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Everything posted by GLOCKMEISTER

  2. ANYONE WATCHING, they should have gottne to this by now if it was on the regular calender. You sure it wasnt on the message calender?
  3. great email hex... Let me know if Joe responds... I doubt he ever will.
  4. I have to respond to this then I'm out... 1st off please read my statements again, When I said the statistics I was referring to my comment "evidence here on this board" ... and honestly thats probably not just only the most accurate but the most statistical out there. See TGO happens to be the place where most internet savy permit holders in TN go searching for for their HCP information and to bond with other TN HCP holders... look at the number of posters... thus the reason we have shared that information here several times in "Look at what happened to me" threads. So wanna know.. go do a search here on this board and you will find the answer... grasshopper. Also please never use Brady Biatch while describing anything I say or do, remember if you can't/won't say something to someones face it probably shouldn't be said. Personal agenda... please explain, and please back it up with factual proof. I think if you read the posts above the one where you jumped the gun you see my point was proven, others here understood.. you should have also? Now on the gutless, yea I got it exactly the way you posted it and reposted it. FWIW there are lots of people that have been disappointed over the years. Over the last 15 years I have called, talked, and met with legislators until I was blue in the face... and honestly like others out there finally threw up my hands and face the fact that until we had a new speaker we were fighting an unwinable battle. This year is the first time we had a real chance in getting what we wanted. You have to realize when you haven't had any pie in 10 years it hard to turn down 3/4 of a whole pie when you know that 1/2 that pie will fill you up. Btw over the years we have gladly taken a mere slice of pie knowing we would get a biggie piece in the next legislative session. So sure I was cautious, but when John thought we could realistically get it all I was all in and good to go. I trust his judgment, no one knows who you are. You forget there were lots of us in this industry that were fighting this fight when you were 11 years old when your only dreams were about your own testicular fortitude. In short I don't know when or where this burr in you saddle toward me has come from. If I have wronged you somehow please PM me so I can make it right. If not please stop the personal attacks so we can put all this behind us and enjoy June 1st.
  5. right you are but the key word there is inadvertently
  6. this should be an interesting evening
  7. I talked to them about this back when I was talking to them about the HCP stuff. I dont think it will go anywhere.
  8. this is actually bigger then most folks think. There are losts of people out there that refuse to get a permit because their names would be on a list available to the media. I hope it passes, and it should.
  9. how many paces apart should they stand???
  10. I think your a little quick to point a finger and call someone a jerk when they are defending a "gutless" comment. My opinion on open carry is just that my opinion and my choice, I dont think that means im a jerk. But I dont think It should be implied Im "gutless" because I dont agree with some guys opinions. Others shouldnt be lumped in with closet anti's er, restriction lovers, or shall we simply say nay-sayers just because they think OCing is a bad idea either. It simply wasnt a fair statement. So honestly I could care less if people oc until it starts effecting me. I never lumped all open carriers into the term "yahoos" thus the reason I said "some". Your post in itself shows you are responsible by waiting a few months before you go into a place with it open. But you have to admit, not everyone is as patient as you. There will be some guys that will strap on a 7.5 in Ruger in a cowboy rig and go up to some bar somewhere and order a coke just because they can. They will do it just for the attention. Thats what I meant as irresponsible. Those of us that have been trying to get these HCP laws changed for years just hate to see an "I told ya so"... right out of the gate. Thats all I meant.
  11. No its called having just a little common sense. Some guys just don't have any. You say you have open carried everywhere... yada, yada, yada... with no problem... yada, yada, yada... But evidence here on this board suggest that not everyone shares your experience. How many posters have started threads talking about "Look what happened to me"... and all the problems consistently related to each of those posters were present because they were open carrying. I don't remember one of those threads being started by some one that was CCing. So its just statistics that say its probably not a good idea. But hey its your right, exercise it how you see fit. I'm just not going to be in a position of being at a tactical disadvantage but thats a whole different thread. When you open carry I wonder how many times some guy thought you were a cop and spit in your food... I'm just saying. All in all nothing should change, gunowners/hcp will frequent the same businesses they always did exercising their human nature of likes and dislikes... now some will be armed. So again nothing should change unless its changed by someone acting in an irresponsible manner.
  12. just speaking the truth, name an incident involving a buisness that we've talked about or thats happened that wasn't initiated by open carrying? Hey to each his/her own, but you have to admit that if there is an issue that arises this will probably be the reason why.
  13. i think nothing will change unless some of the open carry yahoos cause it
  14. another warm and fuzzy feel good law... I think
  15. I still dont see how it would work here in Tn. But hey, its their money...
  16. FYI... There is NO "professional liability policies" that will cover a student or citizen in the state of Tennessee in a case where a handgun is used in self defense or defense of a third party. The use of such handgun would be an intentional act and Insurance doesnt cover an intentional act in this state. Just an FYI...
  17. lol... more true then you realize


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