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Everything posted by GLOCKMEISTER
Phils a good guy... but we can beat his prices and have the guns in stock too.
1/24/2010 BATFE announcement (shotguns)
GLOCKMEISTER replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
so far just a rumor... but I am hearing its really got legs. However its kinda like the ol Coke/Coke Classic marketing back in the 70's... it could just be a rumor started by the Mfg... if you bann it everyone will want it kinda thing.. thus sales go thru the roof. -
Procedure for getting duplicate HCP
GLOCKMEISTER replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
we tell every class we have to go ahead and make application for the Duplicate when they file for their 1st one... that way they have it. I think everyone should. -
Does my HCP allow me to still carry it?
GLOCKMEISTER replied to Hippy's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
actually... yep there was a kid arrested and charged in Sumner County for this exact same thing, same gun... same forward grip and all... My gunsmith Sam had to testify in court about it as an instructor, dealer, and gunsmith. It got thrrewn out because the officer didnt have reason for the stop. -
Does my HCP allow me to still carry it?
GLOCKMEISTER replied to Hippy's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
theres no AG opinion on this, but you are 100% correct. FWIW... this sounds like a Kwik situation -
Sorry for the misinformation but we have lots of "wanna be's" in this industry and this is a prime example where some of the "Instructors".. dont know what the hell they are talking about, and if wrong about this... what else did they screw the pooch on?
How about giving me a call in the morning, I bet I can sell you a civilian gun close to what you will pay for a blue label. This way you wont be tied to it thru your Govt. Agency! I even have a used Green 34 in stock.
What is your thoughs on the new Smith &Wesson bodyguard .380
GLOCKMEISTER replied to a topic in Handguns
i dont like them, we have already sent 4 back to Smith with issues. I wont stock guns that give us that type of warranty issues. Id go LCP with a CT laser if ya gotta have the little red dot to hit your target. -
Tennessee Patriot alert on house speaker
GLOCKMEISTER replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
my feeling this morning is were screwed, I think the Dems will all fall in line like last year and every single one will vots for Harwell. The repubs will split the vote between Harwell and Casada... thus at best it will be close but we probably end up with Harwell. What im hearing more and more and im shareing with you is 2nd amendment bills will take a back burner this year, no one wants to talk about them anymore. So I think were dead in the water on most issues anyway. I hope im wrong but thats the way im seeing it. -
guys this gun has been around since the late 40's and when you saturate the market with a product you are going to have a few bad apples. Have we seen this problem since we've been in business, yes but only one,and it was used before we got it, is it an easy fix.. again yes. My opinion is the safety is safe until you start monkeying with it. If im grabbing a bolt rifle to go out and kill game of hunt bad people the 700 would be one of my 1st choices.
Not looking too good for Doug Jackson tonight...
GLOCKMEISTER replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
yep my point exactly, there will be several people suprised when they go into session and we see the true colors of some of the new legislative body. But hey, this is really all on Doug, he got relaxed and thought he was untouchable. Hell I was told he even went on a hunting trip out of town last week. So he didnt campaign at all.... whats sad is the other guy didnt either, and he woke up the next day and said... "Damned I freaking WON???" -
I know and agree 100%, he probably won because he was so 2nd friendly, but my point was the 2nd amendment lobby didnt help him... nor Sen. Jackson. Kinda got some folks scrathing their heads. Honestly no one including myself thought these races would even be close, nor did we think any of them needed help... so thats on myself as much as anyone. What im seeing is there were a large amount of people that just voted Republican right down the ticket... Satan himself could have won some of those races if he had a "R" next to his name. People were just so frustrated they didnt care.
HEY WELCOME TO THE BOARD.... My point is it drew attention to a "gun" issue when everyone else is worried about everything else. Ex: Jobs/Economy/Taxes/Pre k... Guns were never an issue in hte Gov. race, Haslem always had a huge lead and he maintained it to the end. Eveyone with any sense seen through the comments that Haslem made. What everyone needs to understand, the "Gun billls" are only important to us gun folks. The public and the legislative body are sick of dealing with them because we crammed 15 years of bills into two sessions. They go back and start flying the "gun" flag and the public will likely think there more important things needed on their plates.
anyone but Harwell... imho I wouldnt get ready to think any pro gun bills are automatic just because the GOP has total control. No matter who the speaker is. Another problem is whos going to carry these bills now? Does anyone remeber who sponsored 3141, it was a close friend of mine thats a Dem and he found himself in a heated race where he barely won. There were lots of Very Pro 2nd amendment Democrats that carried bills like this in the past that got hammered or beaten. There were also several that won but barely, and honestly are kinda miffed they didnt get any help from the NRA/TFA. Seeing as we had all this negative media attention with Haslems comments about guns there are going to be more legislative members weary of going out on a limb and sponsoring any gun legislation when the public is demanding something being done about our states economy and jobs. Time will tell.
back to the point at hand. I wouldnt get ready to think any pro gun bills are automatic just because the GOP has total control. Get a anti Speaker and were totally dead in the water in committees and in getting bills to the floor... just like Naife. Another problem is whos going to carry these bills now? Does anyone remeber who sponsored 3141, it was a close friend of mine thats a Dem and he found himself in a heated race where he barely won. There were lots of Very Pro 2nd amendment Democrats that carried bills like this in the past that got hammered or beaten. There were also several that won but barely, and honestly are kinda miffed they didnt get any help from the NRA/TFA. Seeing as we had all this negative media attention with Haslems comments about guns there are going to be more legislative members weary of going out on a limb and sponsoring any gun legislation when the public is demanding something being done about our states economy and jobs. Time will tell.
