FFL an email about this... as far as Im concerned he's outta there come election time.
  15. hey I was called out into this Skippy...
  16. the motorcycle helmet for sure... Btw, I 2nd that the instructor that told you this is indeed and IDIOT! I hate to call people out, but its wanna-be fly by night like this guy that gets people in trouble. It makes me wonder what else he said that was just... WRONG!
  17. really... Do you even know what your saying, your saying S&W makes a DA/SA 1911 right? And your also saying Smith & Wesson made DA/SA autos before Walther came out with the P-38... really? I thought there was at least 15-20 year difference there, but hey I may be wrong Im going strictly by memory. Wow Im learning more and more every minute in this thread...
  18. better.. really? How? Btw, when you do it right the first time you dont have to steal from other companys designs... and if the design works and is historically one of the best sellers ever then why change it?
  19. hahaha... then you just proved my point. So your agreeing that S&W semiautomatic pistols are indeed sub par copies of other manufacturer's designs?
  20. no... the strikers are smilier in the VP70....thats all. Name ANY pistol platform that Smith & Wesson has designed and built from the ground up in the last say... 20-25 years? 4006...wrong, its from the 39 series platform SW had in the 1960's Sigma...wrong CHEAP wanna-be copy of a Glock even the courts agreed SW 99...wrong again, its a very cheap copy of the Walther P99 M&P...Nope its really a even cheaper Kimber KDP... SW1911...please... Let me know what ya come up with and please remember you started this thread.
  21. the senate can just chose to adapt the House language and pass it like that ...right?
  22. ok, I stand corrected I forgot about the VP70. But if it was all that and a bag of chips it would still be in production. The only thing thats similiar is the stricker design. Its safe to say the Glock is the reason the VP90 is no longer made. I'll stick with my Glocks and 1911's. Btw, theres more John Browning in a Glock then an H&K.


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