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Everything posted by GLOCKMEISTER

  1. want the super cure... get rid of those copys and buy a Glock...
  2. S&W 340... and if you look on gunbroker for preowned you can get a 340 or 360 for 400-550. The other option since you want 357 would be S&W 60 but its heavier.
  3. the council has went against their legal council John Cooper before.... and Sue Cain's bunch at metro legal aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer. These decisions have cost the city millions in litigation and judgments. What many of you don't know is there are about 6 attorneys on the council... Jerry Maynard is one of them. I'd say if they think they can really do it they will delay the bill and do it later. The only thing that might help us is the "rules" of the council. I think once they have a bill killed or its defeated they cant bring it back up for a year. Their rules may stipulate that it has to be killed after 1st reading or defeated by vote to be official. Id say thats got more to do with them pulling it hen any pressure that we may have caused. I have talked to about 8 of them so far and honestly support is split about in half. 1. We need to concentrate on is if there is a loophole... it doesn't stay open very long. 2. We need to label which council members wernt with us in this and expose them as anti 2nd amendment. So far most of the council at large sponsored this bill except for Tim Garrett... which I know was on our side on this one at least. So put Megan Berry, Jerry Maynard, and Charlie Tygard on your crap lists for sure. They need to be replaced... period.
  4. you guys dont go counting your chickens yet, this and any other possible loophole needs to be closed before they go out of session. Whta the council sayd then does is too different things... they could just be postponing it until the legislature leaves then they can bring it back up. I havent talked to John in a day or two it will be interesting to see what he thinks about the Charlie withddrawing he bill.
  5. sometimes all this is caused by some incompetent at TBI that doesnt do their job correctly. I really believe they just deny some folks just for giggles.... Im ready for us to go to NICS and bypass the TBI all together.
  6. We have had problems with Buds as well the past few months...
  7. true ... very true... I guess its all about ones budget. I had a 642 until I could afford a 340. Both are great choices... But the thing is you can find used 340's in the $450-$500 range... its lighter and tougher and is a 357 magnum that you can also put 38 specials in to shoot on the range. You can definatly tell the difference when carrying it. Its kinda like eating dinner... a few Krystals will hit the spot, but sometimes you just need a steak. So in the end when your protecting yourself you have to ask yourself "whats your life worth"? In that moment I want to launch the biggest fastest chunka whatever at the bad guy.
  8. nope, you didnt understand what I meant by SHHHHUSH..... it meant dont tell them so they can change their sign. Btw, I do refuse to buisness with EVERYONE that post a sign. Thus the reason my wife never gets anything from Jared... she doesnt like it but she understands. I will however go to a sears/jcp's enterance to bypass the mall signs.... but that doesnt count because the merchants I shop with in there arent posting their leased propertys.
  9. yep..... and if you want something lighter and tougher get the 340.
  10. Smith and Wesson 340 or 642 depends on what you want to spend.
  11. in fairness Charlie doesnt have a clue.... he might wind up being on our side of this in the end, so be nice and everone needs to share our opinion with him.
  12. If ANY restaurant post ANY sign showing their attempt to restrict our rights... I will not frequent that business and would suggest to everyone I know not to either. IMHO its like posting a sign saying no bibles allowed... don't speak your opinion... and a sign saying your subject to search and we can take your shiet anytime we want if you come into our business. WHATS THE DIFFERENCE? Its their right to post... its my right to protect my family and friends and chose not to go there.
  13. I aint sayin shiet... if it aint posted I carry, if it is I will leave and send them an email and give them a bad online revue afterwards.
  14. I think Michie's is outdated... Heres the latest one I have... Banning Locations Tennessee law (T.C.A. § 39-17-1359) provides: An individual, corporation, business entity or local, state or federal government entity or agent thereof is authorized to prohibit the possession of weapons by any person otherwise authorized by §§ 39-17-1351 -- 39-17-1360, at meetings conducted by, or on premises owned, operated, or managed or under control of such individual, corporation, business entity or government entity. Notice of such prohibition shall be posted. Posted notices shall be displayed in prominent locations, including all public entrances, shall be in English, and shall be at least six inches (6") high and fourteen inches (14") wide, stating: PURSUANT TO T.C.A. § 39-17-1359, THE OWNER/OPERATOR OF THIS PROPERTY HAS BANNED WEAPONS WITHIN THIS BUILDING OR THIS PORTION OF THIS BUILDING. A VIOLATION OF THIS PROHIBITION IS PUNISHABLE AS A CRIMINAL ACT UNDER STATE LAW AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO A FINE OF NOT MORE THAN $500.