Not looking too good for Doug Jackson tonight...
GLOCKMEISTER replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
i hope most of you realize that Dems carried as many or more pro gun bills in the past few sessions as Repubs did... and we lost several of them last night. I dont see an all that bright a silver lining for the 2nd ammendment as some do, im actually a little worried about getting sponsors this next term. -
Not looking too good for Doug Jackson tonight...
GLOCKMEISTER replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
The D next to his name killed him. Well see how it all works out in the end for 2nd amendment supporters. -
WANT THE GOOD AND BAD PLEASE READ THE WHOLE THING!!!!!!!!!! Heres my 2 cents for what its worth. In the long run i'd prefer buyers just coming in and checking out what we have in stock or letting us get what they need. We guarantee and warranty everything we sell. I think we have competitive prices, and actually will beat any other area brick and mortar store. I strive too have courteous customer service and a staff thats knowledgeable. Im a little guy thats been here almost 20 years. I have seen bigger larger stores come and go. So far im blessed I have survived so long. Im totally convinced that if the public continues to turn their backs on small buissiness and the mom and pop places they will be like the dinosaurs in the not too distant future. So im all about putting money back into the community where you live, work, and vote. Because if you dont what will happen then? We do transfers for $25 plus the tics which makes it $35 total. Were glad and very happy to do them because we sell tons of stuff on the net ourselves. Including in that service is faxing/emailing our FFL to your dealer and making sure he gets it. All we ask is you stay in contact with us and the seller and prefer you get a tracking number from them so you know when the gun arrives. We dont open the packaging until your here to pick it up, that way it insures in your mind we didnt ... scratch, drop, or swap your gun. You can only imagine some of the guns we have gotten in and their conditions. We see tons of transfers. Most of them run smooth as silk, however we have seen our share of issue as well. One in particular involved the gun being stolen when we ran the tics check, then the customer was completely "out" of pocket and had to sue the seller to recoup his funds. That took over a year after it was all said and done and had several Govt agencys involved including ATF. The latest involves one were dealing with now. Customer ordered the gun, we faxed our FFL and the package came in, we opened it in front of the customer, and low and behold they shipped him the wrong gun... and it was a complete piece of ****. They sent his gun to a dealer in Alaska. Right now were going into the 4th week and were trying to help the customer all we can but our hands are just about tied. We shipped the gun that was shipped to us back, but still haven't seen his gun yet. To make matters worse I have about $15 in phone charges involved into talking to dealers in Ohio and Alaska now for the past month. So in this particular instance its been a nightmare. Btw, the original difference in cost of this seller buying the gun online vs from us was $23.... so ask yourself, is it worth it?
5th district - Cooper vs. Hall: Thoughts?
GLOCKMEISTER replied to shortround's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
if anyone wants to know how we feel about it down at Goodlettsville Gun Shop come by our store and check out the giant David Hall for Congress sign we have out front. Davids a great guy and would be a great improvement over Cooper. Vote Hall -
Guys you need to run those guns a little bit to "break them in".... then swap mags and try a box of better ammo.... I think that will do the trick.
Bill Haslam at TFA meeting last night
GLOCKMEISTER replied to 1gewehr's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
yea, they dont realize he's single handedly give nthe right to carry in this state a very black eye and bloodied nose. On the right to carry, I support everyones God given right to carry a gun to protect themselves. However I dont think the State will pass such a law, they simply make too much money off of it. If money wasnt an issue we wouldnt still be charged $10 TICS fee everytime we buy a gun. On Haslem... I dont care for him nor his big oil ties but hes the best of two evils. Honestly guys hes just Bredesen Lite!!!! -
lol... just saw this thread. We got ours the 1st week they released it. The first class I showed it too had two local Judges in it. They both ripped it to shreads. It wasnt done very well, they spent more time on the BAC then the law, it reminded me of some of those old DARE videos we had to watch back in hte day. ONE THING NO ONE HAS MENTIONED YET.... ITS ALMOST HALF THE TIME OF THE OLD ONE!!!! So this means we have to lecture for another 30 minutes every class!!!! LOL
PRI 's 25-26 September Handgun 2 class....
GLOCKMEISTER replied to frontier737's topic in Training Discussions
you will love the class John and Ron are top notch.