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Everything posted by GLOCKMEISTER

  1. asking only makes them think about it...
  2. but his opinion is wrong... I 'd like to see the 80% of places that are going to post!!! He's lieing out his azz, period. I'd love to make an example out of him on this issue... and cost him lots of $$$$!!!!
  3. honestly I'd rather have the Hi point... at least ya know what your getting. Getting an M&P is like a "box of Chocolets"...
  4. Its so confusing ... honestly I'd check out the entrance of the park and see if its properly posted. If so, then no.. if its not then carry... but I'd keep it concealed.
  5. This is a similar piece, but I thought it needed a different place. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2009/07/17/am.muller.truck.ak47.cnn Its hilarious, he let the CNN girl have it!
  6. all the dept would have to do is say they use the range on a daily basis and it would be a no go. Kinda like Metro... they use it everyday.
  7. most of us all knew it was what I call a "warm and fuzzy law"... at least right now.
  8. yea, guns isnt the way to make a case for the 10th ammendment!
  9. from what I have heard this morning from several sources they voted to allow carry and uphold the current law. So as far as I know you can carry in a White House park.
  10. So much for your "freedom act"... ATF has chimmed in already.
  11. Rip's a great guy... he is progun and pro HCP. We simply disagree on this issue. But this is something he has to do. The city of Goodlettsville is chimming in big time because of Moss Wright park. No one is really bending his ear any other way. So he's doing what his district is telling him they want. I dont see him changing his mind. Keep in mind Rip was one that was on our side in the resturants issue.
  12. if your in Tn you can call the state and get all his wartime information.
  13. so he was a POW held by the Japs... wow, theres a whole bunch that didnt survive!
  14. but heres the problem... people simply wont take time to do it. I have been involved in this industry and taking part in campaigns like this for 19 years. Very few will take time to go out of their way to be proactive. Even to send an email. I mean we cant even get anyone to attend the "council" meetings in all these cities in force. The ones that do go dont have a clue as to how to really attack the situation properly. Like I said before this industry as a whole lacks communications abroad. Until we fix that most of us will be pissing in the wind. Its sad but true. Back to the issue at hand. I thought about this "card" thing a few months back and sent David information on some card/flyer layouts. I thought it would be a good idea because it seemed to be working in all the other states. Everyone else was doing it for a reason. I never heard back from David about it so I decided to do something on my own. We experienced these same problems back in 94... it seemed everyone was "posting".. it took some time but after a while many of those signs came down. But we mailed allot of letters and made lots of phone calls. I expect to see more of the same thing about this issue. Cards, flyers, emails... whatever else we do will certainly not hurt. Remember... doing it is one thing... talking about doing is another!
  15. im starting to wonder if Steve knew he co signed for that truck... he might have just been with her when she bought it and she might have doen some monkey buisness with his signiture. She told her family he gave it to her as a birthday present... seems she was living in her own little world.
  16. i hope your jokeing...
  17. welcome to the dark side...
  18. yes rape is in the bodily harm/death category
  19. Well if I needed one here in Nashville I'd use John in a heart beat. But since you live in Memphis theres non better for you then Patrick Stegall. Pat's a vendor and was a moderator here on the board too. He should be able to fix you right up. http://www.stegall-law.com http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/stegall-law-office/21264-welcome-introduction.html
  20. guys lets be real... Steve had guns she could have borrowed. She was selling just about everything she had on craigslist because she was tight on money and it was going to get tighter. I dont see her going out and spending the money on a gun unless she planned on useing it.
  21. no compromise... period!
  22. theres nothing to "work out".... its the law!
  23. chiefs are appointed... councilmen are elected... please everyone remember that come next election!


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