  15. Heres a letter I wrote Randy at the sunset grill... Randy, I just wanted to drop you a line and tell you I have been a loyal customer for years. While I don't frequent your establishment weekly me and my friends do get down there when we can. Your position to exclude legal carry of firearms by law abiding citizens will cause me to never frequent your establishment again. I dont understand your position becasue permit holders cant drink and carry their firearms. If your position were valid, then you wouldnt serve anyone that drove a motor vehicle to your buisness. 37 states allow this type of carry and there have been no problems so far. You can easily use Georgia and Kentucky as examples. Right now I'd rather drive to either of them or your competition rather then give up a right allowed by God, our Constitution and our State Legislature. Thanks You Phillip Arrington
  16. Love the idea and would love to be there... right now its really depending on scheduling.. were teaching every weekend. I cant even get free for the friends of NRA this year. If I have enough notice I can plan my schedule around it.
  17. whats honestly supriseing is the ones we didnt get a response from... and most were in town. Megan Berry and Jerry Maynard are on my shiet list right now.... we need better representation on the council then these two.
  18. All I will say is this... Any place that post any kind of sign, legal or not, will not get a dime of my money and I'll do everything I can to see them no longer in buisness. Period... this has been a long fight for our 2nd amendment rights... and after these latest stunts by metro... Im tired of playing nice.
  19. it basically has to say the same thing... it also has to be 6x14in...
  20. im not getting into the OC/CC debate again. I will say this... Any place that post will not get a dime of my money and I'll do everything I can to see them no longer in buisness. Period... this has been a long fight for our 2nd amendment rights... and after these latest stunts by metro... Im tired of playing nice.
  21. It took me 4 months to get my renewal back. For many years I just went down and would see a friend and get it done, back in a week. But NOOO... this time I had to stop by the DLTS Because I was driving by it in Gallitan and get it renewed... I'll never do that again.
  22. im not so sure yet... I have had plenty of dealings with the council... so I wont believe this is done until either Sen. Jackson kills it at the State level or the motion is withdrawn or killed in 1st reading or by metro legal.
  23. S T A T E O F T E N N E S S E E OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL PO BOX 20207 NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE 37202 June 3, 2009 Opinion No. 09-106 Information Required for the Renewal of a Handgun Carry Permit QUESTION Is a person applying for the renewal of a handgun carry permit required to provide any information or documentation in addition to that required by Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-17- 1351(q)(1)? OPINION No. Under Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-17-1351(q)(1), a person who applies for a renewal of a handgun carry permit is only required to complete a renewal application on a form supplied by the Department of Safety, pay a renewal fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) and certify that the applicant is still eligible to hold a handgun carry permit. The statute does not require an applicant to provide any additional documentation or information. ANALYSIS Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-17-1351(q)(1) sets forth the requirements for the renewal of a handgun carry permit. It provides, in pertinent part: Prior to the expiration of the permit, a permit holder may apply to the department for the renewal of the permit by submitting, under oath, a renewal application with a renewal fee of fifty dollars ($50.00). The renewal application shall be on a standard form developed by the department of safety and shall require the applicant to disclose, under oath, the information concerning the applicant as set forth in subsection ©, and shall require the applicant to certify that the applicant still satisfies all the eligibility requirements of this section for the issuance of the permit. Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-17-1351(q)(1). The primary objective of statutory construction is to ascertain and give effect to the intention of the legislature. Auto Credit of Nashville v. Wimmer, 231 S.W.3d 896 (Tenn. 2007). If a statute is clear and unambiguous, courts will find the intent in the plain and ordinary meaning of its language. Brown v. Erachem Comilog, Inc., 231 S.W.3d 918 (Tenn. 2007). Under rules of statutory construction, the express mention of one subject in a statute means the exclusion of subjects that are not mentioned. State v. Edmondson, 231 S.W.3d 925 (Tenn. 2007). Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-17-1351(q)(1) clearly and unambiguously sets forth the requirements for renewal of a handgun carry permit. Such requirements are completion of a renewal form supplied by the Department of Safety, signing a certification that the applicant is still eligible to hold a handgun carry permit and paying the fifty dollar ($50.00) renewal fee. If the legislature had intended to require any additional documentation, it would have so stated in the express language of the statute. ROBERT E. COOPER, JR. Attorney General and Reporter MICHAEL E. MOORE Solicitor General WILLIAM R. LUNDY, JR. Assistant Attorney General Requested by: The Honorable Doug Jackson State Senator 302 War Memorial Building Nashville, TN 37243


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