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Everything posted by GLOCKMEISTER

  1. like gcrookston said... its a solid $500 gun... thats it. Dont put any money into fixing it up becasue it will never be original and never bring more then $500...
  2. back when they were drawing up the original law there were a lot of people that thought no training should be needed.
  3. Welcome to the board... To answer your question... no they dont... but we are required to as instructors of the state. At least the make and model and caliber. If you remember it was on your certificate. Some of my students want to requalify just for liability purposes. Just because it might make a difference in court one day if your ever involved in a shooting. In no way do you have too. Once you get your HCP you can carry any handgun that your in legal possession of. All that said most of my students elect to just qualify and leave it be, its all up to you.
  4. its not going to be an issue, you can only fit so many people in a court room. If ya wanna get in you better be there plenty early and get in line. You cant be a distraction or the judge will throw you out. This is all for the media, the smart thing to have done would be organize protests outside and have a couple hundred there. But something like that would need great communication and extreme organization for our cause, and we simply dont have it. Legally this should be a no brainer... I dont see that we have a problem unless the AG drops the ball on purpose!
  5. were working on it... it will be next session.
  6. yea, well gee David thanks for jumping to conclusions and taking a comment out of context. I have read you PM.. and I raise you a PM, please read it this time and ....
  7. Paris Landing is the only one I go to becasue I fish alot... I have always carried there becasue of the boat ramp.
  8. it doesnt matter... its legal to carry onto the lake and you have to use the boat ramp to get there per TWRA, USACORPS, and US Coast Guard.
  9. bump for reference!
  10. the letter from the TWRA clears it up pretty much. I'd copy that letter and carry it with me. Thats going to give any officer all kinds of doubt if your stopped. The dam is one thing but I believe the posts earlier refer to "boat launch access areas, campgrounds, even the water itself".... "(4) Incident to lawful hunting, trapping, fishing, camping, sport shooting or other lawful activity;"...... 327.0 Applicability. The regulations covered in this part 327 shall be applicable to water resources development projects, completed or under construction, administered by the Chief of Engineers, and to those portions of jointly administered water resources development projects which are under the administrative jurisdiction of the Chief of Engineers. ALL OTHER FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT WHERE APPLICABLE TO THOSE WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS. AND... 327.26 State and local laws. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this part or by Federal law or regulation, state and local laws and ordinances shall apply on project lands and waters. This includes, but is not limited to, state and local laws and ordinances governing: (1) Operation and use of motor vehicles, vessels, and aircraft; (2) Hunting, fishing and trapping; (3) Use or possession of firearms or other weapons; (4) Civil disobedience and criminal acts; (5) Littering, sanitation and pollution; and (6) Alcohol or other controlled substances. ( These state and local laws and ordinances are enforced by those state and local enforcement agencies established and authorized for that purpose. SEC 327.6 SAY THIS.... 327.26 State and local laws. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this part or by Federal law or regulation, state and local laws and ordinances shall apply on project lands and waters. This includes, but is not limited to, state and local laws and ordinances governing: (1) Operation and use of motor vehicles, vessels, and aircraft; (2) Hunting, fishing and trapping; (3) Use or possession of firearms or other weapons; (4) Civil disobedience and criminal acts; (5) Littering, sanitation and pollution; and (6) Alcohol or other controlled substances State and Local laws apply, and are enforced by State and Local Law Enforcement officers. See... ( These state and local laws and ordinances are enforced by those state and local enforcement agencies established and authorized for that purpose.
  11. I like hte keltecs but I have the LCP now and like it better.
  12. I dont believe thats correct... I believe as long as its a "legal" means of possessing a firearm then you can carry. If you couldnt "carry" then how do the duck hunters get to the water? I think we have addressed this somewhere... and the phrase.... "Notwithstanding any other provision of the law of any State" should apply. There was a thread long ago where we addressed all of this. read the whole thread for a full explanation... http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/handgun-carry-self-defense/8209-carry-tva-lake.html
  13. i'd move to the Mount Juliet area... its got a little of everything now.
  14. I think they dug enough to where they finally found something .... we shall see soon enough.
  15. Well let them know... send a short and sweet to the point letter letting them know that you and about 300,000 others will go somewhere else.
  16. the lifetime licenses are the best thing going... IMHO!
  17. Yea I'd be suprised if he gets his money back... or a holster. Theres lots of fly by nights that jumped into our industry this year. Most of them on the web. What they didnt realize is most companys are going to send product to buisnesses like mine that have been doing buisness with them for 15-20 years before a new guy.
  18. right now we have plenty of 380.... FYI
  19. thus the reason you buy locally... keep your money here in Tennessee!


    its the last part that gets ya.... "that none of such convictions has occurred within five (5) years from the date of application or renewal"
  21. either a revolver of a used Sig Sauer p9 in 9mm.... great gun at a great price!
  22. thanks John for a ll your help.... we know your the true voice behind the 2nd amendment in Tennessee.


    nope its 2 in ten years... 1 in 5 years. Even if you have a HCP you get a DUI you lose it immediatly. You have to be 5 years and 1 day from your last DUI conviction.


    hate to disappoint you but unless somethings changed very recently your going to have to wait another 2 years before you can get your HCP... The law clearly says you cant have a conviction within he last 5 years. Sorry. You can call the States HCP office if you like .... 615-251-8590 Btw, welcome to the board, when you get ready for a permit give us a call we have been teaching the class here in Tn longer then anyone.
  25. i'd ask the owners... Most gun store that have a "no loaded guns" is due to repairs and trade in being handed across the counter loaded... they shouldnt mind you carrying with a HCP. If they do they have a larger problem that needs to be addressed!!!!


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